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    monkeyblossom's Avatar
    monkeyblossom Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 16, 2008, 01:40 PM
    My 12 yr old spaniel will not eat or drink anything!
    My cocker spaniel is 12 years old, male- and has a fatty tumor (size of a golf ball) on the left side of his body around his knee socket. Our vet said it was harmless and removal for it is not necessary until it starts putting pressure on the rest of his organs. However, my dog has barely eaten his food in the last two days. I brought him in to see our vet, and the doctor said he just had gas and that would explain why he didn't eat. After they gave him barium, he burped and we thought he was fine. But the next day, he didn't even touch his food and he refused to drink anything. I was worried, so I took him in to the vet again. According to them, my dog doesn't have a fever, he is slightly anemic and has a high count of white blood cells which means he has an infection, but because he won't drink or eat, we don't know how to administer his antibiotics (intravenously perhaps). He's moving really slow and I hope that we can fix him. He hasn't been his usual self in last two days and the veterinarians cannot tell me exactly what is wrong with him. If anyone has had similar experiences with their dog(s), please let me know what you've encountered and if there is anything else I can do for him. :( Thank you.
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 16, 2008, 02:06 PM
    I'm sure you will get an answer from one of the experts soon, but why are you having problems giving him his antibiotics? Will he just not swallow? Are they in pill or liquid form? You must make sure he is hydrated, so if he won't drink on his own, I would suggest going to your drug store, (or pet store/hosp) and buying a large plastic syringe. Fill it with water, and try and give him water that way.

    Do you trust your vet? Maybe a second opinion would be a good idea also.

    I sure hope he feels better soon!
    monkeyblossom's Avatar
    monkeyblossom Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 16, 2008, 03:28 PM
    Thank you for your responses! I brought him to the vet where he will stay overnight for observation. He refused to open his mouth for peanut butter, a piece of a banana, etc. his favorites. I didn't want to take any chances since he is naturally a fragile and sensitive dog. He is now hooked up to an IV and hopefully he will be better in the morning. I am sadden that he will be spending the night alone at the vet's office with other animals. Hopefully the experience will not be as unpleasant for him (spending the night in an unfamiliar place).
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 16, 2008, 03:40 PM
    Awww, I'm glad he is in good hands, under observation, and getting the nourishment he needs. I hope the little guy feels better soon. Hopefully they will sedate him some, so staying over night won't be so traumatic for him.

    I know after my little fur babe was attacked, and had to be rushed in for emerg surgery. She had to stay at the vet for several days, and was in a lot of pain. I worried a lot about her thinking that I had abandoned her, and just left her. She was just fine though, when she saw my face.

    I hope he will be feeling better, and be back home soon. :)
    Merricat's Avatar
    Merricat Posts: 32, Reputation: 5
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    Aug 17, 2008, 07:31 AM
    As a veterinarian, I would STRONGLY suggest you either go back to your vet and get more tests done, or go elsewhere and have them done. A 12 year old dog not eating concerns me and I would want to look into it and see why, not pooh-pooh it as gas and send him home. Antibiotics can cause GI upset and nausea... But so can some other very serious illnesses.
    What would I propose? CBC/Chem panel to look for signs of infection, changes in liver, kidney function and diabetes. Possibly a T4 for a thyroid check. Maybe abdominal x-rays--but personally I would start with bloodwork. That can tell you a lot in these cases.
    Vets and their owners have to speak for their pets because they can't advocate for themselves. If you know there is something wrong, or feel there is, then most likely, you are right! Get him help! Let us know what happens!
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 17, 2008, 11:53 PM
    As Merricat has said, please let us know how your little guy is doing when you have time, and I hope you solve, and get some answers to whatever is going on with him! Those sweet looking eyes of his!
    monkeyblossom's Avatar
    monkeyblossom Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 18, 2008, 09:15 AM
    I have great news! My little Nike was admitted on Saturday for one night at the animal hospital so that he could get the support that he needed. It was really hard to walk away from him when I saw them strap a muzzle on him and hold him down. :( I was really worried because no one is at the hospital from 11pm to 6:30am but our vet assured me that he would be okay and will have everything he would need. I called before closing to ask if I could visit him but they said he was doing just fine and was already sleeping. So, I waited until the morning and called around 900 am to speak with a young lady who was taking care of Nike. She was about to feed him so, I had to tell her about his diet- duck and sweet potato, carrots, celery, no gluten, no wheat, no chicken etc. After she fed him, she informed me that Nike was like a brand new puppy, he was eating like a piglet and very very sweet. As I listened to her over the phone, she was in the background talking with Nike, telling him how cute he was. I cried. I missed him so much, and I couldn't wait to pick him up, but she said that I had to wait until the afternoon because he still wasn't in the clear. I was able to take my little baby home that evening. He has some meds that I need to administer throughout the day- antinausea and antibiotics... He was running around in the grass out front and then he pooped solids (good sign). The young lady also told me that if he stop eating again, then I would have to take him in. We are unsure where his infection is, but we assume its in his tummy- he probably ate something bad out on the street when I wasn't looking :(
    Thank you for all the help and concern and advice. Nike is himself again and its great to have him home. First time ever to be without him over night and his best friend Ariel (buff colored spaniel) is excited to see him too!
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Aug 18, 2008, 09:45 AM
    I'm so glad your little Nike is back home and doing well! When my girl Niki had to spend several nights at the vet, I was just lost. I found myself walking to the back door to let her in, only to remember that she wasn't here, and doing things like going to fill her water bowl, and seeing it was still full. It's hard when they are with you everyday, all day, and then they are not there. But both of us have our fur babes back home now, and I hope Nike continues to get better. Niki sends puppy kisses his way! :)

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