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    sydneyrocks18's Avatar
    sydneyrocks18 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 7, 2009, 10:29 PM
    TCA for african americans?
    So, I want to do a chemical peel and I want to use TCA 12% will it work for my skin since I'm Nigerian? Will I have to add sunscreen or is it only for white people? And please don't tell me to go to a dermatologist because, I don't have the money right now. Thanks.
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Nov 7, 2009, 10:53 PM
    Sunblock (and sunscreen) is good for all people to use. I use spf 70 or higher. Especially if you are lightening or getting chemical peels. I'm unsure which TCA peels would be best for you, there are some here who are currently using them.
    BrownDeceit's Avatar
    BrownDeceit Posts: 366, Reputation: 24
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    Nov 7, 2009, 11:01 PM

    DO-NOT-DO-A-TCA-PEEL-BY-YOURSELF. Smh. You don't have enough money for a dermatologist? Then save up. Or you will risk scarring yourself for life, and believe me you won't love yourself for it.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Nov 8, 2009, 01:17 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by sydneyrocks18 View Post
    So, I want to do a chemical peel and i want to use TCA 12% will it work for my skin since I'm Nigerian? will i have to add sunscreen or is it only for white people? And please don't tell me to go to a dermatologist because, i don't have the money right now. Thanks.
    I've done 12.5% TCA peels several times from
    It's safe for home use, she's also an eBay seller, that is where I first discovered Julie's (the chemist/owner of the company) products.

    There are many grades of tricholoracetic acid with variety of wholesalers. TCA has been used in the machine industry for years for metal cleaning to remove rust and corrosion in US Navy shipyards. Unfortunately, there are some rogue traders that are bottling this industrial grade chemical and marketing it to the skincare industry. When you see a bottle listed for $10 on an auction or website, you can rest assured that it is the poorest grade TCA with a high contaminate of metal fragment or worse! There is a saying that goes: Cheaper means CHEAPER!

    A PERFECT TCA PEEL requires the user to use the LEAST STRENGTH needed to abrade the stratum corneum layer. This is a percentage over 10% and under 20. TCA over this strength will cause the skin to 'frost' or turn white (similar to an light broiler burn).

    TCA Complex has a proven theory of abrading just enough of the stratum corneum to cause the skin to send valuable protein to the surface. When you FROST the skin too deeply, your body goes into WOUND REPAIR MODE where it creates antibodies, scar tissue, melanin and other secretions which MAY easily cause the skin to age faster! Melanin is produced when you tan, and when you are wounded and when you have surges of progesterone ( hormonal hyper pigmentation). When you go too deep into the epidermis or subcutis layers by using high doses of a caustic chemical, your skin produces HEALING PROTEIN to bandage the chemical peel. This is NOT the correct way to do a peel.

    EggoMini's Avatar
    EggoMini Posts: 161, Reputation: 5
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    Nov 8, 2009, 02:52 AM

    Hi Sydney, I'm a US multiracial 'black'(african, native american and european lineage.. naturally medium brown colored) I've used TCA 20% to good effect on the backs of my hands, knees, elbows and tops of feet to remove sundamage and pressure/friction hyperpigmentation.

    IME, TCA is serious business even though I've been successful (lucky?) so far. I say 'so far' because the other day I applied it to my sundamaged outer arms and it burned way more than on the thin skin on my hands and feet. WTH? Also my arms look roasted, like a rotisserie chicken. They've only started peeling last night(I've been babying the areas and using cetaphil)... what I can see of the new skin looks good but I can't recommend this yet. There's a small area where the old skin looks extra dark.

    One member here (I can't remember who, sorry) said that her Dr. doesn't rec chem peels for African American skin at all.

    OTOH, I've had glycolic peels and TCA on my knees before at a spa and was totally fine. I've also done my own glys no problem.

    ... I would never put this stuff(TCA) on my face. I don't know how some people do it. IIRC, There's a woman on SCT( who has removed all or most of her sundamage & TCA is part of her regi. I think she's Eurasian.

    You should also consider that you'll probably look like something out of a zombie film for weeks. You're not supposed to scrub or pick so you have to let it shed on it's own. My children are amused, my husband thinks I'm insane. I'm wearing long sleeves and ordering fingerless gloves, it's that gross.

    AFAIU, Sunblock (60+) is a must with this too.

    What I've realized is that you shouldn't do any of these methods.. peels, acids, hq, arbutin, sepi, lemon juice, vinegar whatever without religious sunscreen use.

    Without the sunscreen, it's like knitting a sweater and then pulling the yarn out and starting over. Most of these agents make you even more sun sensitive than normal so I say

    Sunblock sunblock sunblock

    Or don't even bother starting.

    Also honestly if you can't afford to go to a dr. just in case something goes wrong, G-d forbid, with the peel, I wouldn't do it.. esp TCA. Just my 2 cents. Best of luck!
    sydneyrocks18's Avatar
    sydneyrocks18 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 8, 2009, 09:28 AM

    Omg I need to do it so bad my face looks nasty and I want to use the tca, so basically I can't use it or it will mess up my skin?
    MAHARANI's Avatar
    MAHARANI Posts: 800, Reputation: 39
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    Nov 8, 2009, 12:06 PM

    I personally would not recommend a TCA for the face.It is preferable to use something like a glycolic, lactic acid or a retin A product.
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Nov 8, 2009, 04:09 PM
    Sydney then why not try retin-a 0.025% or 0.05%, or use salicylic acid or lactic acid to see how your skin reacts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but TCA peels are among the strongest. Best to go with something milder.
    Itss A New Day's Avatar
    Itss A New Day Posts: 163, Reputation: 8
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    Nov 8, 2009, 06:47 PM

    Yeh Eggo it was my dermi that said he didn't recommend peels for my skin type. I am a level 4 or level 5. Sydneyrocks if you are dark-complected please start with a lactic acid peel like eggo said, if that. Use the smallest percentage and work your way up based on your tolerance. Lactic acid is more tolerable than glycolic acid on black people, per my research. TCA is heavy duty stuff. I bought a 50% glycolic acid peel for the 1st time from eBay and I used it on my elbows and a small patch on my arm 2 days ago and I felt no sensation on my arm but I felt a slight sting/itching sensation on one elbow. This may not be medical grade so this might be a dud, or my skin is just tough, but I'll use it up until its done. The face is a different story and I would be very hesitant to apply a peel on my face at all.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Nov 8, 2009, 07:40 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sydneyrocks18 View Post
    omg i need to do it so bad my face looks nasty and i want to use the tca, so basically i can't use it or it will mess up my skin?
    As I've posted before I've used the 12.5% with success from

    At Makeup Artist's Choice, Home Peels, Acne, Anti Aging Skin Care they have TCA's that start at 8%, which is for beginners.

    What sort of skin problems are you having trouble with?
    EggoMini's Avatar
    EggoMini Posts: 161, Reputation: 5
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    Nov 8, 2009, 11:50 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    As I've posted before I've used the 12.5% with success from

    At Makeup Artist's Choice, Home Peels, Acne, Anti Aging Skin Care they have TCA's that start at 8%, which is for beginners.

    What sort of skin problems are you having trouble with?
    Nikki where do you apply the 12.5%? What's the aftercare & healing like for you?

    My arms felt totally torched from the 20%.
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Nov 9, 2009, 02:39 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by EggoMini View Post
    nikki where do you apply the 12.5%? what's the aftercare & healing like for you? my arms felt totally torched from the 20%.
    I applied the TCA Complex to my face, using a folded paper towel, the peel comes with a dropper and I put about 3 or 4 dropper fulls and swiped my face for 1 minute.

    It's been a while since I've used this peel but I remember waiting for it to peel, her directions say not to use any moisturizer because it will slow down the peeling process.

    There was no "healing" time, there was nothing to heal from, just waiting for the skin to peel, when it finally did it was great.

    I like the Skin Culture Peel better because it's much faster.
    sagluva's Avatar
    sagluva Posts: 84, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 9, 2009, 08:31 AM

    I tried the gycolic acid peel while on retin a even though the directions said not to be on retin a lol. Well it peeled like two layers of the skin on the back of my neck off so now patches of my neck are like alicia keys skin color and the rest is megan good's.. so awful.. have to hide it with my hair. Wuts the fastest way I can heal the peel to its original color?
    sagluva's Avatar
    sagluva Posts: 84, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 9, 2009, 08:32 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    I applied the TCA Complex to my face, using a folded paper towel, the peel comes with a dropper and I put about 3 or 4 dropper fulls and swiped my face for 1 minute.

    It's been a while since I've used this peel but I remember waiting for it to peel, her directions say not to use any moisturizer because it will slow down the peeling process.

    There was no "healing" time, there was nothing to heal from, just waiting for the skin to peel, when it finally did it was great.

    I like the Skin Culture Peel better because it's much faster.
    I need a strong peel for my elbows and knees and knuckes because they are dark. Which peel would you recommend?
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Nov 9, 2009, 02:21 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sagluva View Post
    I need a strong peel for my elbows and knees and knuckes coz they are dark. which peel would u recommend?
    I lightened my knuckles several shades with the Fair and Flawless 5XF Gel it's an expensive product but it works!

    Why not try a 4% hydroquinone and Retin A combo? You need more than a peel to lighten those area's you need a good lightener as well.

    I'm not sure about using a TCA peel on the body, if so use the 12.5%
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Nov 9, 2009, 06:26 PM
    That's what I'm trying on my knuckles and elbows, the hq and retin-a 0.05%. I hope it will work.

    Sagluva if you want it back to it's normal shade, you can try not applying anything on the neck and eventually it will return to it's original color evenly within 28 days or less.
    EggoMini's Avatar
    EggoMini Posts: 161, Reputation: 5
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    Nov 10, 2009, 03:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    I applied the TCA Complex to my face, using a folded paper towel, the peel comes with a dropper and I put about 3 or 4 dropper fulls and swiped my face for 1 minute.

    It's been a while since I've used this peel but I remember waiting for it to peel, her directions say not to use any moisturizer because it will slow down the peeling process.

    There was no "healing" time, there was nothing to heal from, just waiting for the skin to peel, when it finally did it was great.

    I like the Skin Culture Peel better because it's much faster.
    Thanks nikki! What's in the tca complex?
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Nov 10, 2009, 06:16 PM
    This is what I copied from the site:

    TCA complex is 12.5 with a buffer and a booster. The compounding starts from pure TCA white crystal. You can swipe it or layer it to your desired depth. Your desired peel.
    EggoMini's Avatar
    EggoMini Posts: 161, Reputation: 5
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    Nov 11, 2009, 01:14 AM

    Thanks nikki! <3
    sagluva's Avatar
    sagluva Posts: 84, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 13, 2009, 10:35 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden_Girl View Post
    That's what I'm trying on my knuckles and elbows, the hq and retin-a 0.05%. I hope it will work.

    Sagluva if you want it back to it's normal shade, you can try not applying anything on the neck and eventually it will return to it's original color evenly within 28 days or less.
    Thanks golden girl. I've been trying that. Hopefully it goes back to its original color fast. It looks really nasty. I realised that my neck is very sensitive. Scared to use any peels anymore lol

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