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View Full Version : Boyfriend---- My baby pictures?

May 1, 2010, 10:52 PM
So my boyfriend is coming to meet my family officially in June... We have an old family picture hanging up in the kitchen. It's HUGE. You can't miss it... I'm dark in the picture... Really dark. What is he going to think? I'm nervous. He has no problem with women with dark skin. He thinks beauty comes in all shades. But I'm afraid if he'll think I'm bleaching? But maybe he won't even really think anything of it? I'm so nervous. Ugh.

May 2, 2010, 01:14 AM
If he mentions that you look darker in the picture just brush it off like it's no big deal say "oh I guess I do".don't go into some long winded explanation, "um I got tan or that was in the summertime, I used to be in the sun a lot" etc.. You know what I mean?

If your lightening looks natural and your skin doesn't look bleached out he'll think nothing of it, not for too long anyway, I've seen plenty of people with baby pictures, older pictures where they looked lighter or darker, didn't phase me any because I know black skin changes tones from time to time.

Since you are lightening your skin and your kind of hiding it from him your getting a little paranoid lol. Not everybody is thinking about your skin the way you do!:)

May 2, 2010, 02:30 AM
Just ask you mom if you could take it down an explain why ,you'll find that she will understand.

May 3, 2010, 03:51 AM
Chill Brown!

If he says your dark... just tell him oh it is the lighting... Because lots of people look dark in pics due to lighting etc.

Else tell him that was the time you used to go play in the sun too much and becoming more conscious about your looks you started taking care later.

May 20, 2010, 05:08 PM
I agree with imgorgeous blame it on the lighting.

May 20, 2010, 06:26 PM
Are you lightening ? If so are you ashamed of that fact ?
If you are, and he asks, tell him the truth, never lie in a relationship over something that is easy to find out.

Parents will always bring out a photo album sometime early when the date comes to visist

May 21, 2010, 04:33 AM
Are you lightening ? if so are you ashamed of that fact ?
If you are, and he asks, tell him the truth, never lie in a relationship over something that is easy to find out.

Parents will always bring out a photo album sometime early when the date comes to visist

Morally that is the right thing to do, but there's also a chance that he may not agree with the fact that she's lightening, & it could possibly put a strain on the relationship or end. I'm just saying.. lie lie lie lmaoo *in this case*

May 21, 2010, 09:39 AM
Chuck. Get a life. You always come to this board every so often to start drama. Such a troll. I refuse to feed you. You'll be ignored from now on. Your real life must just be THAT pathetic. Oooooo you have online powers. *Rolls Eyes*