View Full Version : Bloating? Can't fit in clothes.

Aug 24, 2007, 11:41 AM
Okay, so I got some new school clothes because my school is starting in like... 3 days.
Well the only problem I have is that for the last couple days I have been really bloated and I can't really fit in those clothes.

And they're the only ones I have.

Aug 24, 2007, 11:47 AM
Try drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. It seems counterintuitive but your body will hold onto fluids if there is not enough fluids in your system. It will help flush it all out.

Aug 24, 2007, 05:36 PM
Hello trixie, I think u have an onset of irritable bowel symdrome (IBS) and yours is constipation and bloating, u have to go the doctor fast because this might cause u sever depression and eating disorder, because the bloating will make afraid of food, do it fast,it is has to do with the food u eat and and stress, your stomach is your second brain,

Aug 24, 2007, 05:46 PM
Hello trixie, I think u have an onset of irritable bowel symdrome (IBS) and yours is constipation and bloating, u have to go the doctor fast because this might cause u sever depression and eating disorder, because the bloating will make afraid of food, do it fast,it is has to do with the food u eat and and stress, your stomach is your second brain,

I do not agree with you. There is nothing in her post that points to IBS. First of all IBS is a "last resort" diagnosis. There are no tests for IBS. Secondly, the only thing she stated was that she has bloating which could be from being dehydrated or constipated or she may be close to her period.

If she had mentioned that she is bloated, with constipation and stomach pain I would have referred you to a doctor Trixie. Based on what you have said she does not have IBS.

Aug 25, 2007, 02:56 AM
Hi, Glinda I am not just talking I am living this for 15 years and I was just diagnosed 2 years ago, and this how it all started and the same age and she said she is REALLY bloated. Some women GET bloating DURING period but it does not show that much and IBS u can look like pregnant and can make u not want to go out because u look really pregnant. All I am saying she has to check with the doctor. IBS has different symptoms from diarreah to constipation and bloating it is not something can kill. I do not want her to have these episodes of bloating and doesn't figure it out and let time pass just check. A lot of people live with IBS some severe some not, it is not a disease it just a functional problem.

Aug 25, 2007, 05:39 AM
Muna I know plenty about IBS as I was MIS diagnosed with when what I really had was a wheat allergy. Have you been tested for wheat and gluten allergies? The symptoms are identical to IBS and there is an actual blood test that can test for it. IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. I don't think its responsible to advise a teenager that bloating is IBS a lot of the kids on here are serious hypochondriacs.

Aug 25, 2007, 07:47 AM
Hi, mine is not just wheat, vegetable, bran, fruit, dairy products, I have to be very careful with all insoluble fiber. I do not want to worry her just to check it , IBS is depressing because every one tells you have nothing wrong so a lot of people even some doctors do not know how it feel when you are that bloated until the recent years because when you get bloated without obvious reasons and you are not that sick you get depressed, I was glad that I know what it is because every one told me just eat lots of vegetable and bran you will be OK, well, that was worsening the bloating, I am just telling my experience and something to look for in case she's bloated without having her periods. If at the time some one told me this something to look for I would be happy. IBS is about elimination serious diseases, I have been to hundreds doctors I have cameras in my stomach and bowels. I do not know what blood you are talking about, if there is one I would have taken it but I can not say there isn't because just because I did not have it, may be all the doctors I went to where a little behind, but please do tell what test may be I should take it

Aug 25, 2007, 08:05 AM
Okay, so i got some new school clothes because my school is starting in like....3 days.
Well the only problem i have is that for the last couple days i have been really bloated and i can't really fit in those clothes.

And they're the only ones i have.
Boy, TrixieBelle.. I bet you did not expect such a reaction to your question..
A few of us have gone through problems that 'relate' to what you described and we guess what your problem might be - and boom, you get more information than what you asked for. But they are pretty good examples of what might be the problem. To get to the point.. if you are bloated so much that it really bothers you the first thing you should do is to go to the doctor and get a 'clean bill of health'. You might also have retention of fluids in your body caused by other things such as your kidneys. So you will not know for sure until the doctor has examined you.

Good luck dear, and I hope you get this solved.
