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View Full Version : Convence my mom

Apr 13, 2007, 04:21 PM
I want to get my tongue periced and I gave my mom a logical reason on why I should be aloud to but she needs more information.. so what is a good reason to get my tongue periced?

Apr 13, 2007, 04:33 PM
... theres really not a good reason to get anything pierced. Its just for appearances. I want to get my tongue pierced too but I'm 19 and my mom can't really stop me plus I have both of my nipples pierced. Be ready for pain and make sure they use bigger jewlery in the beginning to compensate for the swelling.

Just make sure and go to a reputable studio and make sure they open everything in front of you and everything is new. Ask people who have gotten it where they went. Good luck

Apr 13, 2007, 08:11 PM
You'd have a hard time convincing me that it's a good idea. Especially since tongue studs are frequently associated with damage to teeth and infections, which your mom will have to pay to get fixed. And even more especially since the only real advantage to them is in certain situations that your mother probably doesn't want to encourage. Plus, they are going to have a negative impact on some people, which you may not care about now, but probably will when you are out trying to get a job. My advice in things like this is wait until you are out on your own and responsible for all of your own decisions, and if it still seems like a good idea then, do it.

Nov 28, 2010, 09:52 AM
Please consider this, no offense to anyone that has a tongue ring, but you really don't need it. Later one in life, you will regret having it. Trust me on this, you don't need.