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    Marlene14's Avatar
    Marlene14 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 17, 2011, 09:01 AM
    What Can I Do About Slander & Harassment?
    This might get long so bear with me. My niece who's 19 was living with us since last, May 2010. She was a few months pregnant & her mom (my twin sister) kicked her out because my sister was tired of her & her husband fighting (my sister & husband are always fighting themselves) - yes she chose her husband over her own child. Things have been OK besides her not having to pay for anything (can you say free ride?) & not lifting a finger to help around here, I had to clean up the messes. After the baby was born Oct 25th her fiancé moved in & had even more messes. My teen boys quit using the bathroom upstairs because they weren't getting any help cleaning it every week. She was stealing small things so I let it slide. I've been a free babysitter since January while she finishes school. We did our taxes & claimed her & the baby which we didn't get anything for her because of her being 19. My sister thinks we owe my niece our tax check. Our home burned down Sept 2009 & we have been making plans to things to get when we finally close on the house we were building. We closed on the house & got our tax check the same time. I was finally able to get my Jeep I've been wanting - I came home & my sister was here & she (& my niece) started posting crap on Facebook while they were upstairs whispering crap. This was on a Saturday almost 4 weeks ago, the following Monday I'd had enough of the crap & told my niece I wanted her out of my house. My sister brought stuff over supposedly for me & another time for me & my niece. My sister changed her tune & said I stole it & said it wasn't for me & my sister while I was gone went through MY house going through everything in all our rooms even looking under mattresses. My sister came to supposedly 'help' my niece get her stuff out but they were upstairs posting crap on FB & whispering crap. They were posting how much my mom hates me, can't stand me... all kinds of lies. They couldn't say a word to my face so I went up & confronted them & all hell broke loose with my sister. She called my boys & husband things I can't even repeat on here, cutting them down, bringing things up from when we were little girls & teens (we're 40). My niece came back a couple weeks later to get more stuff & trashed the room she was in, ruining the carpet, walls & trim that some will have to be replaced & we've only been in our new home for 5 months. Everyone has told me my sister is jealous because I was watching her grandbaby & she rarely saw him, because all the stuff we're now able to get for our new home after we lost it all. After a month she is still spewing crap on Facebook, texting & harassing my husband with lies & pure crap! I had called the police on what to do & they told me to call an attorney, I did email one but no reply. She is hacking into my FB, my gmail... she is saying stuff on FB she wouldn't know unless she'd been in my emails plus she bought a hacking program a few yrs ago to hack into her husbands daughters myspace & email & she now has a fake FB profile to harrass her husbands daughter. I'm sooo sick of this. My family does not have this drama in our home yet now we do because my sister brought it in & we're trying to move on & can't because she won't stop the crap. I get people emailing me at least once a day asking me what's wrong with her, thinking she's mental... she's just a drama whore! We've all blocked her & her kids from FB. What can I do? I want the slander & harassment to stop. My niece text me this morning to get the rest of their stuff which was baby stuff given to them that was in the garage, they could've gotten it all when they were here to get the rest of their stuff. They had 2 trucks & didn't even use 1 of them. I told her not to bother because it was in the burn pile busted up. If they wanted it they could've gotten it 1 of the 3 times they've been here because they didn't have that much to get. I will not let her back in my house after she destroyed that room. Thanks for any help. I want my pretty much stress free life back!
    summer_girl's Avatar
    summer_girl Posts: 146, Reputation: 48
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    Mar 17, 2011, 09:17 AM
    Honestly, I think the best thing you can do is ignore, ignore, ignore. Don't feed the fire by caring what stupid things they say. I know it's hard, but get these people out of your house and your life for good. Trying legal action against them is only going to keep it alive.

    You say they are blocked on Facebook, but then how do you still know what they're saying about you? If others are coming and telling you, tell them to STOP. Tell them if they keep bringing it up, you'll have no choice but to cut them off. If you want your stress-free life back, this is the way to get it.

    I'm sorry for all that you've been through and I hope things get nice again for you very soon.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Mar 17, 2011, 09:31 AM

    The legal advice is to take this entire matter to an Attorney. Even if you prove you have been harmed by these people, I don't know what/how you're going to collect from them.

    Do I think you have a case? No. You need to have someone believe what "they" say and you need that belief to harm you in some way. I don't see any of that because apparently people don't believe it and bring it to your attention.

    The opinion - and I realize it is inappropriate on the legal boards - is to ignore them. Eventually they will tire of the game.
    Marlene14's Avatar
    Marlene14 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 17, 2011, 10:01 AM
    We've been trying to ignore it all & not to feed the fire because that's what they want & feed off. People haven't been telling me what's being said but just ask what's wrong with her (them) & all I can say is that's who & what they are. People are tired of seeing her drama & have been deleting her or ignoring it because it's been going on for years & now it just happens she dragged us into her drama or is trying to anyway. We don't post any negative stuff on Facebook or anything, just our normal things we do to keep people updated. I think I'm going to have to delete my FB page because they're getting in it, they're blocked & supposedly can't even see I'm a member yet know stuff. I have a lot of pics & videos to save since I no longer have them on my PC due to the fire & losing the PC they were on... but I think that's the best thing to do so they can't keep texting saying I'm saying stuff which we're not. Thanks Judy & Summer
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Mar 17, 2011, 12:37 PM

    You're welcome - I'd back off, see what happens next. It's always possible that "these people" were get more outrageous and literally HAND you grounds for a lawsuit, but I'm not seeing that right now.
    Marlene14's Avatar
    Marlene14 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 17, 2011, 04:35 PM
    That's the thing we have been ignoring it all yet they keep at it harassing us when things seem to be settling down. I don't give them a response & just ignore it. You'd think after a month they wouldn't still be at it but that's what they do.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Mar 17, 2011, 05:23 PM

    I never understand what three-quarters of the World does!

    I'd still give them time to hang themselves (so to speak).

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