View Full Version : Can't let go

Jul 12, 2007, 11:28 PM

I have been working at this particular workplace for 2 and a bit years now, and as of late the environment has been extremely negative because of the new management they have appointed. I had a blow out with this manager about 3 months ago when he was using the "c" word was used in my direction. I told the head manager and he was (somewhat) repremended.
Last night, we had another blow out and he shouted at me so much that I was reduced to tears in front of all of my coworkers. I gave my two weeks notice, but now I'm starting to rethink it.
Aside from that awful man, I get along really really well with my other co-workers and we're close. This is also my first job, and its really been an anchor for me for the past few years as my social life as been awful. I also don't want to leave with a bitter taste in my mouth, because this job has been (for the most part) so positive for me.

So I'm not sure of what to do. Stay, and give everyone the impression that I let people walk all over me and disappoint my friends and family who are expecting me to quit. Or I quit, but I'm having such a hard time letting go.


Jul 16, 2007, 04:11 AM
You should never leave a job because some idiot is treating you like crap! You love your job and that is all that matters. You have rights of your own, according to the harassment policy that was passed in 1967 by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), any environment that causes you to feel intimidated in any way (this includes supervisors, co-workers, or non-employees)it is up to the company to take proper actions. If they do not respond appropriately than you have every right to sue your company and they cannot retaliate due to the Non-Retaliation law passed in 1998. (www.eeoc.gov/index.html). I know you do not want to sue your company, I recommend that you tell a higher authority figure in your company everything and demand action.

ALWAYS report such incidences such as this, it will happen again not to you but to another person. Once you make a report an investigation will take place it is completely confidential. You have rights implement them. Always stand up for what's right, in this case you are RIGHT. And you have witnesses.

Take care, be tactful, be strong.

Jul 26, 2007, 05:50 AM
Do not take his abuse. Its unwarranted and you have no reason to stand for it. Adults in a working relationship cannot treat each other in such a way.
Go to the manager again and explain that you do not find this acceptable treatment and you will no longer tolerate it. Its in his hands at that point to control the situation. If he does nothing, you should consult a lawyer and/or HR and discuss your options. In your defense, start documenting everything that transpires between you and this jerk (also record date and times, possible witnesses)

You're right, don't leave them thinking you're a doormat.

Jul 26, 2007, 06:26 AM

It sounds like this Jerk has let his power go to his head or is it just the 2 of you. If he treats others like he does you then get together and let his manager know how he is acting. If it is a conflict between the 2 of you then go to him first and ask why. Many times problems start from a misunderstanding and blow up from there. If he doesn't want to work out the problem with you then go over his head.

Good Luck

Jul 29, 2007, 02:41 PM
The behaviour of this colleague it totally unaccecptable. You need to look at stuff to do with dignity at the work place. From my experience the first simple thing to do is to get a diary and date and time remarks made and who was present. So if a statement is requested you have information to back it up Good luck