View Full Version : Hamster babies

Aug 26, 2007, 04:36 PM
My friends hamster just died and we need to know what to do with the babies, or how to keep them alive. How did it die? Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Aug 28, 2007, 11:34 AM
Bedding - This has probably been said before but... NEVER, EVER use pine or cedar bedding for ANY small animal - it causes respiratory problems and can kill. I recommend using Aspen or Carefresh; they work very well and aren't lethal.

Cotton bedding - Do not buy cotton bedding! Since cotton will not dissolve in water, when the hamster chews on it, it may get stuck in his throat and he may suffocate to death. Some pet stores still sell this bedding, so be careful.
Step Two
When you bring home your hamster and supplies (listed under 'What you need'), place the cage in a location away from drafts, out of direct sunlight and where you will frequently visit your hamster.
Step Three
Cover the cage floor with a 2 inch layer of bedding. Pine wood shavings are best, because they are absorbent and nontoxic.
Step Four
Keep a filled, clean water bottle attached to the cage at a height where the spout is reachable by the hamster, but doesn't touch and foul the bedding. Wash and refill daily.
Step Five
Provide plenty of chew toys. Hamsters love the cardboard tubes found inside rolls of toilet paper and paper towels. Attach hamster wood chews to the side of the cage.
Step Six
Make a box for your hamster to sleep in. Cut a 2-inch doorway into a small, closed cardboard box. Place the box in a far corner of the cage. The hamster will fill the box with bedding and chewed-up pieces of cardboard from the toilet paper tubes and will use the box as a bedroom. He will not urinate in the box, so you can use it for many months before replacing it.
Step Seven
Feed your hamster a commercially prepared hamster-food mix once or twice a day. Supply a small amount of fresh fruits and vegetables year-round. When you introduce new foods, initially feed small portions so his system can get used to them.
Step Eight
Exercise your hamster by putting an exercise wheel in his cage. Let him exercise outside his cage inside a specially designed plastic hamster ball, available at pet stores. Close the doors to your bedroom, take him out of his cage, and let him run around in the hamster ball.
Step Nine
Wash your hamster's cage at least once a week. Remove the hamster to a safe location and dip the cage in water that has a few drops of household disinfectant added to it. Wipe out any debris, dry the inside and add clean bedding before replacing the hamster.
Step Ten
Remove any uneaten fruits and vegetables after two days. Fresh foods that turn moldy can make your hamster sick.
Step Eleven
Don't bathe your hamster. Hamsters clean themselves. If you think your hamster smells bad, the odor is probably coming from dirty bedding. Clean the hamster cage more often.
Step Twelve
Take your hamster with you or find someone to take care of him if you are going on vacation for more than three days.
Tips & Warnings
Choose a young hamster not only for cuteness, but for sociability. Choose a hamster that relaxes in your hand, washes himself and seems plump, bright-eyed, alert and curious about you. Choose only one hamster.
Hamsters are active at night. The best time to clean the cage or exercise your hamster is in the evening or morning, rather than at midday when hamsters prefer to rest undisturbed.
Tame your young hamster by handling daily and rewarding calm behavior with vegetable treats.
If your hamster's wheel is keeping you up at night, remove the wheel at bedtime, and replace when you wake up.
Introduce your hamster to people and situations gently; a scared hamster can give a painful bite.
When you put your hamster in a plastic exercise ball, keep the ball away from stairs. A fall downstairs can result in serious injury.
When choosing a place for your hamster cage, make it out of reach of other household pets who may be a threat to your hamster.
Keep hamster bedding warm and dry--moisture can cause fatal infections.
Do not give in to temptation and buy two hamsters to live together--even if they are littermates they will either breed immediately (and you'll have twenty hamsters) or fight, often to the death.
Hope these help...

Aug 28, 2007, 12:15 PM
12 step program for hamsters? Who knew?

Aug 28, 2007, 12:37 PM
12 step program for hamsters? Who knew?

:D... thats a good one, I didn't notice that till you mentioned.