View Full Version : Guy Who Renames Stuff Has A Hit Book - Buzzmarketing

Jul 25, 2005, 11:37 PM

I am so pissed off with these damn marketers renaming every
Damn building around. My daughters middle school is now
'in discussions' with Frito Lay about calling the school
Frito Lay Middle School and it's this guy's fault.

Before anyone else was doing it.. this dude Mark Hughes
Convinced a bunch of yokels in Oregon to rename their
Town to the same name as his dot com -- hence the change
From Halfway, Oregon to Half.com, Oregon. What!!

According to USA Today
And a bunch of other big time book reviewers the dude
Is on 'fire' and 'right on' with his load of marketing

Personally.. I can't stand this type of stuff. I like
To be able to turn off the TV, turn off the radio, close
The stinkin magazine and have no more ads. But.. thanks
To wealthy bastards like Mark Hughes.. me and my kids
Are hit daily with additional ads.

So.. here is my response. I've actually ordered one of
His books from Amazon


I am then going to take the cover to Kinkos, scan it,
Change the author's name to something else... like
MIKE HUNT and then gingerly place it on the shelf at
My local Barnes & Noble.

Yes.. I know this will do absolutely nothing..
But they say if we just switched our lightbulbs to
That new kind.. we could save a bunch of coal..
So this is my little protest.

Aug 13, 2005, 04:09 PM
I am older than many of you and while I have my mementos of yesterdays,
Esp old schools, I will not likely ever go back to visit them.

School financing is an odd animal--I am an educator so I have some
Knowledge of this.

WHILE the legal beagels battle over their end, if a major way to get
A few hundred thou is by accepting $ from a company and changing the
Name of the school thusly, I see no great problem. I do see a problem
With being forced, because of geography bounderies, to attend
McDonald's high school if I do not like McDonalds that much.

Otherwise, it is pure culture.

Schools were named after a superintendent, a previous excellent
Principle or a city or something else; why not a company? :D