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    pchicke7's Avatar
    pchicke7 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 12, 2007, 07:43 AM
    Confused and lost
    :confused: my mom meet a guy and well they are going to be getting married. So we moved to his place which I am not use the surroundings at all,new to me and I can't stand it. It had been a month and I decide I can't take it a anymore! I talk to my dad and he said that if I want to move with him I can but when I told my mom she said "NO!" and started to yell at me and said my dad doesn't care about and if he did he wouldn't have signed a paper to let me live were I do, but the only reason my dad signed it was because he thought I wanted to move,which I didn't but my mother had told him that I did. Then before I moved my dad had called and my mom gave me the phone and had told me that I have no choice I have to move with her and that I have to tell my dad it is okay, well my dad asked me and I said"UHH..NO..I DONT KNOW" and he said well just tell me if you want to move with me I will get you. But my mom will not let me and I don't want to live with her anymore! What should I do? I'm trying to find away to go with my dad with out running away or if it just is worse I think I will go crazy and do something insane!
    supermommy25's Avatar
    supermommy25 Posts: 39, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Oct 12, 2007, 05:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by pchicke7
    :confused: my mom meet a guy and well they are going to be getting married. so we moved to his place which i am not use the surroundings at all,new to me and i can't stand it. it had been a month and i decide i can't take it a anymore! i talk to my dad and he said that if i want to move with him i can but when i told my mom she said "NO!" and started to yell at me and said my dad doesn't care about and if he did he wouldnt have signed a paper to let me live were i do, but the only reason my dad signed it was because he thought i wanted to move,which i didnt but my mother had told him that i did. then before i moved my dad had called and my mom gave me the phone and had told me that i have no choice i have to move with her and that i have to tell my dad it is okay, well my dad asked me and i said"UHH..NO..I DONT KNOW" and he said well just tell me if you want to move with me i will get you. but my mom will not let me and i dont want to live with her anymore! what should i do? im trying to find away to go with my dad with out running away or if it just is worse i think i will go crazy and do something insane!
    How old are you? And I'm sorry to say but if your dad wanted to get some type of custody he could have always fought for it, not saying he does not love you or anything but I have seen this many of times where the parents relationship is so screwed up and the child is always caught in the middle... If you can't go with your dad and living with your mom is so bad then get a job and move out.. and if you can't do that then get involved in some type of extracurricular activities in school that way you get more time away from the house and you don't have to be bothered by your mom and step dad.. or hang out with friends have a study group at some one else's house... these are just my suggestions

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