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View Full Version : England Stove Works pellet stove blower speed

Oct 15, 2007, 03:03 PM

I have an England Stove Works 25-PDVC/55-SHP10 pellet stove. We've had it for almost four years with no problems. I clean it out and grease the augers every fall before running it for the winter season.

It has recently started having a problem with the blower speed. We start it with the heat range on 5 and the blower speed on 5. After the room is warmed up, we usually run both on 2. What it has started doing recently is: after the stove warms up, the blower starts up and will start dropping the speed on its own down to 0. We will raise it back up and it will start dropping on its own, again. Sometimes, the down button won't work, the up button will work and we can only raise the blower speed.

Anyone have any ideas what this could be? I don't want to replace the control panel unless I am sure that is the problem.


Oct 31, 2010, 05:02 PM
I have anew england pellet stove that just started to over heat git won't go down to a idle set temp at 70 heats up over 90 tested stat wiring and stat both OK help me stove is 3yrs old has been running good