View Full Version : More blood in stools

Jun 28, 2007, 05:54 PM
I went to my PCP about a month ago for a small amount of blood in my stools. He said it was internal Hemmrroids from pregnancy and no big deal and told me to expect more. Since then my stool s have turned to pebble like at each movement and today they were covered in bright red blood, It was the most I have ever seen and It kind of scares me, I am calling him tomorrow. Can hemmrroids change your bowel movements to from firm to pebble like? Or just cause bleeding? Should I get a second opinion? What would you suggest?:confused:

Jun 28, 2007, 06:13 PM
It sounds like it is again internal hemmorhoids caused by constipation. You see bright red blood means that the blood is coming from the area of the anal opening. Any blood that is dark or tarry is of concern.

Hemmorhoids alone will not change the texture of your stool, but your pregnancy may, as well as your diet. I suggest that you eat more fiber and drink more water. One natural way to loosen your bowels is dried apricots that you can get in the produce section of your local grocery store.