View Full Version : Stretch marks RUIN my life

Sep 10, 2007, 03:04 PM
I am 18, and have never allowed myself to be in a relationship because of my hidious stretch marks. I have oodles of them on my breasts, hips and thighs!
Without sounding bigheaded many lads say they are attracted to me, and I really want a boyfriend, but my lack of confidence overrides its all and I just never allow myself to be with anyone all because of my stretch marks.
Recently I have met this lad. I'm hoping to get to know him better, but deep down I feel there is a barrier because I'm acting shy and unconfident but really its all because of my stretch marks. I just fear that when he or any lad finds them they will run a mile, and then tell people to keep away from me because I'm dirty and discusting and then I would never stand a chance with any lad. I think the reason I'm scared this time is because this lad is literally PERFECT he is a model and although I may have a pretty face and a nice figure etc I'm not pretty underneath that and I'm scared to make progress.
Please help me deal with it, its ruining my life. I have had major depression over it, and my friends just say I bet they are hardly noticeable but they really are. I will never be able to have a cleavage or where hot pants. I feel like they have destroyed my life, as I honestly can never see me with anyone because I'm not brave enough to tell or show them to a lad! Please help me please

Sep 10, 2007, 05:38 PM
Sweetie, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. A lot of people have this problem. Stretch marks are permanent. The only effective way to remove stretch marks is laser surgery. This removes damaged skin tissue and repairs the skin. However, you can make your stretch marks look softer and less noticeable by using products that contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, vitamin E & A, and lanolin.

Sep 11, 2007, 02:40 AM
I'm sorry I forgot my password. Thanks for your help. I have tried creams. Its more the idea of being involved in a lad and how they feel about them and whether they would run a mile at the sight of them?

Sep 11, 2007, 03:36 AM
There's products out there that you can use.. Hunni ni have scars all over my body arms legs chest face and I didn't have much confidence use to hide my face thinking people where always looking at them I startd going hypno and it helped you are who you are.. everyone has flaws that they hate and feel low with its part of life. I use bio-oil on my scars and its really helped it takes a while for it to work but it dus the job.. Strech marks are a part of life I have them on my chest woman get them when they have children men even have them. If a boy can't see past your insecurites then he isn't the one I have a boyfriend and I use to hate him seeing my scars but he loves me and he loves them because there part of me. I hope you feel better people don't see them it'll be someone you let get close to you and if they love you then they won't care what your body looks like trust me hunni.. I've been there. You are who you are and don't forget that if people don't accept them tell them pea off.. lol I hope it helped and remember to get bio-oil.. xxx

Sep 11, 2007, 03:38 AM
i am 18, and have never allowed myself to be in a relationship because of my hidious stretch marks. i have oodles of them on my breasts, hips and thighs!
without sounding bigheaded many lads say they are attracted to me, and i really want a boyfriend, but my lack of confidence overrides its all and i just never allow myself to be with anyone all because of my stretch marks.
recently i have met this lad. im hoping to get to know him better, but deep down i feel there is a barrier because im acting shy and unconfident but really its all because of my stretch marks. i just fear that when he or any lad finds them they will run a mile, and then tell people to keep away from me because im dirty and discusting and then i would never stand a chance with any lad. i think the reason im scared this time is because this lad is literally PERFECT he is a model and although i may have a pretty face and a nice figure etc im not pretty underneath that and im scared to make progress.
please help me deal with it, its ruining my life. i have had major depression over it, and my friends just say i bet they are hardly noticeable but they really are. i will never be able to have a cleavage or where hot pants. i feel like they have destroyed my life, as i honestly can never see me with anyone because im not brave enough to tell or show them to a lad! please help me please
God made you and he fashioned your body the way it is today the marks on your body are a mark of ownership that you belong to God every time you see them they will remind you that you belong to God and he knows more about your life than you I suggest you thank him for the faults in your body and accept them as being a mark of ownership from him

Feb 22, 2008, 04:19 PM
I feel your pain. I had three kids starting when I was 20. I was married for 14 years... so I didn't worry about them. Then I got divorced. I am thin and have a great body with clothes on. But, I don't want anyone to see me without them. I have dated several guys since... only one guy has ever said anything at all and it wasn't mean. I know that it's my insecurity. Just keep the lights low ;).

I think that I am going to get the laser surgery in a couple of months. Anyone have any success with it? Keep in mind my stretchmarks are 19 years old.

Mar 1, 2008, 09:34 AM
I use to have the same problem, the difference is that I got stretch marks from having 2 children. The man I am with now is not the father of my kids but loves them like they are, and loves me as well. I was shy and mostly embarrassed by the way I looked but because he loved me, he could care less about my stretch marks or any other flaw I have. He loves me for me, and if this guy is REALLY into you he won't care. Don't stress over it. Everyone is gorgeous!

Mar 1, 2008, 07:24 PM
I totally know how you feel but (this is going to sounds super soppy) you only have one life to live so you shoudn't let some stretch marks hold you back :D any boy who can't see your inner-beauty is overrated honey! Now go get you a man! ;)

Mar 7, 2008, 07:46 PM
Hi, I actually feel the same way. I had twins one came out 7lbs. 6oz. The other 7lbs.2oz.
From that My whole stomach is just one big strech mark! I hate them my stomach looks as if some one balled it up. As long as I have on clothes I look great! So I know how you feel. It's easy for other people to say don't worry about it. Honestly you have to get someone that really loves you, and can see past the outer beauty! If someone just wants you for looks, how can they want to grow old wit you.

Mar 31, 2008, 04:19 PM
I know exactly how you feel. I am 18 and I have had stretch marks since I was 12. I have them on my breasts, hips, and really deep ones all over my butt and thighs. Last summer I noticed that I am getting them on my calves. I thought that it was just me and that has kept me from having a boyfriend too. A few days ago I found out that my best friend of 8 years likes me and I want so badly to be with him but I have seen some of the other girls that he likes, and with my clothes on, I can look like one of them, but without any clothes, it's a whole different story.

I'm too embarrassed to tell my mom. She saw the ones on my calves last summer at the water park (I wear really long boy swimshorts and a t-shirt) and she thought that it was so bad! Like they looked bad or something... I want to ask her if I can borrow money to do the laser thing, but I just can't even imagine having to take my clothes off in front of a doctor who would do the treatment!

Jun 26, 2009, 03:22 PM
Same here....Its so naff.I feel so ruined .Many guys ask me out too but i am always scared and finally when i got a guy this fear made me leave him.But what can i do?..Tell him!No i can't and i feel so helpless.
Wat if everyone came to know n they will say nasty things about me.A girl at 17 with stretch marks!.I left him just cos i was felt i am ruining his life....

Jun 26, 2009, 03:23 PM
Same here....Its so naff.I feel so ruined .Many guys ask me out too but i am always scared and finally when i got a guy this fear made me leave him.But what can i do?..Tell him!No i can't and i feel so helpless.
Wat if everyone came to know n they will say nasty things about me.A girl at 17 with stretch marks!.I left him just cos i felt i am ruining his life.... :(:(

Jul 23, 2009, 10:30 AM
Ohh, hun, I have them on my thighs, so I know how Self-concious you are with yours. But I've grown past it. I mean, if you don't like it, then don't look at me right? Well that's my motto. &&& this isn't a rehearsal at life, you only have one. So you got to live, go after him if you want him. Maybe you could like, bring it up in conversation, like, ohh want to know something weird, and be like, I know this girl that has stretch marks ( the ones you got, in the same place.) and ask him what he thinks of them, and see if it would change his perspective of that person if he knew them, if he says they're gross, or something like that, you know he's not the one.

Jul 24, 2009, 11:27 AM
I feel just the same way. You should check out Cosmetyn, I am going to buy that. It's a product that can be bought online, but be careful and read all the terms and stuff like that first. Because it says it is free trial, but they charge you for the real money after a month. Be careful. But if you really want them gone, I suggest you give it a try. You don't have nothing to loose, except money though... I've talked to some people that have tried it, and it worked for them. I'd love to hear from you, if you choose to check it out!

Aug 11, 2009, 11:49 PM
I just came across this blog and... I have the same problem as you... I'm petrified... I've been with my boyfriend for about 4 months and he hasn't seen any of my marks 'cause I'm always covering myself in nicely fashionable clothing... lucky you only have them in those areas... I have them everywhere... literally... starting from my shoulders, arms, the back of my arms, chest, stomach, thighs, hips, butt, all the way to the back of my knee... and the bad thing is that it kills me knowing he could be with a gorgeous young girl that has no stretch marks... because he's gorgeous himself... ugh... I don't know if I should let go or not... what should I do?. stretch marks are so depressing... I hate them!! =//... bad thing is they are from genetics... =[[[

Aug 14, 2009, 08:57 PM
What kind of stretch marks are they? Are they red stripe-like or are they the white streaky ones that seem almost like a thin line of indentation? Sorry prob bad description! Best I could do! :)

Although it's bad for you, most people do it anyway, you could try tanning. My Sister -in-Law had reddish stretchmarks and hers are almost completely unnoticeable since she's been tanning. It's a decision you'd have to weigh heavily because of the dangers of tanning. You could at least try it for a month or so, which probably won't hurt you, and if it seems to be working them maybe you've found a solution. Or, go a totally safe route and try a spray tan, do the professional kind! Those home kits are just terrible, really. You go in a booth and either a person sprays you or there are some places that have automated sprayers. The professional ones can last much longer than the home use ones too.

If you go to a tanning salon, don't be embarrassed. You get a private room, no one will see you.

If you want to wear shorty-shorts, could you wear fishnet tights or nude tights with the shorts? The fishnet look is hot right now, you'd look great!

For cleavage, try the tanning if you want, and use a bronzer on your clevage (make-up that brushes on and gives a "glow") and sprinkle on a bit of body glitter. Trust me, it'll be hottt!

It's sad that some people are so cruel that you feel so ashamed of your body. Everyone has faults, everyone. So the girl who has a mustache makes fun of the girl who has cellulite to make herself feel better, it's ridiculous. You need to just accept yourself and love yourself. I've never even seen you but from reading your posts I think you are a beautiful, nice, smart girl. I pray that you find a way to get over your insecurities, because you need to free yourself from the shell you've put yourself in. You are YOU, people like you, you're cool, guys ask you out, you've got it going on!

I totally understand hating a part of your body, I really think everyone hates something about themselves. I hate my belly button, it's droopy. I get random chin hairs?! I have NO toenail on both of my baby toes! But, hey, I still wear flip flops. I hated my breasts after breastfeeding, and I got implants. I am exstatic about them still after 3 years. So I know the feeling of hating a body part and I know the joy of getting it fixed, that's why I gave you those tips. I really hope they help you and give you a boost of confidence, although you should be confident anyway because we all think you're a cool chick!

Read up a bit on the dangers of tanning or talk to your Dr if you're nervous about tanning beds. But don't forget, there's always the spray tans. Bronzer and glitter... oooooh, sexy!

Good luck, chica!

Oct 14, 2009, 06:15 PM
Girl, I know exactly hw you feel. When I was 18, I had a smokin hot bod, then 2 years later and 2 kids later my belly resembles something from a 60y.o. lady lol no bull. I'm now 24 and even thou I can't wear certain things DOES NOT MEAN that I can't be trendy, attractive and stylish !

Get to your salon and get a fake tan. Go deep. You'll be surprised what a good fake tan can do to your skin. I swear. Good luck hun, don't forget YOU ARE A PHENOMENOL WOMAN! Don't LET ANY MAN TELL U DIFFERENTLY!

Oct 14, 2009, 06:22 PM

:(:(:( THAT IS SO SAD!!

See how society brainwashes everything! People thinking hideous views of ones self leads to a dangerous cocktail mix of depression, insecurity, anxiety, paranoia, bullimia and even (gasp) suicide.

Oct 15, 2009, 07:58 AM
The real issue here is self esteem & body image, not stretch marks!

Hun, most women have stretch marks! I have TONS... but who cares! It's a part of life and part of being a woman. A woman that is attractive but doesn't see it for herself.

I hope you can find someone to help you boost your confidence. From the reaction lads give you, you are obviously a person they like and admire. Relax and enjoy! Their bodies are going to be far from perfect, I assure you.

Nov 29, 2009, 02:20 PM
Hey everyone I'm a 20 year old male and ever since I was 12-13 years old my back started getting all chopped up its not normal stretch marks they are super deep and go from left side to right side is it from my body going to fast I am only 165lb 6 feet tall. They don't bug me but the only thing that every day I come home from work its like someone is pulling on each side on my back stretching it farther. Anything that will get the deep ones out they go a few inchs away from my neck down just below my belt line help please.

Feb 2, 2010, 07:16 PM
Trust me, I've been there! I'm 18 and I've had stretch marks since.. I was about 11? It started on my breasts.. then from being an athlete and gaining a lot of muscle I noticed A LOT on my butt and hips :C
Then last year I got them on the back of my knees and thighs. I was like what the heck? WHEN WILL THIS END?
Apparently, never. I have always been so self conscious and depressed because of them.. I always ware jeans and avoid the sun light, especially in the front seat of the car [idk why they're super deep looking in there] & I avoid walking by windows. The sun light defines the lines even more :/

Anyway since I have always felt ugly I've avoided having boyfriends, but by chance I finally allowed myself to have one and it turns out he looooves me and my marks.

Although his love doesn't give me confidence to ware skirts or shorts, it's a step up from how I felt before.
Give a caring boy the time of day, he may surprise you!

Feb 14, 2011, 10:20 AM
vicks vapour rub, rubbed in twice daily. Try it. I was literally covered in deep, deep marks after the birth of my little girl - now 5. The Doctor winced when I showed him. I tried everything, spent a fortune, got so depressed about my stretch-marks I thought I would never have the confidence to be in a relationship again.But this really does something to improve them. Yes it stinks, and it does burn a little at first - but worth it.

Apr 18, 2011, 07:35 AM
I know how you feel I'm 13 and have strech marks on my hips, inner thighs and upper arms, I worry about that type of thing also and I'm suffering depression because of them for I know no-one my age with them. I hate them so if anyone has any suggestiions to get rid of them because I'm sick of feeling ugly