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    xxnikki494xx's Avatar
    xxnikki494xx Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 21, 2010, 09:12 PM
    Should I keep trying?
    Okay so I really need some help. Me and my boyfriend well (ex now) have been going out for 23 months. We broke up about a month ago. We were completely fine the day before he broke up with me... we were

    Perfect and not even fighting.. His reason was that he wanted to experience new girls, and didn't want a serious relationship, but still wanted to date other girls. So we stopped talking for about 2 weeks, even though I kept on trying to talk/text him, and ask if we can try again etc... he responded with very mean texts, one even said he was over me. But then after the 2 weeks I sent him a text saying I love you. In the morning he asked why I sent it I said that I missed saying it and texting him that.. then he responded well I love you too... then we sort of of acted like a couple and that night we talked and he told me he still cares about me and loves me and ill always be his baby... we talked and texted like we were a couple for about a week.. I even texted him a long thing saying how we could be perfect because we haven't fought and have been getting along.. he said he liked the text, but didn't want to date me.. then one night we talked and I was upset because I thought we could get back, but he was like "i guess i was just putting fuel to the fire." and said he doesn't want to date me..

    we stopped acting like a couple now, and he talks to other girls well since we broke up he has, but isn't dating any of them.. but he still does text me good morning a lot, and he always texts me back if I text him. Yesterday it was his birthday and in the card I gave to him, it said want to try again.. he said no I don't sorry but then he texted said goodnight love you kisses before he went to bed. Its like he is giving me mixed signals.. but he doesn't want to be with me.

    We have been on and off for 2 years, but none of our break ups have lasted this long, I miss him so much... I'm depressed, can't sleep, can't eat can't do anything. I feel like I need him in my life, we have been through so much together. Its not like I need a guy in my life I'm fine without one, but I really miss him, and I always think about him. He did tell me, maybe in a year we can date again. But I don't want to wait... I have tried everything I have made YouTube videos with songs and words saying how I feel he saw them too... I've left voice mails.. there nothing else I can do. He said he won't give in.. I would do anything to get him back. Please help. By the way, this is a high school relationship, I'm 17 and he is 18 and I will be a junior and he will be a senoir. This was our first "real real relationship for the both of us.. but I want to still be with him, but we were in love, with did everything together,
    And always got through fights. Is there anything I can do to show him we are meant to be.. or have him give us another chance and not want to seee other girls.

    aaii's Avatar
    aaii Posts: 91, Reputation: 10
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    Aug 22, 2010, 04:19 AM

    Awww high school relationships! I think that's the issue and solution right there; your both young!

    Have fun and freedom when you've got the chance. He wants to be a loose cannon, and you have to be a loose butterfly!

    I've been round the block and I can tell you now, what you're doing, although really sweet, is completely wrong. Instead, you should let him go. If he truly loves and cares about you he WILL come back, that I promise. Read into "no contact" it's an extremely powerful tool but requires a lot of disciple. From your post it looks like you haven't got any, so it's a good ground to train yourself.

    Just to reiterate, be a butterfly! Focus on other things you enjoy, meditate, enjoy and love life! You're so young and have the world ahead of you to conquer.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Aug 22, 2010, 06:36 AM

    As you said this was your first real relationship, but its over, and you have to leave him alone so you can heal and get ready for your second relationship.

    That first one is hard to get over and it sucks, but time, and doing your thing will get you through what's probably the hardest thing you have ever experienced.

    Happens to us all.
    Bluerose's Avatar
    Bluerose Posts: 1,521, Reputation: 310
    Ultra Member

    Aug 22, 2010, 08:32 AM

    Boyfriends in school are like buses - there will be another one along in a minute. Lol

    As for trying. If it’s something you really want then of course you have to keep trying. You haven’t failed until you stop trying.
    Shaydie's Avatar
    Shaydie Posts: 30, Reputation: 3
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    Aug 25, 2010, 07:45 AM

    Just let him go. I know it will be hard for you. I had a heartbreak so bad once that I laid on the floor and screamed. (it helped) He cares about you, but he doesn't love you in the way a man loves a woman he wants to be with. He doesn't want to see you hurt, but he is not romantically interested in you. Don't be that girl that turns in to a needy basket case. And blue rose is right Another boyfriend will be along in a minute. Don't let them see you moping over some other guy!

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