View Full Version : Visual basic binary converter

Sep 22, 2007, 07:36 PM
I need to create a converter from decimal to binary but the way it works it is not the normal way, if for example I enter the number 80, I do not want to have this number in binary (1010000) but I want to have 8 in binary and then add the 0 in binary to it, which will be 100000000. Then I will need to separate this number in groups of 4 (10000 0000) and compare the first 3 numbers of each generated number to a certain pattern to see if it is correct or not. The number entered can be any size and any decimal number. For the first part I wrote this code but it does not work:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim num As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim numero

num = Text1.Text
I = 1
Do While I <= Len(num)
numero = Mid(num, I, 1)
Label1.Caption = LongToBin(numero)
I = I + 1
End Sub

Function LongToBin(ByVal bin_num As Long) As String
Dim text As String
Dim I As Integer

Do While bin_num >= 1
If bin_num Mod 2 = 1 Then
text = "1" & text
text = "0" & text
End If
bin_num = bin_num \ 2
LongToBin = text
If bin_num = 0 Then
text = text + "0000"
End If
End Function
Can someone help me with this please?
Thanks a lot

Oct 11, 2007, 07:13 AM
Just to make sure I have this right, you want to take a number, 623 for example, and convert each digit to binary rather than the number as a whole. So for our example 623 you would have 0110 0010 0011.

You'll have to forgive me because my VB is very rusty, I just hacked this out in Java.

//Declare an array of integers 8,4,2,1 as a constant
//In VB it's something like: Dim pows as Integer() = new Integer() {8,4,2,1}
private static final int pows[] = {8,4,2,1};

//function to convert the string to binary.
//The VB code for this would be: Function intToBin(ByVal strNum As String) As String
private static final String intToBin(String strNum) {
String retVal = "";
int binNum=0;

//Convert the string to an integer, if an error occurs return binary 0's
//You would have to use an onError to accomplish this functionality in VB.
try {
}catch(Exception e) {
return "0000";

//convert the number to binary
//loop over the array we created...
//In vb this is just a for/next loop
//for r=0 to uBound(pows)-1
for(int r=0;r=pows[r]) {
retVal += "1";
} else {

//return the value to the calling routine.
//for VB: intToBin = retVal
return retVal;

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.

Oct 23, 2007, 02:16 PM
I need to create a converter from decimal to binary but the way it works it is not the normal way, if for example I enter the number 80, i do not want to have this number in binary (1010000) but I want to have 8 in binary and then add the 0 in binary to it, which will be 100000000. Then I will need to separate this number in groups of 4 (10000 0000) and compare the first 3 numbers of each generated number to a certain pattern to see if it is correct or not. The number entered can be any size and any decimal number. For the first part I wrote this code but it does not work:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim num As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim numero

num = Text1.Text
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(num)
numero = Mid(num, i, 1)
Label1.Caption = LongToBin(numero)
i = i + 1
End Sub

Function LongToBin(ByVal bin_num As Long) As String
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Integer

Do While bin_num >= 1
If bin_num Mod 2 = 1 Then
txt = "1" & txt
txt = "0" & txt
End If
bin_num = bin_num \ 2
LongToBin = txt
If bin_num = 0 Then
txt = txt + "0000"
End If
End Function
Can someone help me with this please?
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much for the answer