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    Princess11's Avatar
    Princess11 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 27, 2008, 06:48 AM
    9dpo.Could these be pregnancy symptoms so soon?
    I had sex the day I suspected ovulation (18th) Then on the 23rd I began to have mild cramps and just a small spot of lightish red blood(I thought to be implantation bleeding). I have also been pretty gassy lately, and last night I woke up around 3am feeling like I was going to puke, I sat on the couch just knowing at any second I was going to throw up. But fortunatly I didn't. But what was strange, was that after about half an hour or so, I felt fine again, and feel back asleep. One minute I was feeling very nauseous, then the next minute I was fine. Could I be showing sign's of pregnancy already. My AF isint due until June 3rd. And how soon can I take a test? Thank you for your help!
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    May 27, 2008, 09:50 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Princess11
    I had sex the day I suspected ovulation (18th) Then on the 23rd I began to have mild cramps and just a small spot of lightish red blood(I thought to be implantation bleeding). I have also been pretty gassy lately, and last night I woke up around 3am feeling like I was going to puke, I sat on the couch just knowing at any second I was going to throw up. But fortunatly I didnt. But what was strange, was that after about half an hour or so, I felt fine again, and feel back asleep. One minute I was feeling very nauseous, then the next minute I was fine. Could I be showing sign's of pregnancy already. My AF isint due until June 3rd. And how soon can I take a test? Thank you for your help!

    Surprisingly, yes... you can start to experience some symptoms soon after implantation; before you even miss a period. Many women don't feel anything for several weeks, often missing their period is the first indication they have that something is up... but it is very individual as to what, and when, symptoms will start.
    concernedmom26's Avatar
    concernedmom26 Posts: 26, Reputation: 3
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    May 28, 2008, 05:24 PM
    When a woman becomes pregnant, the egg is generally fertilized by a sperm cell in a fallopian tube (conception). Within 9 days after fertilization, the egg moves down the fallopian tube into the uterus and attaches (implants) to the wall of the uterus. When the fertilized egg implants, the placenta starts to develop and begins to release hCG into the woman's blood. Some of this hCG also passes in her urine. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, the amount of hCG in the urine gets higher very quickly-it doubles every 2 to 3 days.

    There are three basic types of home pregnancy tests.

    * The most common types of home pregnancy tests use a test strip or dipstick that you hold in the urine stream or dip into a sample of urine. An area on the end of the dipstick or test strip changes color if hCG is present, meaning you are pregnant.
    * A second type uses a urine collection cup with a test device. To use this type of test, you may place several drops of urine into a well in the test device or you put the test device into urine collected in a cup. An area of the device changes color if hCG is present, meaning you are pregnant.
    * A third, less common type of test, mixes a sample of urine in several tubes or cups with a powder or liquid to cause a chemical reaction. The presence of hCG causes a chemical reaction that makes a color change. The color of the mixture is compared with a color comparison strip to show if you are pregnant.

    The first urine of the morning (that has collected in the bladder overnight) is the best one to use and has the most accurate test results.

    The accuracy of home pregnancy tests are different for every woman because:

    * The days of a woman's menstrual cycle and ovulation can change each month.
    * The exact day of implantation of the fertilized egg is not always known.
    * Each home pregnancy test kit has a different sensitivity to find hCG. If the level is very low, the first urine of the morning is the most likely to show a positive result.

    While a few home pregnancy tests may be sensitive enough to show a pregnancy on the first day of a woman's missed period, most test kits are more accurate about a week after a missed period. Hope this helped

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