View Full Version : I'm not sure what that was all about.

Jun 18, 2007, 12:47 PM
I had something wrong with me last night and I have no earthly idea what it was. First of all, I had an upset stomach. Then after a while, I developed diarrhea. My whole body ached from head to toe, and I had severe chills, but no fever. I felt so cold, I had a sweatshirt on, and I live in FL where its 90 degrees right now. And I was extremely tired, I couldn't hold my eyes open, but couldn't go to sleep since my body was aching so bad. I feel better today, but I still have sort of a heavy feeling in my stomach. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Does anyone possibly know what this could have been? Thanks :)

Jun 18, 2007, 01:05 PM
You poor thing. I am glad you are feeling better now.

You had the flu. Plain and simple. It has been going around. My BIL had it the day of Dad's burial, his only lasted one day, then 2 days later my brother had it and his lasted 3 days.

So, it is just a little bug going around. Stronger for some than others. But nothing to be concerned about.

Jun 18, 2007, 01:07 PM
Oh thank God! One person told me I could be pregnant, another said I had Cholera. BIG weight lifted off my shoulders!

Jun 18, 2007, 01:24 PM
Just the flu going around. A friend of mine had it in California, then my bro and BIL here in Michigan, another friend of mine in TN.

So, just seems to be running rampant right now.


Jun 18, 2007, 01:26 PM
LOL yeah Cholera. It scared the crap out of me... I read up on it and it says if you don't get treated you could die within hours. Serves me right for asking people that don't know what they're talking about.