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    johndoe300's Avatar
    johndoe300 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 9, 2012, 05:34 AM
    Excessive Drinking for 2 Days, Stopped 80 Hours Before Test
    I drank an extreme amount of alcohol for 2 days straight and stopped 80 hours before my ETG test. I assume an excessive amount of ETG, because I had been drinking a day or 2 before the same way. Given 80 hours from my last drink, do I have a chance to pass a 500 ETG test?
    MorganP's Avatar
    MorganP Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 9, 2012, 02:41 PM
    Considering the clock starts ticking the time your BAC reaches 0, you've got "80 hours" from that point on. Some people consider the 80 hour detection capability to be a marketing ploy by the company, keep in mind these labs make tons of cash and get lots of business. Anyway, they're going to be testing for EtG, which is cumulative however and is eliminated just as alcohol before although at a different and unknown rate.So alcohol->EtG->clean. The biggest factor was your metabolism and, essentially, your physiology. The chances of you passing were O.K. but the fact that you stopped 80 hours before, instead of calculating when your BAC would reach 0 and counting from there, is going to hurt you (breath my friend). I'm sorry that I can't tell you that it's all going to be fine, and anyone who does is a fool, but try not to freak out about it, and try to figure out how you're going to address it if it does come back positive... be proactive. Most importantly, don't beat yourself up, be forgiving with yourself. You probably have a problem with drinking, I know what it's like, I'm an alcoholic myself, and the most important rule for us is to prepare for the things we can affect, not to sulk over recent mistakes, otherwise we drink again and we easily drive ourselves insane. Don't assume you're going to pass or fail (honestly, if it were me, I'd be thinking 50/50), just prepare for what you can! Much luck, I really hope things work out for you and you can get the demon under control. Also, keep in mind, although it sounds cheesy, this too shall pass, please don't make the mistake of looking at individual situations as end-all moments in your life... the strongest stepping stones come from negative experiences and consequences. You're not alone in your struggles, there's a whole world of us out here.

    ballengerb1's Avatar
    ballengerb1 Posts: 27,378, Reputation: 2280
    Home Repair & Remodeling Expert

    Mar 9, 2012, 04:04 PM
    Sure you have a chance of passing a EtG test. That test is very unreliable with many false positives and negatives. I have to be brutelly honest and tell you it doesn't matter at this point, the drinking is over, nothing speeds up your system to get rid of the alcohol, so just move forward. I do not know why you are required to be tested but you need to consider some type of support system because you are making some chancy decisions. You drank for 2 days, stopped 80 hours before the scheduled test, know how an EtG works so I am left with the thought that you need some help..

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