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View Full Version : My cat's kittens are dying

May 12, 2003, 04:30 AM
Hello people... I need your help...
My cat had disappered.. and she has 3 kittens... she last fed them 14 hours ago... I called the vet and he told me that I must feed them which I did... but I don't know how to take care of 2 weeks kittens who still didn't open their eyes... please hellp me... thank you all

Jun 7, 2003, 01:02 PM
Perhaps this will be helpful:

Recipes for Emergency Kitten Fomula

The pet store is closed, and you have hungry kittens that need formula! Never fear!

In a pinch, the Cornell Book of Cats says that human baby formula can be used if made up to double the normal strength (human baby formula is normally not nutritious enough for kittens). As with the below formulas, please remember that any emergency formula should only be used until regular Feline Replacement Formula (such as KMR or Just Born) can be purchased at the pet store. None of these are nutritionally complete for the long term health of a kitten.

Formula #1
8 ounces homogenized whole milk
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon salad oil
1 drop liquid pediatric vitamins (optional)

Mix well and warm before using. Keep refrigerated.

Formula #2
1 part boiled water to 5 parts evaporated milk
1/2 teaspoon bone meal per 16 oz fluid

Mix well, refrigerate, warm before using .

Formula #3
1 can Evaporated Milk
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons Karo syrup

All three mixed well and kept in tightly sealed jar in fridge.
At feeding time mix 1/2 of the estimated feeding amount with:
Equal amount of boiling water
(once a day mix 1 drop of human infant liquid vitamins in each kitties formula)

If constipation occurrs: add 1 drop of vegetable oil to each kitties formula no more than once daily till problem is eased. Test temperature before feeding (the combination of boiling water and chilled formula should be just about right).

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