View Full Version : Piercing sight swollen to the size of a barbie tennis ball

Aug 24, 2007, 01:19 PM
Well, it goes like this, I love the looks of piercings, hate other people doing it, I'm not afraid of needles, I just don't like it. I sterilzed everything, and pierced my navel with a safety pin and left the safety pin in for about 24 hours. It went fine, it was healthy, than I did something stupid, I tried to change it into a gaged non sterlized earring, it didn't fit even though it was only 16-18g (smallest sizes) so, took what I had in out, and put the pin back in, but I pushed in a wrong angle, and repierced the bottom. Oopsy, so I pierced it back through where I had it before. After that I left it alone for another 24 hours, again I did something stupid, I decided to try this again, it wouldn't come out the other side, so, again, I took it out, and put the pin back in. I rinsed it with bandaid bacterial stuff once a day, but it didn't seem to help, and when I looked at it again today, it had dark dark green gunk on the bottom part and crème colored puss on the top, so I took it out, and put neosporn and a bandaid on it, any other suggestions? (yeah, I'm pretty sure it's infected by the way)

Aug 24, 2007, 01:21 PM
If its infected you're going to need to go see a doctor and get some antibiotics.

I'm sure you've already figured this out but there is a reason why people are trained in this stuff :)

Aug 24, 2007, 01:26 PM
DO you understand exactly how dangerous what you just did is? I understand being uncomfortable with other people doing things to you, but you are neither trained nor equipped to do things in a sanitary way. You used a safety pin for Pete's sake... You need to go to a doctor. There are many veins and arteries you could have damaged by not knowing what you were doing. Not to mention the Very REAL and POSSIBLE chance of getting an extremely dangerous staff infection..

Aug 24, 2007, 01:39 PM
Ditto and Ditto :)

Aug 24, 2007, 02:35 PM
... way to pull a guilt trip, lesson learned, doctors, antibiotics, don't do it again, check, check and check, thanks, I think