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    crystalbivens's Avatar
    crystalbivens Posts: 489, Reputation: 26
    Full Member

    Jan 14, 2016, 07:55 AM
    What's going on with this light bleeding?
    I am currently experiencing some minor concerns. I am a 33 year old mother of four, three I delivered and one older stepson. After the birth of my now almost 9 year old I had my tubes tied. At the time it seemed like the perfect choice for our family. I had gotten pregnant with my second child while on the birth control patch, after her delivery I ask for a tubal but was denied and instead offered the IUD, long story short I got pregnant with my now 8 year old. My periods are regular and I never skip a period. It's always like clock work when it comes to sympthoms of my cycle. It starts with cramping a week before I start, my boobs start hurting a week before I start. Then it starts like a river, if I notice it coming on at night usually by the next morning I am soaking a extra heavy tampon. It will continue heavy for about three days then start getting lighter. With very heavy periods I ALWaYs experience lots of clots. Well on the 9th of January I noticed I had a little blood when I wiped. Since my period wasent due for another week and a half or two weeks (don't keep up with my exact day just know the time frame) I kind of brushed it off and thought maybe it was from intercourse earlier in the day. It wasent heavy and only there a little when I wiped. Days goes on and I use the restroom again and notice light colored blood. It was a tad bit heavier so I put a tampon in. My tubes are tied so pregnancy couldn't be happening I thought. Still thinking it's kind of starge I am bleeding earlier then expected. Take the tampon out several hours later and there's not even 1/4 of the blood covering the tampon. Take it out and leave it out over night. Wake up the next morning and still spotting a little light blood. Put another tampon in, few hours later only a few spots on the tampon. This went on for about four days. I used like 7 tampons the entire time and ever did it even fill half of the tampon up. It never got heavier and I saw no clots what so ever. The bleeding kept coming and going with light bleeding if that makes since. Now that the bleeding has stopped I am having cramps that feel like my period is coming. I keep feeling like I'm bleeding heavier but when I check there is nothing. I did notice a few drops today after I used the restroom but not where I need any protection. My boobs have not been hurting like they normally do before my period starts. I have however just recently noticed very frequent headaches/mild migraines that are affecting my eyes. Any help from someone who has experience or information would be great. It's been 9 years since I was last pregnant so I'm not really sure. The cramps are uncomfortable but tolerable and they come on and disappear within a few minutes. It's not a constant pain. It almost feels as if my stomach is having small contractions. These started after the bleeding stopped so I'm very confused if I had my period and it was just very light or if the cramping is because my real period is due to start in a few days. Please keep in mind that I am happily married so our sex life is very active. We are pretty much sexually active every day (sometimes twice or more in a day) when I'm not on my period.
    Thank you
    CravenMorhead's Avatar
    CravenMorhead Posts: 4,532, Reputation: 1065
    Adult Sexuality Expert

    Jan 14, 2016, 08:31 AM
    This could just be random mid-cycle spotting. Have you changed or started any medication in the last little bit? How are you medically otherwise? Any illnesses? Diabetes? STI? Etc? Stress?

    The list of what can cause spotting or other mid-cycle bleeding is REALLY long with the vast majority needing a trained professional to diagnose. We're not trained professionals. I would see if your period comes as expected. If your next cycle is similar I would book an appoint with your GP and OB/GYN. This could be a sign of something serious, or just a random hormone fluctuation caused by a different diet change.

    On a Side note, why didn't you show around doctors for getting your tubes tied after your second? Did you consider getting your husband snipped too? It seems baffling that a doctor would say no, especially after two kids.

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