View Full Version : Does she like me?

Aug 6, 2005, 05:02 PM
Okay there are two girls at my job that I'm not sure if they like me or not. I kind of have crushes on them... one mostly for her appearance and the other for personality.

Girl A: I've seen her once a week for about a month and a half. She's about 1.5 years younger than me (I am almost 17). She will always say "hi" to me if she passes me in the hall, or when she enters a room and I'm there (usually like 6-8 times per day?) A couple days ago, I walked into the room with all the volunteers (all our age) and they were all sitting there doing nothing, but she was doing some folding project and she told me to help her with it even though there were all those other people doing nothing for minutes. Also, about 2 weeks ago another volunteer asked me if I took a certain hard class and I said yeah and girl A was like "see, I told you he was smart!... (turns to me) my mom told me you were really smart." Now my mom, who works with her mom, but not often, probably mentioned it (she seems to always do that at work ugh) to her mom. But why would her mom randomly tell her that? I've never seen her mom and vice versa. So she had to have mentioned me to her mom first. Also we will both make eye contact a lot and smile and laugh a lot. Like once I walked past her at an intersection in the hallway and I turned around and she was looking right at me and smiling/laughing (no one else was in the hall). I have a crush on her and I think that's kind of obvious, even though I tried to make it not. Another volunteer said "you like girl A" under her breath and then when I asked her what she said said nothing and changed the subject. So what do you guys think?

Girl B: I've only known her for about 2 weeks, but I see her like 3 days a week. The first day I was eating lunch alone and she sat next to me although tons of other tables were empty and we talked for an hour or so. Then we've always talked a lot since then. A few days ago she made a lot of physical contact... like I was standing in front of something and she got like right next to me and was pushing me out of the way (but in a joking way). Our hands also brushed a few times and she didn't seem to care. Then she looked at my iPod and kept laughing at my music (a few songs are I guess girly stuff... like sarah mcglauhlan (sp) and goo goo dolls) and saying I was so funny and that it was okay. And while she was doing this... she had her elbow on my leg... like I was sitting kind of behind her because we were working on stuff and she just randomly put her elbow there.. when her chair had arm rests. A few days ago she also asked me if I wanted to go and eat lunch with her, I said I already ate, but I'd go if she wanted me to, and she said she didn't care either way, so I decided not to because I was really busy (stupid move, I know).

So what do you guys think? I'm really confused. I don't even know how I feel about these girls in addition to how they feel about me. Also, girl A goes to my school, girl B doesn't.

Aug 7, 2005, 06:18 AM
Forget about the one you like because of appearance; if it is between just 2 girls; go for the personality.
Ask her out on a date. If she turns you down, so what... it simply means she doesn' like you well enough to go out with you, and your question is answered.
That's the only way you are going to find out.
Then, ask out the "pretty one"!!
Best of luck,

Aug 10, 2005, 06:18 AM
Look I'll give you a girls point of view... Yes, they both like you.. but it seems as if Girl B is starting to get obsessed wit you.. You should go for Girl A... my opinion.. but listen.. don't go for looks.. I don't and I got guys loving me.. but I isn't wit them.. I'm their friends.. but Girl A seems a better choice.. she isn't obsessed wit you.. she's like a friendly type with a little crush on you.. That's the way I am when I'm in a situation like them... girl B is just plainly obsessed, I think.. sowry, though.. so don't go for looks... go for personality. It's better that way...
