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View Full Version : I am so depresses over a girl I don't know what to do

Oct 17, 2009, 02:18 PM
I need help me and my girlfriend has been going out with me for 15 weeks then we broke up she said that she done with my bull I am like a roller coster she said she would give me aother shot but I was not the same guy she fell in love with she told me to give her some weeks to cool down I have a slim shot getting back with her I really do love her but she said
I did not act like it I act like it for about 10 weeks then things went bad we took a 3 days off
From one aother she said I would not give her space but I was so deep in the love I did not
Think about that should I move on or try it I am so depressed over her piz help me:confused:

Oct 17, 2009, 03:21 PM
i need help me and my gf has been going out with me for 15 weeks then we broke up she said that she done with my bull i am like a roller coster she said she would give me aother shot but i was not the same guy she fell in love with she told me to give her some weeks to cool down i have a slim shot geting back with her i really do love her but she said
i did not act like it i act like it for about 10 weeks then things went bad we took a 3 days off
from one aother she said i would not give her space but i was so deep in the love i did not
think about that should i move on or try it i am so depressed over her piz help me:confused:

All right, I am having a little trouble understanding what you are trying to say. How old are you first off?

If you and her have been going out for 15 weeks or 3 months and 3 weeks.. I highly doubt she took the relationship seriously.

First off, try not look needy and wanty. That will get you nowhere, be your own man and keep your head high. Guys on their knees are never attractive, if you want her back.. act like you don't (that does not mean be mean however.. but don't be too nice).

However, if it all does not work out.. you have to remember that there are 3.6 Billion women in the world. If this one doesn't work then try the other 3,599,999,999 girls.

Keep your head up champ!