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Type: Posts; User: Devildog0311

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  1. Answers

    Funny stuff! I heard the version of Airforce,...

    Funny stuff! I heard the version of Airforce, Army and a Marine.
  2. Answers

    Sounds experimental to me as well. If you love...

    Sounds experimental to me as well. If you love her you'll forgive her. If it happens again then raise concerns about your relationship.
  3. Answers

    Wrap and repeat every time your in the bed room....

    Wrap and repeat every time your in the bed room. Unless your financially ready and mentally prepared to be a father. Good luck to you though...
  4. Answers

    There's a lot of choices, that's for sure. Make...

    There's a lot of choices, that's for sure. Make sure you choose wisely! You'll be doing it for 3 + years after all your training is completed! Basic sucks real bad, I look back and laugh now at all...
  5. Answers

    We're in the same boat! My gf's says it's...

    We're in the same boat! My gf's says it's probably that bad word starting with a "C". On a more serious note, we better go and make plans to see a dermatologist even though I'm one that avoids...
  6. Answers

    When I went to the Depot I was 21. Not to brag...

    When I went to the Depot I was 21. Not to brag but I won the most physically fit award given out at the end of 13 weeks for perfect 300 pft's all through boot. Your not too old. Just know that you'll...
  7. This is what it looks like, however mine usually...

    This is what it looks like, however mine usually is a little lower.
  8. You're getting the high and tight it sounds like....

    You're getting the high and tight it sounds like. Tell them to give you a medium fade or blend that should put it about and inch off your ears.
  9. Ok lets see... Thank goodness I found myself a...

    Ok lets see... Thank goodness I found myself a military barber because its hard to explain to regular barbers. Tell them you want a zero or razorblade fade at the hairline (most cannot offer the...
  10. Answers

    My dog's in great health but sometimes he would...

    My dog's in great health but sometimes he would collapse as well. Make sure your dog has access to water at all times. I'm pretty sure it was dehydration because I'd bring him a bowl of water and...
  11. Ask for a medium reg, I still get this haircut...

    Ask for a medium reg, I still get this haircut even though I'm no longer active duty. You can go zero at the hair line. I use to go razorblade fade at the hair line faded to like a 3 or 4 on top. If...
  12. Force Recon! Only made from the best of the best.

    Force Recon! Only made from the best of the best.
  13. Answers

    Some advice to my brother to be. I just got out...

    Some advice to my brother to be. I just got out of the Marines last Feb, I know all you fears! However this is a minor concern and I'll put it at rest for you. The Marine Corp will not kick you out...
  14. Answers

    Xbox360 Open tray !

    I think it has to do with the laser not working. Has anyone fixed this problem?
Results 1 to 14 of 15