View Full Version : Would it be safe it I periced my cartledge?

Aug 15, 2007, 02:46 PM
Would it be safe if I did not go to a jewelry store and get my cartledge and I did it on my own?

Aug 15, 2007, 03:22 PM
You are just setting yourself up for a bad infection if you do it on your own. The needles need to be sterilized properly and this you CANNOT do at home.

Aug 15, 2007, 03:33 PM
Sterilization is a huge factor when you get a piercing of any kind. If you start unsterile, you are going down the wrong road right from the start when it comes to a piercing, and that road leads to infection.

This is what an infected cartilage piercing can look like :


I am not trying to scare you or gross you out, but this can be the consequence of piercing yourself. Please, get it done professionally, for your own health. :)

Aug 15, 2007, 03:45 PM
I used to do my own and friends piercings in high school. I never attempted cartilage but did some belly buttons and eyebrows. I never considered the consequences of not going to get it done professionally. Yes I was using sterilized equipment and proper needles etc. But just to give you an idea of what I am talking about. I pierced my own ear like four times (left ear) when I was younger and did not know at the time that I made the holes too close to the end of my ear lobe. The ear held earrings fine for years until while on a fishing trip I went to get into my car and somehow caught the lower half of a half ring hoop (ball ends) on the top side of the door ripping the ring completely through my earlobe. I got some stiches and all is fine. But what I am saying is that what might seem like a good idea to do something yourself. Almost pays to let a professional do it just to avoid any bad turn outs like listed abouve or in my reply. Good luck and have a good one!

Aug 15, 2007, 03:51 PM
I have to ask xfsketch how you had access to an autoclave as that is the only proper way to sterilize.

You see, this piercing is a "procedure" that is invasive to the body and introduces bacteria if not done properly.

Aug 15, 2007, 05:25 PM
I have to ask xfsketch how you had access to an autoclave as that is the only proper way to sterilize.

You see, this piercing is a "procedure" that is invasive to the body and introduces bacteria if not done properly.

U don't need an autoclave if you buy brand new needles in the package every time you do a piercing :cool: : ) I don't do it Anymore that's the point.

Aug 15, 2007, 05:26 PM
Well, then, that makes sense. Many teens here think sticking the needle in a flame or dousing it with alcohol will sterilize it.

Aug 15, 2007, 06:50 PM
Well, then, that makes sense. Many teens here think sticking the needle in a flame or dousing it with alcohol will sterilize it.

Yeah your right that's the wrong way to do it all right ;)

May 28, 2008, 03:39 AM
Well I did it, and it didn't hurt too much. Basically I sterilized the needle by dipping it in flame, then put ice on the part I was piercing to numb it. And I never experienced any problems. It depends on your resistance to pain.
But I recommend you get it pierced proffessionaly, because it could go wrong.