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    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Sep 14, 2008, 11:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by purplewings
    I just read one rule of Islam is there is no leaving it except in death. I don't understand how Obama was and then isn't any longer while that is a rule.
    He was never a muslim... and he obviously loves his country. You'll need to get your facts straight before you vote.
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    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    Sep 14, 2008, 12:11 PM
    You are absolutely uninformed and should not make that statement. He wrote it in his own book. It's all over the internet, even on Snopes. How do you suggest he was never a Muslim when his father was Muslim which automatically makes him such, and he also attended Muslim schools? His stepfather was Muslim and he attended Islamic schools... "His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended. That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class.

    The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. “We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque,” Zulfin Adi said. “But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played.” … Obama's younger sister, Maya Soetoro, said in a statement released by the campaign that the family attended the mosque only “for big communal events,” not every Friday.

    Recalling Obama's time in Indonesia, the Times account contains quotes that Obama “went to the mosque,” and that he “was Muslim.”

    Summarized, available evidence suggests Obama was born a Muslim to a non-practicing Muslim father and for some years had a reasonably Muslim upbringing under the auspices of his Indonesian step-father. At some point, he converted to Christianity. It appears false to state, as Obama does, “I've always been a Christian” and “I've never practiced Islam.” The campaign appears to be either ignorant or fabricating when it states that “Obama never prayed in a mosque.”

    Barack Obama and Islam

    FrontPage Magazine

    netwmd - Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam

    Can a past of Islam change the path to president for Obama? -

    There is so much more if you just open your eyes.
    "The Illinois Democrat spent much of last week refuting unfounded reports that he had been educated in a madrassa, or radical Islamic school, when he lived in Indonesia as a boy.

    “The Indonesian school Obama attended in Jakarta is a public school that is not and never has been a Madrassa,” said a statement put out by the senator's staff.

    But the school did teach the Quran, Islam's holy book, along with subjects such as math and science, according to Obama, who attended when he was 9 and 10.
    This story continues below

    “In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school,” he wrote in his first memoir, “Dreams from my Father.” “The teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies.”

    Obama — whose father, stepfather, brother and grandfather were Muslims — explained his own first name, Barack, in “Dreams”: “It means 'Blessed.' In Arabic. My grandfather was a Muslim.”

    I guess if it isn't your country being put into such a position, you don't need to look too deeply at who you elect.
    High Max's Avatar
    High Max Posts: 271, Reputation: 43
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    Sep 14, 2008, 12:23 PM
    I don't see the relevancy of him being a Muslim when he was younger. If you listen to him and see him outside of politics, he is a normal American with a family. I think you are following a lot of the fear mongering that the far right has been spewing about Islam for the past 8 years. He is a Christian now, if I remember correctly. He realized that Islam wasn't a religion he wanted to be apart of, and he changed it.

    You can't do much when you are a kid, especially in that kind of society. You are either Muslim, or you are killed/shunned. What was he supposed to do? The same applies for me. I was raised a Christian, but I made my own decision not to follow that faith when I began to think for myself.
    Cyprine's Avatar
    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 11, 2008, 11:27 PM
    [QUOTE=The safety of the American people are not the forefront concern because if it was, they would have not invaded another country. I guarantee that if Bill Clinton was still in office the attacks on America would not have happened and the war would not be going on right now.[/QUOTE]

    Im sorry but, if Bill Clinton or anybody had been in office, the 9/11 attacks would still have happened. Americans had still not woken up to the fact that those who hate us COULD actually cause us serious damage THAT WE HAVE TO ADDRESS.

    And please, be informed: Al Qaeda attacked various U.S. embassies during the Clinton years. And he treated it as a law-enforcement issue, no big deal.

    Sudan offered Bin Laden to the U.S. We had him cornered and what did Clinton do? Turned our helicopters away and let him go.

    Of course afterwards Bin Laden thought the US is a joke. With our mentality back then, it was not hard to infiltrate us, and bomb us with our own airplanes and our own education. They were smart, of course they were not going to do a direct attack because our intelligence picks those up more easily.

    They have used our own resources against us and I think they continue to do so.
    Unfortunately I think we already are littered with sleeper cells in this country.
    Cyprine's Avatar
    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 11, 2008, 11:48 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by High Max View Post
    I don't see the relevancy of him being a Muslim when he was younger. If you listen to him and see him outside of politics, he is a normal American with a family. I think you are following a lot of the fear mongering that the far right has been spewing about Islam for the past 8 years. He is a Christian now, if I remember correctly. He realized that Islam wasn't a religion he wanted to be apart of, and he changed it.

    You can't do much when you are a kid, especially in that kind of society. You are either Muslim, or you are killed/shunned. What was he supposed to do? The same applies for me. I was raised a Christian, but I made my own decision not to follow that faith when I began to think for myself.
    I did the same thing you did too. I was raised Christian, now I am of no religion, I believe in God and spirituality but not in established religion.

    It seems Obama has had to realize there's many things he doesn't want to be a part of anymore suddenly as he runs for president.

    But anyway, I still wonder, why are the Muslims not hating Obama? Being born Muslim you cannot just leave. He is an apostate, and in radical Islam they are to be killed. Why aren't the Muslims calling him a traitor? Why don't they show the activism on the streets they showed when the Pope (barely) criticized Islam? Will they hate us more now that an apostate is heading our nation? Perhaps infidels are worse.
    purplewings's Avatar
    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 12, 2008, 04:57 AM
    [QUOTE=High Max;1274272]I don't see the relevancy of him being a Muslim when he was younger. If you listen to him and see him outside of politics, he is a normal American with a family. I think you are following a lot of the fear mongering that the far right has been spewing about Islam for the past 8 years.QUOTE]

    You sound as if you know him personally. He lied about ever having been a Muslim so why wouldn't he continue to lie to us in order to be elected.

    The fear mongering you talk about comes from the attacks we suffered from them. It is a fact - not a game, for pete's sake. It's a matter of life or death. Wake up!
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    High Max Posts: 271, Reputation: 43
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    Oct 12, 2008, 05:57 AM

    Supposedly, he was raised at a young age to become one, whether he continued practice I cannot say with 100% certainty. But at this point he is a Christian, his family is Christian, they have been attending church for years.

    John McCain even said yesterday that people should not be afraid of Obama becoming president; that he is a good, decent Christian family man.

    Tell me, with some of the radicals I have seen at McCain/Palin ralies shouting out "terrorist, off with his head" and other scary remarks towards Obama, are these the kind of people we want influencing the Republican party?

    We need to stop with the backwoods mentality that only a white Christian man can be President. There is no secret conspiracy that Obama is going to make this some sort of Islamic nation and start imprisoning Christians and making criminals out of them, or whatever the hell these people are thinking will happen. In this day and age, that wouldn't fly anyway, even if something so ridiculous was attempted!

    Even if he was a Muslim, who cares? Christians aren't the only people with morals, and only RADICAL and VOILENT Muslims are people we should be worried about. Almost any Muslim I have ever met or talked with is a normal person like you and me, normally are very tolerant and are friendly, but hate the stereotyping and militant Muslims who perform terrorist activities. We need to remember that this is the United States of America, where every man has a chance and should not be judged based on his color and religion, and should be free to express himself without being hated and smeared at every turn.
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    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 12, 2008, 11:10 AM

    Excuse me High Max but when someone puts themselves into the position of running for President of a country, they must expect to be questioned. When the answers are lies, they should expect to be disbelieved.

    There may be many many 'good' Muslims as you say, but there are truly many many radicals. Did you not notice that whenever the Muslim leaders tell them that someone has insulted their religion in some way - such as writing a poem they don't like - Muslims in every corner of the world take to the streets. 10's of thousands of them.

    It's not two or three or a dozen but enough to wreak havoc wherever they go.
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    High Max Posts: 271, Reputation: 43
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    Oct 12, 2008, 12:06 PM

    I see your point, and I do not like the radicals either, they are scary and I understand the concern. Maybe we are just looking at different aspects of the issue. Honestly, I can't recall an election where ANY candidate has not stretched the truth or completely made up something.
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    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 12, 2008, 01:37 PM

    Sure they stretch the truth. That means promising all kinds of wonderful things that are not even possible to achieve. Saying you've never been a Muslim while knowing you attended a Muslim school for 4 years. And an Islam Mosque, and both your father & stepfather were Muslim - that's not a stretch. That's an outright lie. Whether it matters what religion he is isn't the question. The question is if you lie about that, what else might also be a lie.
    Cyprine's Avatar
    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 19, 2008, 07:20 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesushelper76 View Post
    arrogant. Pompous. The only reason why there is a war is because the American government is money and power hungrey. What is there. Hmmm oil. If the american government were not so willing to go in and interfering in other countries wars there would be more peace.
    Im sorry, but are you forgetting all the good things America does for other countries? How about during WWII, or the end of the cold war, or the Tsunami? If it wasn't for the US contributions the UN would not be able to do what it does.

    The United States is a generous supporter of key UN programs, funding:

    * 51.4% of the World Food Program budget to help feed 72 million people in 82 countries.*
    * 17.1% of the United Nations Children's Fund budget to feed, vaccinate, educate and protect children in 162 countries.*
    * 14.1% of the United Nations Development Program core budget to eradicate poverty and encourage democratic governance.*
    * 25.8% of the International Atomic Energy Agency budget to ensure safe and peaceful application of nuclear energy and prevent the illicit use of nuclear material for weapons.**
    * 22% of the World Health Organization core budget as well as significant voluntary resources, helping to prevent and control epidemics and to improve standards of health.**
    * 25% of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees budget to help protect refugees and facilitate their return home or re-settlement in another country.*
    * 25% of the International Civil Aviation Organization budget to ensure safe, efficient and economical air travel.**

    * These programs operate strictly on voluntary contributions.
    ** These programs operate on a combination of assessed and voluntary contributions.


    European and other countries are much less generous, this may be partially due to their less newly created wealth (as opposed to recycled wealth) to spare than a capitalist nation like us. Or it may be due to a different set of values than America.
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    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 19, 2008, 07:23 PM

    Besides, most Americans I know are not arrogant, and much less "pompous" as you describe. Especially if we cultivate good character values and morals.

    Maybe you are confusing Hollywood, or a few idiots out there, with the majority of the hardworking American people, and the American spirit as a whole.

    I want to know where the "blame America" crowd gets information to back up this lopsided view that America is "an oppressive imperialist nation" or "pompous"
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    Cyprine Posts: 33, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 19, 2008, 07:32 PM
    That said, I am not saying America is perfect (lest I be labeled an ignorant arrogant capitalist pig) but I do say we are a nation to be proud of. And what is wrong with that?

    What is wrong with defending your country from people who would resort to violence against us? (whether they have a valid bone to pick with us or not, targeting innocent civilians is NEVER justified)

    But these terrorist are not picking at us for policy, they are picking at us because WE are INFIDELS, who deserve to be destroyed and conquered in the name of Allah according to the Koran. In addition, is the ISLAMOFACIST MOVEMENT all over the globe. From the Ayatolla, to the Netherlands and Holland, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, UK, Islam has bloody borders.

    Many clerics throughout the Muslim world dream of the day Islam will be the law of the land. And to top it off, they spew hatred int heir sermons, against Jews and the USA, on the Arab channels.
    And there is funding for these madrasas and operating terrorist cells.

    Most Americans really do need a wake-up call on this and go read up about it or watch documentaries.
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    Oct 19, 2008, 11:18 PM

    I'm really just a brainwashed idiot but please don't tell anyone. I don't want them to think I am not patriotic. Now, to be patriotic, we should pay more taxes. Just ask Joe Biden. Me and Joe man.
    purplewings's Avatar
    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 20, 2008, 04:26 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by High Max View Post
    I don't see the relevancy of him being a Muslim when he was younger. If you listen to him and see him outside of politics, he is a normal American with a family. I think you are following a lot of the fear mongering that the far right has been spewing about Islam for the past 8 years. He is a Christian now, if I remember correctly. He realized that Islam wasn't a religion he wanted to be apart of, and he changed it.

    You can't do much when you are a kid, especially in that kind of society. You are either Muslim, or you are killed/shunned. What was he supposed to do? The same applies for me. I was raised a Christian, but I made my own decision not to follow that faith when I began to think for myself.
    It isn't as much about 'being a Muslim' as a child as it is about lying about it as an adult. I'd prefer a president who doesn't begin his political life blatantly lying.

    Plus, while we are being attacked by Muslim terrorists because we are not one of them, does it make sense to choose a president with Muslim ties?

    Shouldn't our safety and preservation be of utmost importance?
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    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Oct 20, 2008, 04:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by purplewings View Post
    I'd prefer a president who doesn't begin his political life blatantly lying.
    I guess you won't be voting for McCain either.
    Quote Originally Posted by purplewings View Post
    Plus, while we are being attacked by Muslim terrorists because we are not one of them, does it make sense to choose a president with Muslim ties?
    He has none. If you think he does then you are simply spreading unfounded fear.
    Quote Originally Posted by purplewings View Post
    Shouldn't our safety and preservation be of utmost importance??
    Well of course. Best to pick a president that will not wage war all over the world and make nations hates the US.
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    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 20, 2008, 04:39 AM

    And how do you arrive at the conclusion that it would be Obama, who no one knows much of anything about, other than his background?
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Oct 20, 2008, 04:44 AM
    You don't want to know so it really doesn't matter what anyone posts.
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    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    Oct 20, 2008, 04:56 AM

    I've been up to my ears in this election for over a year NK, so probably know more about it than you do. It is after all, my country that will be affected the most in the end. It's my children and grandchildren who will have to live in whatever mess created by this generation - this election.
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    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Oct 20, 2008, 05:00 AM
    So then you do know more about Obama than I. That's good. I'm not sure why you keep saying you know nothing about the man.
    My sister and her family live in the US. Many countries are affected by the US. Is it a problem for people to have a worldview? I don't think so.

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