View Full Version : Father signing over rights.

Jun 29, 2007, 05:12 PM
Me and my ex (well now ex) dont get along at all. He is controlling and abusive! He calls me names ectect..
but we have a daughter together. we are young only 21 years old. I really want to do an open adoption for her. where we are still in her life somewhat but she is in the care of a stable family.
My problem. Im unsure if her father will sign over his rights. He said Idk.
but i talked 2 some people about this and i was told we can't go through an open adoption unless he signs over his rights. Or i go 2 court to prove he is an unfit parent. but thats soo hard to prove. I thought the mother had basically all rights to do what she feel is right for the child? Maybe im wrong. But i dont want her growing up like this! .
So if he doesnt sign over his rights.. and i can't prove it then is she just stuck with this situation? i just want the best for her. Is there anything i can do? He is on the birth certificate. He is making everything so difficult!.
I live in Minnesota,USA by the way. what can i do?
I even found a wonderful family. i just want whats best for my daughter.
Her father even told a close friend of ours that its me and hollyanns fault he is like this and doesn't have his "freedom"
Please help me!:confused:

Jun 29, 2007, 06:33 PM
It is unlikely you can allow the child to be adopted if he will not sign,

And being on the birth certificate does not matter, he would still have rights.

Jul 1, 2007, 11:21 AM
Oh okay thanks. For all your help.
I guess there isn't much I can do then.
Thanks again! :)

Jul 1, 2007, 01:21 PM
Maybe you should talk to him and tell him that he can have his freedom back all he has to do is sign the papers maybe it will work but if not then if you can prove abuse you have a pretty good chance of proving he is unfit. Good luck