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    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 17, 2007, 10:29 PM
    Craving salt.
    Hi Y'all,

    I'm probably not posting this in the right area... AND I am probably overreacting.

    A few months ago, my hubby and I were giving tests in relation to fertility. Everything came back OK with me except low sodium lvls (Doctor said it wasn't anything to be concerned about because the test came back 136 mmol/L and the normal is 137 - 147). My husband on the other hand, his semen analysis was abnormal. Our doctor told us that it would be virtually impossible to conceive naturally and gave us a referral for a fertility clinic.

    It was only just the past couple of days that I realized (because Daniel asked me why I hadn't gotten my period yet) that my period is actually late by 15 days today. I don't feel 'pregnant' as such and highly doubt that I am on account of our test results and from what our doctor said. But, I have been feeling unwell, nauseas and craving salt.

    I actually searched 'craving salt' in Google, and I found a site on Addison's disease. Apparently it can halt menstruation and has an effect on sodium levels and also feel not well. The website did say that it is extremely rare, 8 in 1 million, but I feel like some of my symptoms relate to the listed symptoms on the website. I have only been craving salt the last week and I realize that nausea is a common symptom with pregnancy, but due to Daniel having such abnormal sperm, I think it's high unlikely that it could be related to pregnancy.

    I am hesitant to go to the doctors, because maybe I am just being an idiot and overreacting.

    I'd appreciate any input anyone may have.

    Kindest regards, Catherine.
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Feb 17, 2007, 10:40 PM
    Get a home pregnancy test. Make sure it is done in the morning. Your sodium levels are not really low. It was off by one point which is nothing, really. Your doctor is telling you the truth and quite honestly I do not even know why he told you about the result because it is within normal readings.

    Doctors have made mistakes before about saying pregnancy can not happen with a couple. There was this couple that were told they could not conceive. Later on ended up getting pregnant. The father thinking that it is impossible because of what the doctor told him. He thought his wife was playing around. Turned out to be his child. So it is not impossible.

    Just in case you are pregnant, you should take prenatals just to get a good start.

    I do believe it could be overreacting about the sodium and salt. Please do a pregnancy test. Buy a package with two in it. Give it a couple of tries. Please let us know how the test goes.

    Now if it is negative then you should see a doctor/ob.

    Hoping the best for you.

    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Feb 17, 2007, 10:42 PM
    There are other possibilities of why you may not have your period. Here is a small list.

    Other Medical Conditions
    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 17, 2007, 10:48 PM
    Thanks Joe!

    Well Diet and Stress aren't really a factor, we have just came back from holidays and my hubby sent me roses and balloons to work, so obviously I was thrilled and don't feel I have any reasons before I thought about this concern to be stressed. We haven't consciously been trying to conceive since we found out our test results.

    I just don't understand the whole craving salt thing.. It can't be normal!

    I will keep you updated. Once again tnx.
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Feb 17, 2007, 10:53 PM

    They say that the best time to conceive or usually when it happens is when your not stressing about or thinking about it. I hope I am not getting your hopes up, but just check into it. It is better to know either way, right!

    I am going to do my own search for the craving salt thing, if I come up with other things. I will let you know. By the way, your levels are fine. Just trying to reassure you.
    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 17, 2007, 11:02 PM
    Awww. Thank you!

    I think that's why Daniel and I are dismissing pregnancy; neither of us wants to get our hopes up. Also Daniel truly believes that there is no way we could have conceived naturally.

    Also, the last few days, I have had to go to bed mid morning because I feel so unwell and usually have asleep. I don't feel as though I need to vomit, I just generally don't feel well.

    Forgot to mention, I do take a women's multi vitamin daily too - which includes folic acid and fish oils etc.
    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 18, 2007, 12:33 AM

    I took your advice Joe! I went to the pharmacy and bought a test... I wondered if I should have waited till the morning, but I thought why not? I'm so late I might as well do one now... and it was POSITIVE!!

    I honestly never expected it to be and CAN'T believe it! I'm so happy I'm crying.. I can't wait to tell Dani.. Thank you for your help Joe.

    I can't believe that our doctor told us just a few months ago that it was almost impossible for us to conceive naturally! It's unbelievable.. I'm in shock!

    I just hope Dani doesn't think I've been playing up... We have all the trust in the world, but I suppose if I were a man and I was told that I wouldn't be able to conceive naturally... I might question it.

    Gosh, I hope everything goes Ok! All right, I'll stop my little excited rant now.

    tamed's Avatar
    tamed Posts: 255, Reputation: 33
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    Feb 18, 2007, 10:29 AM
    Congrats Catherine!
    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 18, 2007, 02:03 PM
    Thank you very much Tamed.
    buggage's Avatar
    buggage Posts: 1,514, Reputation: 165
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    Feb 18, 2007, 05:34 PM
    Congrats! I was going to say that the salt cravings could just be pregnancy cravings, but then I read on and saw you got a possitive result! Hah. So my advice is pointless now. I have known several people who have been told by doctors that it was impossible for them to conceive. And these people turned up pregnant within months, or years of that advice. Some of them had already adopted a few children, feeling they would never conceive on their own. Imagine their surprise at the pregnancy test results:0) Congrats and best wishes
    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 19, 2007, 12:42 AM
    Thanks Buggage!

    My husband was convinced I couldn't be pregnant, as was I to be honest. Well, I am salivating over salty flavored tuna and lamb (with salt obviously)... my mouth just doesn't stop watering over salty yummy things! So at least tuna and lamb are a bit healthier than pretzels or other salty tasting foods..

    As Joe and my hubby mentioned, probably because my body is lacking something... sodium I guess..
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Feb 19, 2007, 05:19 AM
    First let me congratulate you on your surprise!! You must be so excited. Now let me caution you about your salt cravings.

    Be careful how much salt you do eat while pregnant. You do not want to deveope preeclampsia during pregnancy. This is a form of high blood pressure during pregnancy that is very dangerous to both Mom and baby. The only cure for preeclampsia is delivery, no matter how far along you are.

    Salt/sodium is a factor in high blood pressure. So if you want a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, keep your salt intake to a minimum.
    buggage's Avatar
    buggage Posts: 1,514, Reputation: 165
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    Feb 19, 2007, 07:49 AM
    Also, be careful of how much tuna you eat. Tuna have a small amount of mercury in it, and they caution you to only eat a certain amount(no more then 6 oz of "light" tuna a week. Albacore tuna &tuna steaks have about three times as much mercury as the light tuna, so it's a good idea to stay away from those until your not preggy anymore.) I think every preggy woman has a salt craving now and then. I use to crave pretzels and potato chips. Hah. And tuna for a while as well. I'm glad that you guys were able to prove the docs wrong;0) wishing you the best
    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 19, 2007, 02:05 PM
    Aww.. poo!

    I thought I was doing myself a favor with that fish oil! I read ages ago that fish is good for pregnant women, due to the fish oils and omega 3. Is it only tuna that is unsafe? Is there fish that is safe to eat?

    And thank you J9! We are both ecstatic; we are already driving each other nuts over baby names... I'm not sure who's more excited, us or my parents! We are going to hold back telling everyone our special news until we reach that 13 week mark... just in case! I'm sure everyone can tell something is up though, because I have the biggest smile on my face.

    Also, I'm not sure if it's all in my head, but yesterday afternoon I felt like I hadn't eaten in days, and this morning I woke up and hour earlier than I usually do again feeling so hungry!.

    Well thank you for your support guys!
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Feb 19, 2007, 02:31 PM
    It is recommended that omega 3 is important. Some try to say that there is a safe recommendation of canned tuna while pregnant. While others say avoid it altogether. It depends on what source on the internet you look up. As far as mercury goes apparently the levels in fresh fish are a lot higher then the levels in canned.

    I think that is a good idea waiting for reaching 13 week mark. Just in case. Our doctor advised us that, I think it is up to each individual but I personally believe it is better choice to wait before telling others. Even though it is really hard to keep the news in.

    Keep eating, Keep smiling.

    buggage's Avatar
    buggage Posts: 1,514, Reputation: 165
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    Feb 19, 2007, 03:04 PM
    There are several fish that you can still eat. Salmon, sea bass, sole, flounder, haddock, halibut, ocean perch, pollack, cod, farm raised trout, canned fish, seafood of all kinds, smaller ocean fish. Stuff like that. You doc can give you good pointers on food safety and how much you can eat, etc. (by the way, all this info I have given you is out of my " what to expect when you are expecting " book, by HEiedi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway, B.S.N.) it's a very good book.
    CatherinenDaniel's Avatar
    CatherinenDaniel Posts: 58, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 20, 2007, 12:17 AM
    Lol - well there seems to still be plenty of options then! I guess it's just a matter of moderation. Thanks guys..

    O BTW... can I still get my hair dyed? I heard that you shouldn't but maybe it's a myth?
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Feb 20, 2007, 05:28 AM
    Well, it is a myth and it is not. Just think that whatever you are smelling, your baby gets a smell of too. Chemicals like this are very strong. Another reason is that the new hormones will "show up" on hair strands and either make it harder to dye or make the dye take much more quick.

    So, just make sure the room with VERY well ventilated if you feel that you need to get your hair dyed. Personally though, I would not if it were me.
    buggage's Avatar
    buggage Posts: 1,514, Reputation: 165
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    Feb 20, 2007, 07:46 AM
    Yeah, when I was about three months preggy, I decided to dye my hair back to normal color(it was a dark purplish red with black tips, and when the roots of my normal brown hair color started to grow out, it looked gray in contrast! So obviously I didn't want my roots growing out. Figured I would dye it back to normal color, and not have to keep dying it throughout pregnancy) I tried to do it myself, and was shocked to see my roots turn the color of hi-c and the rest of it an ugly dull color! SOOOO I ended up having to go to the salon and have them do a major color job on my hair to get it back to a semi natural color, and had to chop off most of my hair because it had killed my hair off so badly. (I my hair was down to the middle of my back, had to chop it to my ears) SOOOO. You are taking a big risk getting your hair dyed with all the hormones and such, chances are it won't turn out the same color that you want it to. I heard that it was inconclusive whether some of the chems could be obsorbed through your scalp, and that it is generally suggested against, simply for the fact that they don't know for sure. You might want to ask your doctors opinion. Some say it is fine, some say absolutely not. Personally, I am waiting until I am done with this pregnancy this time around haha. I learned my lesson the hard way. Ahah.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Feb 20, 2007, 07:52 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by buggage
    I heard that it was inconclusive whether or not some of the chems could be obsorbed through your scalp, and that it is generally suggested against, simply for the fact that they dont know for sure.
    Well, this is somewhat true. We do know that our bodies do absorb anything that is put onto our skin, but with hair color and perms it is inconclusive as to how much is absorbed and the damage it could cause.

    I got a perm once while pregnant. While all of my perms have always turned out beautifully, this one was so poodley it was frightning.

    Best, just to wait it out.

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