View Full Version : Am I going to die soon and leave my husband and 2 kids all alone?

Jun 13, 2007, 10:27 AM
Am I going to die soon?

Jun 13, 2007, 10:28 AM
Maybe... are you looking for a psychic to answer this? Why do you think you might?

Jun 13, 2007, 10:30 AM
Maybe... are you looking for a psychic to answer this? Why do you think you might?
I just always have a feeling that I am.When do you think this will happen?

Jun 13, 2007, 10:31 AM
Are you planning to hurt yourself?
Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

Jun 13, 2007, 10:32 AM
No I don't plan to hurt myself and I lead a pretty decent lifestyle.

Jun 13, 2007, 10:34 AM
Then, barring unforseen accidents, you will indeed be around for a while.

Jun 13, 2007, 10:40 AM
Have you started taking or changed medications recently?

Jun 13, 2007, 10:56 AM
You seem to be experiencing the ever-so-common existential dilemma. Most people experience this in their lifetimes, and some psychologists believe that this is the root of all psychological problems (ie depression or just experiencing everyday stress); Living in a finite body and not being able to perceive your life as finite (infinite mind). It is hard to understand the exact moment that we will die. This is where religion and spirituality come in for a lot of people. It gives some a bit of understanding for what is to come and helps us realize that this life is but a short stint in eternity.

In short, live your life as if you were going to live to the average age (75-80). Invest your money, plan for your future, and do not become too impulsive with your thinking. Many impulsive people are actually criminals. They do not plan for the future, and live day to day, relishing on the here and now and instant gratification, instead of long-term.

I would be interested in how long you have been thinking this way and what you think brought it about. What are your views about what happens when someone dies?

Jun 17, 2007, 12:50 PM
Am I going to die soon?
Why do you think your going 2 die?

Jul 31, 2007, 06:16 AM
Hello Blueidmama,

Some times being depressed can make one feel that they will die. Depression can set in even if we don't know why we are depressed or even that we are depressed.

Has anything happen in your life recently that has made you upset? That can cause depression.

Feeling one is going to die can also mean that you might have some worries about your health. Are you suffereing from any health conditions that may have you worried.

Mostly trust in God Almighty. He is there and no matter what lies ahead of us in our life, he is there to take our hand and walk us through it. Draw close to him and he will give you comfort beyond compare.

Remember you are a mother of two children and just think about what you would tell your children or your husband if they came to you and said they were dying. What would you say to them to comfort them? Say that to yourself over and over again.

Please allow me to realte a true situation I faced where I thought for sure I was going to die. I had contracted Encephalitis in 1990 and when in the intensive care in the hospital, a young girl next to me was dying of the same thing. I thought I was next. My sixteen year old daughter told me to think positive and to pray to God. What happen next is remarkable. I would remain in the hospital for 3 months and then went to rehab for 3 more months. All this time I felt that I was dying. The doctors had told my family to put me in a nursing home because I would never improve or walk again. I thought it was my end and that I would die.

Well my family told the doctors that they were taking me home and that is exactly what they did. I remained in the wheelchair for 7 years, from 1990-1997. After much hard work and determination that I would get better if I just worked hard, I did get better. What did I do? I prayed to God for strenghth and wisdom, I became very positive and looked for the good in what ever situation I faced. And I try to laugh about things. Why? Because we are here on earth a -short time, 70 year and 80 if we are strong. There was no time to worry about something that had not taken place or might not take place yet.

I now am walking, dressing myself, caring for my family and a full time minister. I help others every day, but I am alive! My point is this, Don't worry about what has not taken place, push the thought of dying out of your mind. Think about your children, picture them getting married and you being there to welcome your grandchildren. If you don't Blueidmama, the time you spend thinking about dying, willi pass and you will miss out on what you have now. You have two children and a husband, and I am sure they love you dearly. Enjoy that love, bask in it. Live for now, not yesterday, it's gone, not for tomorrow, it isn't here yet, all we have is NOW!

If we live for Now, we can enjoy each moment we live. Life is too short to worry about what might or might not happen. Love your Maker, love your children and husband and live now girl, because there are no promises of a tomorrow for any of us. When you live life to the fullest and in the time you are in, you will learn to enjoy it and that feeling of dying will be drowned out by the joy of living and enjoying the time you live in, which is now. Yes tomorrow may never come for many of us, but we still have now. Enjoy your life now, live it to the full.

Take care and love life,