View Full Version : Headaches

Aug 8, 2007, 05:59 AM
I have one problem which has troubled my hear for a period of years. I occasionally have a headaches that does not stop me from working and if I take the some of the pain killer it does not end and if it does it will be for a short period. I last year went to hospital and I was told that I have a lot of acid in my body. Then I was told to stop taking acidic food like lemons that I did I was also told to stop taking tea and I have been taking as am writing I am my head is aching. I have taken some medicine but still it has not stopped can you please advice me on what measure that I should undertake to stop it am in problems
God bless you as I wait to hear from you
Thank you

Aug 8, 2007, 06:17 AM
i have one problem which has troubled my hear for a period of years. i occasionally have a headaches that does not stop me from working and if i take the some of the pain killer it does not end and if it does it will be for a short period. i last year went to hospital and i was told that i have a lot of acid in my body. then i was told to stop taking acidic food like lemons that i did i was also told to stop taking tea and i have been taking as am writing i am my head is aching. i have taken some medicine but still it has not stopped can you please advice me on what measure that i should undertake to stop it am in problems
God bless you as i wait to hear from you
thank you
As long as you don't have any allergies to medications, you could try an over the counter medication that relieves sinus pressure. Sometimes headaches come from sinus pressure. If no relief comes from that, you may want to try a migraine type of pain reliever, like Excedrine migraine. They have caffeine as well as aspirin in it which will help to relieve migraine type headaches. You may also want to have your vision checked, this is also a source of headaches. If you are having headaches more than a couple times a week you should consult a doctor to make sure it is nothing serious.

Aug 22, 2007, 09:32 AM
With a normal MRI and or CT scan you might get some good information from a Google search of "trigger point symptoms." Best wishes.

Aug 29, 2007, 05:36 AM
My son has sinus problems and he is bothered by them a lot. Last fall he started with headaches and they continued until the end of January. Sometimes he just takes otc meds. But he has taken antibiotics as well. He alos had 2 MRI's last year because the sinus infection got so bad. My advice to you would be to find out what types of headaches these are. They could also be miragrines which my poor mom has. Her headaches cause eye soreness, sensitivity to the light and vomiting. You also need to cut down on the cofee, cola's, tea and chocolate as these all contain caffene. You also need to eat frequent light meals to make sure that you are not getting headaches from having low blood sugar. Also do some reading on headaches and the different types and causes. Make an appointment with your doctor if they become to bothersome or to frequent.