View Full Version : Mouth and Tongue Numbness

Sep 21, 2007, 09:00 AM
Over the past several weeks (approx. 3) I have been experiencing a significant amount of numbness in my mouth and tongue. It causes me to want to lick the inside of my lips which also causes irritation. Also, I have had a moderate amount of numbness in my fingertips. I was taking Topomax for headaches, however, when this started, I stopped. But the numbness continued. I had also started taking Coconut Oil Pills (herbal) and Apple Cider pills as well. I have since stopped those. Currently I am on no medications at all. Help... :cool:

Sep 21, 2007, 01:24 PM
Sometimes it takes a while for the side effects of meds/herbal products to go away. It can take up to a month or so to get them out of your system. (If the numbness was caused by them) I would go to the doctor and ask his/her opinion. I had recurring numbness in my fingers and toes. In my case it was due to poor circulation due to smoking. I gave up smoking(finally!) and started jogging and the numbness went away. If you already exercise, a physical is in order. You are probably OK, but get it checked out just in case. Could you have burned the inside of your mouth with something hot? I once had numbness for 2 weeks because I fried the inside of my mouth with a hot cup of coffee. If its still a problem in a couple of weeks, go to the doctor. Hope this helps!

Sep 27, 2007, 05:33 PM
Over the past several weeks (approx. 3) I have been experiencing a significant amount of numbness in my mouth and tongue. It causes me to want to lick the inside of my lips which also causes irritation. Also, I have had a moderate amount of numbness in my fingertips. I was taking Topomax for headaches, however, when this started, I stopped. But the numbness continued. I had also started taking Coconut Oil Pills (herbal) and Apple Cider pills as well. I have since stopped those. Currently I am on no medications at all. Help....:cool:
I know it might sound strange but are you stressed right now?

Could you be having panic attacks?

I ask because often when you are having a panic attack your lips and tongue will become numb because of lack of oxygen or maybe it is too much carbon dioxide either way it is pretty common with a panic attack.