View Full Version : Watering gardens

Jul 15, 2007, 05:04 AM
:D when do you water your garden some say never at night
Other people say never in the mornings I am confused mango246

Jul 15, 2007, 05:19 AM
I water ours when the sun isn't directly shining on it day or not depends when I have time.

Jul 17, 2007, 02:43 PM
I water mine if they say I can, around 4 in the pm making sure the water gets down to the roots and not on top.

Answer Expert
Jul 17, 2007, 08:22 PM
It is best to water your plants deeply, rather than a little bit at a time. If you water too frequently, the plants will not develop a deep roots. Watering at night can cause disease problems since the plants stay damp longer. Do not water in the heat of the day, because a large part of the water just evaporates. Water in the early morning, or in the early evening, when it is cooler and there is less direct sun. Click here (http://www.gardeners.com/Watering-Tips/default/8108.page)for more information. If you need additional information, please ask.