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    stepmom07's Avatar
    stepmom07 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 12, 2007, 03:32 PM
    Trying to Conceive first child
    My DH and I have been trying to conceive for over three years now. I have very irregular cycles (last 07/15/07). My question is what can I take naturally to regulate my cycles? I really want a baby and I will try anything.
    supermommy25's Avatar
    supermommy25 Posts: 39, Reputation: 4
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    Oct 12, 2007, 04:03 PM
    My menstrual is also irregular always has been... and I used to think that I could not have children.. then 4 years ago POOFFFFF I'm pregnant.. and this past summer I had another baby... but it seems that every time I conceived it was right after my cycle ended. With my first I conceived within a day or two after my cycle and the same with the second child... maybe you can try that, or just stop trying and let it happen, I can only speak from my experience. Every time I tried to get pregnant it just would not happen but I swear to you... that when I didn't try that's when I got pregnant... It may sound a little off but really that is exactly how it happened
    tamed's Avatar
    tamed Posts: 255, Reputation: 33
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    Oct 12, 2007, 05:52 PM
    Best thing to do would be to go and visit your doctor to discuss your concerns.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Oct 12, 2007, 05:59 PM
    You have been trying for 3 years? Have you seen your doctor? If so, what was the recommendation?
    stepmom07's Avatar
    stepmom07 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 13, 2007, 05:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by supermommy25
    My menstrual is also irregular always has been.....and I used to think that I could not have children..then 4 years ago POOFFFFF I'm pregnant.. and this past summer I had another baby....but it seems that every time i conceived it was right after my cycle ended. With my first I conceived within a day or two after my cycle and the same with the second child....maybe you can try that, or just stop trying and let it happen, I can only speak from my experience. Every time i tried to get pregnant it just would not happen but I swear to you....that when I didn't try that's when i got pregnant.....It may sound a little off but really that is exactly how it happened

    But my cycles are VERY irregular. I'm lucky if I see my period twice a year... lol. My Dr told me that nothing was wrong and to just relax so hopefully it will happen soon. So did you use a cheap pregnancy test to find out if you were pregnant or did you have to have a blood test? My sister is also irregular and she was taking geritol to make her fertile. She is now 6 months pregnant! I think I'm going to try this tonic. Anyway, thanks sooo much for the advice!

    Many Blessings,
    stepmom07's Avatar
    stepmom07 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 13, 2007, 05:47 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by J_9
    You have been trying for 3 years? Have you seen your doctor? If so, what was the recommendation?

    My Doctor says nothing is wrong and to try and relax... lol. But that's easier said than done. I am 27 now and I was hoping to be a mom before I hit 30!
    macksmom's Avatar
    macksmom Posts: 1,787, Reputation: 152
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    Oct 13, 2007, 06:50 AM
    I have had irregular periods since I first start having them!

    I got pregnant with my daughter, while having irregular periods AND on birth control!

    But my husband and I have been trying for awhile now... and I know your frustration. It is very hard to determine your most fertile time, or to know when your window of ovulation is when your period is so out of whack. For me, simply taking a prenatal vitamin worked for a few months, but once my body got used to that being in my system my periods went right back to being abnormal.

    My OBGYN had constantly checked all my hormones to make sure they are at the right levels and try to figure out why my periods are irregular... but everything comes back just fine.

    I don't honestly know if you can regulate you period on your own. I would say it's time for you to discuss options with your doctor.

    My doctor had me on Prometrium with I take 10 days every month to make me have a period. I works well, in regards to regulating me.
    supermommy25's Avatar
    supermommy25 Posts: 39, Reputation: 4
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    Oct 13, 2007, 12:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by stepmom07
    But my cycles are VERY irregular. I'm lucky if I see my period twice a My Dr told me that nothing was wrong and to just relax so hopefully it will happen soon. So did you use a cheap pregnancy test to find out if you were pregnant or did you have to have a blood test? My sister is also irregular and she was taking Geritol to make her fertile. She is now 6 months pregnant! I think I'm gonna try this tonic. Anyway, thanks sooo much for the advice!

    Many Blessings,

    I used a cheap test, I used the Rite Aid brand... lol but if you only see your period maybe only twice a year,then yeah I would talk to a doctor because something else may be going on... my sister has been going through a lot of stuff with her periods as well... sometimes she comes on sometimes she does not and when she does it will last for a day or two then it's over... but her doctor said something was wrong with her stomach I think, and she may have to have surgery, and she also had a Kidney infection... but if what your sister took worked for her it may work for you as well.. but check with your doctor first
    automansgirl's Avatar
    automansgirl Posts: 467, Reputation: 42
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    Oct 13, 2007, 02:12 PM
    I would check with your doctor again. If you've been trying for three years and all your doctor says is that nothing is wrong, and isn't helping you to get pregnant... I would suggest seeing a different doctor. Three years is a long time to be trying without any kind of help, even if you just have irregular periods. Good luck and hopefully it will happen soon.
    stepmom07's Avatar
    stepmom07 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 13, 2007, 04:37 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by macksmom
    I have had irregular periods since I first start having them!

    I got pregnant with my daughter, while having irregular periods AND on birth control!!

    But my husband and I have been trying for awhile now...and I know your frustration. It is very hard to determine your most fertile time, or to know when your window of ovulation is when your preiod is so out of whack. For me, simply taking a prenatal vitamin worked for a few months, but once my body got used to that being in my system my periods went right back to being abnormal.

    My OBGYN had constantly checked all my hormones to make sure they are at the right levels and try to figure out why my periods are irregular...but everything comes back just fine.

    I don't honestly know if you can regulate you period on your own. I would say it's time for you to discuss options with your doctor.

    My doctor had me on Prometrium with I take 10 days every month to make me have a period. I works well, in regards to regulating me.
    Hey Macksmom,
    Sounds like were in the same boat. I have always irregular cycles since I started as well. How did you become pregnant while taking birth control? I never heard of that.
    Well, I have a Dr appt in two weeks to see the RE for the first time. We'll just see from there.

    Thanks for the advice,
    macksmom's Avatar
    macksmom Posts: 1,787, Reputation: 152
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    Oct 13, 2007, 07:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by stepmom07
    Hey Macksmom,
    Sounds like were in the same boat. I have always irregular cycles since I started as well. How did you become pregnant while taking birth control? I never heard of that.
    Well, I have a Dr appt in two weeks to see the RE for the first time. We'll just see from there.

    Thanks for the advice,
    No form of birth control (aside from not having sex) is 100% effective.

    The birth control pill is only about 92-99.7% effective.

    I was originally put on them in high school to help regulate my period. I took them religiously... never skipped a pill. Ate some Taco Bell one night and was throwing up for the next week... made an appt with my doctor because I thought I had food poisioning. He asked could I be pregnant and I told him no, that I was on the pill. But the blood work came back, and nope it wasn't food poisioning I was pregnant!

    My doctor said just like 2 people can not be compatible when trying to get pregnant... 2 people can be "super" fertile together... guess that was me and my daughters dad :)

    Even though I was trying to prevent pregnancy, I don't believe in abortion... and I must say, even though I was only 18 (19 when I had her)... it was the most beautiful outcome from failed medication :D

    But needless to say, before I got married... I never used the pill as a form of contraception haha :)
    Stringer's Avatar
    Stringer Posts: 3,733, Reputation: 770
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    Oct 14, 2007, 01:32 AM
    My wife and I are presently seeing a Fertility Specialist and we are hoping this will work. The odds are probably against us though, I am 62 and she is 42. She is my second wife, we have been married for 5 years this Nov 2nd and have pretty much been trying since then. We realize there are other options and will probably consider those later if this doesn't work.

    Wish us luck.

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