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    kr1s's Avatar
    kr1s Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 24, 2006, 11:59 AM
    Too nice ? Help
    Recently I have noticed that my g/f seems a bit detached from me when we are together. Ive been thinking about this a lot recently and after doing some reading on the internet it's obvious I'm a 'nice guy' and that's not what women want. Id rather we didn't get into a debate with some arguing that they want a nice guy and some don't. My problem is that I've totally fell for the girl and I find myself always agreeing with her, doing what she wants to do and buying her things, visiting her, but I wouldn't say calling too much or following her around.I realise my behaviour has changed since we met, I behave in a way that I think she wants me to and my puppy like behaviour is the reason I think she is becoming a little distant, possibly I'm not a challenge anymore and she's bored. Furthermore I've read that women like guys to be masculine I don't particularly like this notion but I do realise I'm sometimes too emotionally open and could be seen as weakness.

    I feel I should just add we are both in our late teens; me 19 her 17 and have been going out 4 months; a sticky stage in most relationships from friends experiences.

    Id appreciate it if someone could give me some advice as to how I can get out of this routine. I read somewhere to start living my life and doing what I like doing; but the problem is what I like doing; is being with her. I realise it has to change though or I risk losing her. How do I change my behaviour? Furthermore I worry that by changing she might feel I'm not interested in her anymore? Will she see it like this as I'm assuming my behaviour will have to change significantly?
    nwsflash's Avatar
    nwsflash Posts: 530, Reputation: 73
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    Jan 24, 2006, 12:06 PM
    First of all I think you need to slow down a little and stop stressing yourself in your head. You have been seeing one another for 4mnths so this is still too me the getting to know one another stage.
    kr1s's Avatar
    kr1s Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 24, 2006, 12:09 PM
    Yeah I realise that but everywhere I read it's about how girls hate guys being that 'puppy dog' type and that it's really a turn off.

    I realise I am like that I just find it difficult to argue with her. You're the first person to suggest it's OK most people tell me I need a change quick. Cheers!
    kr1s's Avatar
    kr1s Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 24, 2006, 12:26 PM
    She knows I'm totally in love with her, that's how I feel and I tell her. She tells me that she finds it difficult being open about things like that, which I totally appreciate and understand. My major worry is my puppy like behaviour though.

    I just feel that she doesn't like it atall and I can't really help it but want to change it. That's the thing at first everything was interesting and stuff, but since I confessed that I'm totally in love with her and that she knows I plan things around her etc she seems less interested in me. I just feel that for me to change now is difficult as she knows that she has won me over and that I'm not a challenge anymore.

    Im interested to see what the girls say on this matter as well, cause I reckon they will be after me with knives for my puppy like behaviour.:D
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 24, 2006, 12:27 PM
    First and thank God it is true, there is no "type" that girls like.

    Some girls may want to literally lead you around by a collar

    But in general they want you to be yourself, nothing more or nothing less.
    She wants you to be the person you are are and the person she meet.

    The last thing she wants or you want is to pretend to be someone you are not, then you are basing a relatoinship on a lie.

    First good suggestion, what ever web sites you are reading, stop, it is lies,
    Sounds like something they teach on the "Man Show" or something.

    And it is not always like they show on Opra either.

    A relationship is merely two people learning all about each other, learning the good and the bad. Each perhaps changing slightly for the other.

    And lastly, yes the nice guys in the long run do get the best girls and the most girls, perhaps not at 16 but over all yep.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 24, 2006, 12:54 PM
    "Furthermore i worry that by changing she might feel im not interested in her anymore?" - never

    I think you have the concept down. And are starting to learn.

    What you need to do is Pull Back - give her some sapce. Have her contact you when she's ready. Your interest level is way too high here.

    And yes, she WILL live if you are an agreeable, sick puppy dog. She doesn't want another 'girlfriend' - she wants a MAN!!

    You did need more things in your life - women are a part of your life - NOT YOUR LIFE. School, work, WORKING OUT OUT, FRIENDS, FAMILY, Hobbies are tas important.

    It's NOT changing who you are - it's learn to grow up and mature - become a man. Learning about women.

    You just need to grow a spine and learn to say NO!! Say no, I am going out with my friends.

    Less is more with women - the less contact and less they see you - the more they reach for you.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 24, 2006, 12:54 PM
    IF you act too anxious to make a relationship work, even if the other person initially seemed to be the one who wanted it, they will become turned off and start looking for the exits. Next time you decide you really want somebody, play your cards close to your chest. Don't let on how excited you've become. Slowly over many months of time you can eventually show more commitment on your part, but do so incrementally, remaining alert to equal signs of commitment back. If at any point your devotion is more than an equal share, back off and give the other person a chance to catch up before proceeding further.

    It is their perception, rightly or wrongly, that someone nice must be desperately needy. The neediness or dependent characteristics exhibited by a person are actually what is repulsive.
    kr1s's Avatar
    kr1s Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:04 PM
    That's the reply I thought was coming my way. It's exactly what I'm trying to do, but I do find it difficult. Befroe I couldn't understand what's so bad about me 'nice' doing what she wants to do and doing this just cause I love her. But now I see that yeah she does want a 'man'. It's regaining my hmmmmm(power, self respect, masculinity? ) when I've lost it I find difficult,as I'm just so worried that she will see my change in behaviour as me less interested. How can you be so sure that when I start saying that me away to the pub and I'm not seeing you tonight she will not just think I'm dumping her for my mates.

    Might I add that well I have my uni 5 days a week, she works 2 nights of the week as well. But before I met her my life totally revolved around going out getting smashed all summer, taking E's etc partying through till the next day. Id rather I didn't get a lecture about drug use, I'm very sensible and aware of the pros and cons. But this was basically my lifestyle from say May last year till October last year, so as you can imagine when all the partying ended and I met her I didn't really have much else going on, as I quit all that as soon as I met her.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:09 PM
    Being a good guy is fine. Being yourself is fine.

    Being all agreeable, always having to be with her, buying things, not having a spine and saying no... are repulsive.

    Women need to know they can get mad at you - get in a fight and then make up... it helps a relationship.

    No one wants a lap dog.

    Confidence is KING!
    southpointes's Avatar
    southpointes Posts: 12, Reputation: 3
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:21 PM
    Hey Kr1s
    I have to go with Wildcat here. You have to be yourself but that doesn't mean saying yes all the time. Say some no's and let her know that is not always what she wants. Be yourself but don't be afraid to say no just because you may upset her or get her mad. You don't have to be an , just let her know that it's not a one way road and she can't always have her way. Don't worry if there's an argument, Do you know how many times I've argued with my girlfriend just because I said I can't do it, or I'm not going, but you know what, we somehow end up getting passed all of that. Get the lead and strongly agree when you believe something is just wrong, don't just say yes hon when you should have said no and this is why.
    Don't be afraid kris, arguments come and go in a relationship and chances are they will never go away because no human thinks alike, never!!
    Wish you the best for you and your girl.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:25 PM
    She walks all over you... and then she walks away. Always.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:25 PM
    The way one guru puts it is the cocky/funny approach. Girls don't like an overly cocky guy... and their not going to be too attracted to an overly funny guy... but the combo of these two things is magic! When you are together, bust on her a little... but in a plalyful way. This is a great way to transition into what you want. Don't start by just being less available... a sudden change like that could give her the wrong idea. Work your way into it. Go find other things to do.. get a gym membership, find a recreational thing you can do on a weekly basis. I play a pool, softball, dodgeball, and I bowl. Its great... it keeps me busy and it's a GREAT way to socialize with people.

    In the meantime, you need to work on how you act with her. Like I said before, you want to be confident, cocky/funny... bust on her.. be playful... be cute... act as if you are observing her to make sure that she is a suitable girlfriend... stand up for your opinions but don't be defensive about it. It can be fun to disagree if you make it fun.

    Right now, I am in one of the best relationships of my life and I started it off the bat with this mentality. This girl was literally BEGGING me to be her boyfriend... its no joke. Anyway, its been about 8 months now and everyday, we have SO much fun... always! Im still cocky with her and I still bust on her and she eats it up! She gives it back to me now! Its great. Its magic!

    And don't buy into the idea that you are trying to change. Like Wildcat said, you're are just growing up. You can still be nice without being the "nice guy."

    Just be confident enough in yourself that you don't need her approval... SHE NEEDS YOUR APPROVAL!

    Keep reading what you have found online... if you want more, ask me and I will hook you up with some great sites with great info! Be stoked that you are catching on so young... Im 27 and only realized all this a few years ago...
    kr1s's Avatar
    kr1s Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:29 PM
    See the thing is she doesn't walk over me atall.She always asks me what I want to do and I just leave the decisions up to her.

    I know what I'm doing!

    So that can only be a good thing and I'm attempting to address the issue.

    As I said earlier I'm just worried that she will see me as becoming less interested which worries me. How can you be so certain she won't see my change in behaviour as me being less interested. I haven't spoken to her since Sunday now, I'm trying to get a bit of distance, let her phone me. But I worry that she will think I'm not interested anymore. Furthermore I like spending time with her it's just what I enjoy doing. The whole clubbing partying, don't know where I am for a couple of days thing is long gone and doesn't appeal to me, yet all my mates are still into it, so it's difficult to do anything else.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:42 PM
    Its not all about waiting for her to contact you... you are already going out, right? So call her... but first, plan out a day and night of activities. Don't ask her what she wants to do call her and say "Im going to do this... you wanna come with?" or "Dont make any plans for this day... we're going out" and just run the night. Just say you have a couple things in mind and go do them.

    Don't just blow her off and wait for her to call... that's getting old. Even if you are trying to hook up with someone new, the whole waiting for X amount of days is getting old and girls are onto it...

    Just focus on being different and funny and cocky and confident and fun and exciting... change your focus.

    As for your mates, you may want to find some new ones... not saying to give up on your old ones but you need some mates to just hang out with without getting looped... find some guys that like to go do stuff... disc golf, real golf, something, ANYTHING... you need other activities. The whole "unavailability" thing only works if your unavailable... not just sitting on your *** at home.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:50 PM
    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh - that's it big time. You need to make decisions. WOMEN HATE whne you keep asking "what do you want to do?" ughhhhhhhhhhhh - that's approval seekin gat it' very best.

    Only once in while let her decided.

    You have this gal on a pestal - women hate that as well - see, women need to earn the right be at your level (I know the women here will hate that, but.. it's true AND that's how every woman wants to feel with their guy - like the are moving UP). You put them above you and they feel you aren't good enough and it's bye-bye. They should feel lucky to be in your presences.

    Surprise her on night AND don't tell her what your doing - tell her just to be ready.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:53 PM
    Yep - you need to learn to tease her - women love this. Make fun of her - BUT don't be mean. Make fu nof her purse.

    Being busy is key.
    kr1s's Avatar
    kr1s Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 24, 2006, 01:59 PM

    Im understanding that by doing all these things it's repulsive to her. I think I've caught it in time, as she always been up front about things before so she would have said by now if it's beyond what she can take.

    But I just need to get out of the routine.

    Very difficult to suddenly change being all nicey nicey to saying NO I don't want to do that and no I'm going out with my mates not doing what you want to do.

    How can I readress the balance and have her trying to reach my level again?
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 24, 2006, 02:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildcat21
    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh - that's it big time. You need to make decisions. WOMEN HATE whne you keep asking "what do you want to do?" ughhhhhhhhhhhh - that's approval seekin gat it' very best.

    Only once in while let her decided.

    You have this gal on a pestal - women hate that as well - see, women need to earn the right be at your level (I know the women here will hate that,'s true AND that's how every woman wants to feel with their guy - like the are moving UP). You put them above you and they feel you aren't good enough and it's bye-bye. They should feel lucky to be in your presences.

    Suprise her on night AND don't tell her what your doing - tell her just to be ready.

    Follow this advice and you will be divorced four or five times by the time you are 40 and most likely join the preisthood now, since this is about the worst advice for being with a women.

    NEXT, listen to what the women have to say about treating a women, not what a man says, they have no idea unless they have lived most of their life with them or as in my case have worked with couples in counseling for years
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 24, 2006, 02:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kr1s
    See the thing is she doesnt walk over me atall.She always asks me what i want to do and i just leave the decisons up to her.

    I know what im doing !!

    So that can only be a good thing and im attempting to address the issue.

    As i said earlier im just worried that she will see me as becomming less interested which worries me. How can you be so certain she wont see my change in behaviour as me being less interested. I havent spoken to her since sunday now, im trying to get a bit of distance, let her phone me. But i worry that she will think im not interested anymore. Furthermore i like spending time with her it's just what i enjoy doing. The whole clubbing partying, dont know where i am for a couple of days thing is long gone and doesnt appeal to me, yet all my mates are still into it, so it's difficult to do anything else.
    Note when you start becoming a couple, you have to have other "couples" not mates to do things with. Next you can go out and do what you want sometimes, you are both suppose to share and talk about what you want to do.

    TALK, TALK, and if I have not said it before talk about what you like, what you don't like, your fellings about this and that. This is what the time in your relationship is all about.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 24, 2006, 02:06 PM
    Sorry Chuck - you're wrong. Can't imagine what your wife looks like. This is the real world. You met your gal on the internet.

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