View Full Version : Does anyone know any ways to grow in the breast area?

Aug 4, 2007, 03:02 PM
Um yea..
I'm not sure exactly where to post this but oh well...
I'm looking to, um, gain some weight in the breast area:)
Yea I know that's a weird question to ask but it bothers me.
So if anyone knows any remedies or creams or watever to make them grow that they know works, please let me know.or anyway to like make them appear bigger would be appreciated

Aug 4, 2007, 03:03 PM
Nothing you can do aside from surgery. Breast size is a matter of genetics. Any cream, pills, etc, are simply a waste of money.

Aug 4, 2007, 03:26 PM
You can always get the silicone bra inserts that increase your size by a full cup; but other than that, as J_9 said, surgery would be your only option.

Aug 4, 2007, 03:28 PM
Addy, you are 12 or 13 now? You still have years of development left. Give it some time.

Aug 4, 2007, 04:04 PM
There are exercises to develop your chest muscles. Google "pecs exercises woman" (without quote marks).

Aug 4, 2007, 04:53 PM
Hi addy!
I know it's probably hard when you're in high school and you look at celebrities and other girls for how you should look, but let me tell you something. I was fully developed by the time I was in eighth grade. I had huge breasts, a jlo booty, and a woman's waist! I was shocked, because it happened like overnight, but there's really nothing you can do to change yourself. There's thing big-breasted women like myself envy from small breasted women: when you have huge breasts, you can't go anywhere without a bra, they get in the way, they can hurt your back, you can't fit into certain shirts, tshirts look strange without the right bra, and so many others. We all envy things we don't have. Many women with big breasts envy small breats, and vice versa. Don't worry honey, you'll learn to appreciate it, and if it means anything, when I was a teenager, I wished for small breasts :)

Aug 4, 2007, 06:43 PM
Your breasts can continue to grow well into your teenager years. I can tell you I went from a B to a C when I was 20. So there is always hope! It is based all on genetics the best thing you can do is be comfortable with the body God gave you!

Aug 6, 2007, 03:05 PM
um yea..
im not sure exactly where to post this but oh well......
im lookin to, um, gain some weight in the breast area:)
yea i knw thats a weird question to ask but it bothers me.
so if anyone knows any remedies or creams or watever to make them grow that they know works, please let me know.or anyway to liek make them appear bigger would be appreciated
For a preview of your breast's future you might take a look at your mother. Best wishes.

Aug 6, 2007, 07:29 PM
Thanks you.well I guess I should kind of be happy with what I got because I know a girl that has like, matured more than a lot of us and whenever we are in atheletics when she runs, and if guys are nearby... yea I feel sorry for her about that, because she ran track and she was in a relay and some guys were making fun of her when she was running and she tripped and fell at district!! yea so I guess I might grow in the future.well, thanks you guys.
Oh and maybe I will grow because my mom was really small in high school but now she's um... bigger.
Oh yeah and ill be 14 in two weeks J_9:)
Hope you are doing great and lots of love

Aug 6, 2007, 08:05 PM
Yay for you Addy!! Two weeks, congrats if I forget. I'll mark it on my calendar!!

You are a good kid, really you are!!

Aug 6, 2007, 08:30 PM
thanks yall.well i guess i should kinda be happy with what i got because i know a girl that has like, matured more than alot of us and whenever we are in atheletics when she runs, and if guys are nearby....yea i feel sorry for her about that, because she ran track and she was in a relay and some guys were makin fun of her when she was running and she tripped and fell at district!!!yea so i guess i might grow in the future.well, thanks yall guys.
oh and maybe i will grow because my mom was really small in highschool but now shes um....bigger.
oh yeah and ill be 14 in two weeks J_9:)
hope yall are doing great and lots of love

Hey Addy,

The best of people are not those with perfect bodies, but with pure souls...