View Full Version : Tiny jumping bugs on skin

Jul 31, 2007, 04:14 PM
There not fleas that I know, they are really tiny and narrow with an orange color to them but not dark orange kind of light and some are more white . You can only see them if the light is just right and I know I'm not crazy cause my wife has seen them 2 I only know to look when I feel a pinch and when I go to smash it they jump and I can't find them again .
These bugs are really small about this big - and narrow like that .
They don't leave welts but I itch really bad and I'm really paranoid cause I can't see them only when they pinch .

Oh and when I do get one they smash real easy so there not hard like a flea I thought possibly a baby flea and I also thought maybe a midge but I've looked up pictures and that's not what they look like nor do they look like lice or bed bugs .
Help me I'm freaking out!

Edit they do have wings but since there so small you can't see unless you look really close and there wings a bit black but not noticeable unless looking real close

Jul 31, 2007, 04:26 PM
Maybe it is a springtail?

Mar 1, 2013, 12:39 PM
Why don't you Google "thrips". I get attacked by these all the time and my husband thinks I'm crazy. This usually only happens outside though... Are you getting pinched inside?