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View Full Version : Cleaning Cat Poop

Jul 20, 2009, 02:37 PM
... so my cat has decided recently that she doesn't want to go to the bathroom in her litter box like she's supposed to, she'd rather go in the floor. I took her to a vet and he said everything looks normal and there's no reason she should be doing what she's doing. Anyway, last night while I was sleeping she decided to go in the bathtub. Obviously, I didn't find it until I woke up. I picked it up, but there's a big brown spot under it... I scrubbed it with everything I can think of, but it's not budging. It's not fading at ALL and it's not even Kind of acting like it might come up. It looks more like it ate the enamal off or something. Does anyone know why this happened or if there's anything I can do to clean it off? Thanks!

Jul 20, 2009, 02:53 PM
Bleach,and if your cat is pooping something that corrosive, then there is a bigger problem you have to deal with.


Jul 20, 2009, 03:36 PM
I tried bleach... I scrubbed it with bleach for 45 minutes with no effect. It's actually still smooth, so it could just be stained, but it doesn't seem like hard cat poop would leave that much of a stain on a non-porus surface. It seems like after that much scrubbing it should at least be fading or something. Thanks for your suggestion!