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    Help save Dogs's Avatar
    Help save Dogs Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 15, 2008, 08:33 PM
    Do Dogs Have Souls?
    I recently had 2 cancer surgery's and am now clean. But while thinking about dying, I wondered about my dogs. They would be going to the pound if I was not around? While facing death, you think about everything?:rolleyes: So I decided, if I lived to try to save the dogs being killed everyday for no fault of there's?:( So, do they have souls and spirits? Because I've had five dogs over twenty five years and I seen things that make me feel they are so misunderstood as creatures we live so closely with?

    Also, is there any place you can find funding for projects like mine not being a nonprofit group? It's all with lawyers and above board, so that it's not seen as some scam. I have info at "BARK" (Tales From Doggy Death Row)

    Thanks for the time.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    May 15, 2008, 09:01 PM
    I have the same dream that you have, for all animals, not just dogs. I have two dogs, 4 rabbits, 1 bird and a goldfish.

    Answer to your question, yes, dogs have souls, all animals have souls. I just have to look at my adopted animals eyes to see the souls they have inside. They show me everyday that they are so happy to be with me, and I am so happy that I have them.

    I don't know about funding, most shelters (which is what you'd be) received their money through donations, I would look into it. Let me know how it goes.

    Good luck and bless you for caring so much for those lovely wonderful animals that need us.
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    May 16, 2008, 12:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Help save Dogs
    I recently had 2 cancer surgery's and am now clean. But while thinking about dieing, I wondered about my dogs. They would be going to the pound if I was not around? While facing death, you think about everything?:rolleyes: So I decided, if I lived to try to save the dogs being killed everyday for no fault of theres?:( So, do they have souls and spirits? Because I've had five dogs over twenty five years and I seen things that make me feel they are so misunderstood as creatures we live so closely with?

    Also, is there any place you can find funding for projects like mine not being a nonprofit group? It's all with lawyers and above board, so that it's not seen as some scam. I have info at "BARK" (Tales From Doggy Death Row)

    Thanks for the time.
    Your question is a most interesting one. You may wish to visit an Internet website that takes up the matter.

    What does the bible say about animals/pets in Heaven
    plonak's Avatar
    plonak Posts: 742, Reputation: 117
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    May 16, 2008, 01:11 PM
    I really really really hope they do.. I love animals sooo much, they bring such a richness to our lives don't they? They are truly a blessing
    Help save Dogs's Avatar
    Help save Dogs Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 25, 2008, 02:54 AM
    Thanks for the feed back. I needed it. This is a really large undertaking. I'm sure of the out come, but some people have asked me why do I care so much about dogs? The only thing I can say in responses is, why not?
    Clough's Avatar
    Clough Posts: 26,677, Reputation: 1649
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    May 25, 2008, 03:02 AM
    That's a good response! "Why not?" A gentle turnabout is fair play when someone else is putting you on the spot. By-the-way, I think that animals have souls. ;)
    purplewings's Avatar
    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    May 30, 2008, 05:37 AM
    Congratulations on recovering from the cancer. It must have been really rough for you.

    I think involving yourself in such a good cause will bring you much happiness and better health too. Maybe you could start with an ad inviting people to particpate in setting up some type of sanctuary for pets who are left without family. Great ideas come from groups of people. Best of luck to you!

    I believe all animals have souls. I love dogs and cats too. They love me back and it shows in many ways. A soul is about love as that is the core of all human beings - ergo dogs and cats have all that we do.

    I once saw two squirrels in the middle of the road trying to pull an inert third squirrel who had been struck by a car. I stopped my car to wait and watched them and they looked up at me with agony in their eyes... as if seeing their friend/brother/sister/parent lying dead was too awful to bear. They have a soul too. With all that - I must believe all animals have it.
    0rphan's Avatar
    0rphan Posts: 1,282, Reputation: 240
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    May 30, 2008, 02:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Help save Dogs
    I recently had 2 cancer surgery's and am now clean. But while thinking about dieing, I wondered about my dogs. They would be going to the pound if I was not around? While facing death, you think about everything?:rolleyes: So I decided, if I lived to try to save the dogs being killed everyday for no fault of theres?:( So, do they have souls and spirits? Because I've had five dogs over twenty five years and I seen things that make me feel they are so misunderstood as creatures we live so closely with?

    Also, is there any place you can find funding for projects like mine not being a nonprofit group? It's all with lawyers and above board, so that it's not seen as some scam. I have info at "BARK" (Tales From Doggy Death Row)

    Thanks for the time.

    Hi, glad to hear your now OK.You remind me of my dear Mum... bless her... who passed away not long ago, she loved all animals and would have had every single one warm by the fire side on a wet and windy night, she always had dogs throughout her life and worried constantly about them.
    Mum always had a minimum of two yorkies... named polo and brandy, her ultimate life companians who were treated to the best of all things, sadley brandy died aged 19 years about a year or so before Mum, she was absolutely heart broken.

    Brandy had a proper casket after his creamation which was kept in a glass cabinet and I had to promise that I would put him with her when it was her turn, this I did,Mum new that in the end they would be back together.

    Dogs do have a soul like any living creature and it comforts me to know that she is now surrounded by all of her animals gone before.

    There are animal santuaries that will look after animals until their natural death but I'm thinking that it may be down to charity funding... not sure.

    Mum many years ago made sure that there was always someone to care for the dogs in the case of an accident or alike, in this case my brother now looks after the other yorkie.

    I am sure if you made your wishes known to maybe family or friends or perhaps make some kind of provision via insurance policy, it would set your mind at ease.

    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 30, 2008, 02:39 PM
    Well I know you love your animals and that is great, they are wonderful friends, but no, in the Christian faith, animals do not have souls, and if they did, since they can't accept Christ, they could not be saved anyway.

    Animals were created but not given the soul that God gave man. Now God created the animals by his word, he spoke them into being.
    So there is no reason that God could not have animals in heaven. But please remember your idea would be all of the animals, but for many, having a cat or a dog around would be hell for them.
    0rphan's Avatar
    0rphan Posts: 1,282, Reputation: 240
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    May 30, 2008, 03:32 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    Well I know you love your animals and that is great, they are wonderful friends, but no, in the Christian faith, animals do not have souls, and if they did, since they can't accept Christ, they could not be saved anyway.

    Animals were created but not given the soul that God gave man. Now God created the animals by his word, he spoke them into being.
    So there is no reason that God could not have animals in heaven. But please remember your idea would be all of the animals, but for many, having a cat or a dog around would be hell for them.
    Well it's the same in life ,not everyone wants an animal around. I'm sure literally your absolutely correct and I've no intention of arguing the point, only to say that Mum's dog would sit on her bed every night. I know several other people who have had the same experience.

    We'll agree to differ on this one
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    May 30, 2008, 04:31 PM
    And I have to say "All dogs go to heaven" :)

    Look into my dogs eyes and tell me they don't have a soul, trust me, you won't be able to do it.
    DaBaAd's Avatar
    DaBaAd Posts: 271, Reputation: 36
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    May 30, 2008, 05:55 PM
    The kindest eyes I've ever had the opportunity to peer into was that of my longtime companion and friend... the sad eyes of my golden retriever. I saw her eyes as a newborn puppy and that of a crippled long time loyal friend when I had to put her down. Yes, she did have a soul, just as scripture notes directly from the Bible. "Whatever the man would call it," the Bible says, "each living soul, that was its name."

    19 "And out of the ground Jehovah God formed every beast of the field, and every bird of the heavens; and brought them unto the man to see what he would call them: and whatsoever the man called every living creature, that was the name thereof". 20 "And the man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the heavens, and to every beast of the field; but for man there was not found a help meet for him." Genesis 2: 19,20 (American Standard Version)
    Kati-Katt's Avatar
    Kati-Katt Posts: 77, Reputation: -2
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    May 30, 2008, 06:04 PM
    Dogs are often mistreated as pets, although that's how they are the are also a companion for you, a loyal friend. An living creature has a soul.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    May 30, 2008, 06:06 PM
    In case there are any doubts;

    A Dogs Soul

    Every dog must have a soul, somewhere deep inside
    Where all his hurts and grievances are buried with his pride.

    Where he decides the good and bad, the wrong way from the right,
    And where his judgement carefully is hidden from our sight.

    A dog must have a secret place, where every thought abides,
    A sort of close acquaintance that he trusts in and confides.

    And when accused unjustly for himself, He cannot speak,
    Rebuked, He finds within his soul, the comfort he must seek.

    He'll love, tho'he is unloved, and he'll serve tho'badly used,
    And one kind word will wipe away the times when he's abused.

    Altho' his heart may break in two, his love will still be whole,
    Because God gave to every dog an understanding Soul!

    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    May 30, 2008, 06:29 PM
    Can't help it, this is one of my favorites, makes me cry every time;

    My best friend closed his eyes last night.
    As his head was in my hand.
    The doctor said he was in pain
    And it was hard for him to stand.

    The thoughts that scurried through my head,
    As I cradled him in my arms
    Were of his younger puppy years
    An oh his many charms.

    Today there was no gentle nudge
    With an intense "I love you gaze"
    Only a heart that's filled with tears
    Remembering our joy filled days.

    But an angel just appeared to me
    And he said "you should cry no more!"
    GOD also loves our canine friends
    He's installed a doggie door!

    And a really sad one. Dogs aren't the only ones with souls, we people have them too, and it breaks are hearts sometimes;

    Bye Baby

    No more lonely cold nights or hearing that I'm bad
    No more growling belly from the meals I never had.
    No more scorching sunshine with a water bowl that's dry.
    No more complaining neighbors about the noise when I cry.
    No more hearing "shut up", "get down" or "get out of here"!
    No more feeling disliked, only peace is in the air.
    Euthanasia is a blessing, though some still can't see
    Why I was ever born If I weren't meant to be.
    My last day of living was the best I ever had.
    Someone held me very close, I could see she was very sad.
    I kissed the lady's face, and she hugged me as she cried.
    I wagged my tail to thank her, then I closed my eyes and died.

    Written by an Animal shelter volunteer in Massena, NY
    purplewings's Avatar
    purplewings Posts: 145, Reputation: 24
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    May 30, 2008, 10:48 PM
    That is really heart wrenching. I lost my Bichon after 16 years and dreamed of him and felt his presence for two more years. It still hurts my heart to think of him.
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    May 30, 2008, 10:53 PM
    My Lab, My sammy lived for 18 years. I can not believe that God only gave us souls but none of the other creations that he has made. We all have a life giving force that was put there and created by God. That includes all living things in my own opinion.
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
    Gone, But Not Forgotten

    Jun 1, 2008, 12:47 AM
    Look into my Niki's kind and caring eyes, and tell me she doesn't have a soul. I believe all creatures were created in God's name, and we are their protectors. They hurt when they have pain, they smile and wag their tails when they are happy... which is more than I can say for some humans who go about their days begrudgingly.

    Pets of all kinds have helped people overcome cancer, and other diseases. The Dr.'s say that a positive attitude, and loved ones, and especially the ones that love unconditionally like your pet, can aid greatly in your prognosis, and progress. That is why they have programs at places where they have elderly people, disabled people, mentally challenged people, inmates, and so on, where they bring in pets to help, and rehabilitate humans.

    I believe God put them here to help us! Therefore, I don't believe he wouldn't had given them a soul. The words in the bible are often subject to interpretation, and I choose to believe that all the creatures of God have a soul.

    YouTube - Feed Jake

    I for one will be very happy to meet Jake, and all of my beloved pets in heaven, when the time comes.
    Clough's Avatar
    Clough Posts: 26,677, Reputation: 1649
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    Jun 1, 2008, 02:17 AM
    The poems that you have posted on this thread are really awesome, Altenweg! They touched me in a special way! Thanks! :)
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jun 2, 2008, 12:32 PM
    Thanks Clough. I love those poems, even though they make me cry I do have to say that they speak volumes. I love all my pets so much, well, to me they're not pets, they are members of the family, and boy do I have a big family. ;)

    Here's my old dog Indy, he's 13, you can see his soul through his eyes, it's there, and he is my big sweetheart, never fails to be there when I need him, I hope in the end he can say the same about me.

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