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    alou's Avatar
    alou Posts: 14, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 22, 2007, 03:26 PM
    I don't know what to do , She has A boyfriend
    First Of All , I am working at an internet café . 10 days ago I met my angel Sophie she's an international model age 17 , she came at the café for some work she had to do on internet . At the first day I started talking to her for general stuff , didn't ask her name or anything else. At the second day she smiled to me , so I made the first move. I talked to her and asked her number to go out for a coffee and start getting know each other.
    She told me that she will call me to go out. She didn't. I saw her on msn and she told me that the reason she didn't call me was that she didn't know me well and she was a bit afraid. But the same day she told me "if u really want to see me come to my hotel " . I did go and started a conversation for various things. But then her boyfriend call her... She knows that I am interested to her . But she also told me that she going to brake up with her boyfriend because he will go for studies outside of greece. So I thought she told me that she going to brake up because she would be interested to me . But after that she told me that she will need some time after her broke up without doing any relationship..
    So I don't know what to do , I don't want to seem that I am pushing her , and I don't want to push her to broke up with her boyfriend

    So what should be my next move ?
    I wrote her some cds with love songs and I am thinking giving the cds with a rose , is it a good idea? Help thanks:confused: :confused:

    For no misunderstandings,I am age 19 modeling for 1 year , she is 17.. hope you will help me thank again
    LivingtheLifeinFLA's Avatar
    LivingtheLifeinFLA Posts: 137, Reputation: 29
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    Jul 22, 2007, 05:16 PM
    I have been there and I am working on round two of BF destruction. They broke up, we dated, then got back. I ignored, she's calling and he's about to go down the drain.

    Obviously she has an interest because she lead you on to meet her at the hotel.

    I wouldn't send the CD or the flowers. I would stay back, ask her out and don't push her or try anything the first time out. Tell her you have something going on with someone else and having a new friend would be great because you too are not sure what's to become of it. Do something adventurous like roller blading or biking. Wait a week, call her and ask her out again.

    Keep posting with what happens so we can help. Most really beautiful girls like challenge and at 17 you have your work cut out for you. If you send the flower and CD you are saying "I am yours" just like all of the others. Let her know that you have other dates, hell if you are a model, how hard should this be.
    alou's Avatar
    alou Posts: 14, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 22, 2007, 05:21 PM
    Its not hard , but I think I am falling in love , cause her character is something that obviously haven't seen in any other girl , she's perfect.Hmmm I tell her that there's another girl , but I don't want to lose her or stop being interested to me , I don't know how she will react
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jul 22, 2007, 07:19 PM
    You have an attraction to this female, but as a fact you know almost nothing about, her except she is going to break up with her current b/f. She has also told you that she needs time to get over him when they do break up, which is wise to do. For your part back off the romance stuff, as the last thing you need is to be a friend, and not be seen as a potential boy friend and don't read her interest in you as anything more than what it is, two people meeting. It is important you see this realistically, and not fantasize yourself into thinking of her so much you lose your own life. Keep doing what your doing without her, and give her time. Don't be a pest with gifts and calls. Do not press for dates and attention. Date others and enjoy your youth, and do not make her your life under no circumstances. Let her handle her business with no pressure from you. GO SLOW.
    LivingtheLifeinFLA's Avatar
    LivingtheLifeinFLA Posts: 137, Reputation: 29
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    Jul 22, 2007, 07:40 PM
    Wait until McKensie gets a hold of this question!
    alou's Avatar
    alou Posts: 14, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 22, 2007, 08:07 PM
    mckenzie134's Avatar
    mckenzie134 Posts: 647, Reputation: 67
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    Jul 22, 2007, 08:30 PM

    YOu can win her over here but you won't get her by trying to win her you will get her by relaxing. You're the friend who has other girls, don't tell her yourve got other girls just play it cool, don't try any moves on her just take it easy, don't mention her boyfriend ever, you don't care what's going on with him!!

    Keep talking on occasions to her and when she contacts her let her know you're a busy guy don't meet up every time exactly when she says make something up when she rings, f she rings at lunc timeyour out sat lunch but can catch up later. If she rings later your out at dinner butmaybe latter. Don't just run to her,she knows your keen but you must hang back if you giveher anythingyou will only ahow her your smothering her, she already toldyou that she needstim after the break up.

    I willtell you one thing at the moment she knows she's going to break up with her boyfriendsoshe knows she has you in case she needs you. She will contact you whenthey break up but whatever you do don't go running aroundthere. Play it cool tellher your busy she will want you more...
    alou's Avatar
    alou Posts: 14, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 22, 2007, 08:36 PM
    Yea but if I am telling her all the time that I am busy or make her " the busy guy" she will stop showming the littile interest that she shows me know , I am right?
    Actually apo the cds she told me to make her a copy of 1treehill , and I also made her 2 more copys with some songs , should I give her the first copy that she asked me ?
    mckenzie134's Avatar
    mckenzie134 Posts: 647, Reputation: 67
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    Jul 22, 2007, 08:42 PM
    Yes if she asked for the copy that's fineand yeah you can give her some extras but don't go giving her some lovey songs about how much you love her. And you can answer and see her but just Don't jump at everything se says, don't rush over to seeher, if shewants to see you and you want togive it a go well go over there but, either get over there and get some action or elseplay it cool. Whatever you do don't become all lovey dovey with no action. Its all right if your sleeping with her but ifyour not and she doent want to then play it cool until your in...
    alou's Avatar
    alou Posts: 14, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 22, 2007, 08:45 PM
    I hope it works :D , she told me to go out but with her sister (because her sister came for holidays) , what am I supposed to answer now? Busy or yes?
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jul 22, 2007, 09:04 PM
    I think you should disappear from this whole situation before your smitteness leads you down the puppy dog path. She has no interest in you for a relationship and your hanging around hoping, will blind your good sense and you will start to do anything for her. Man up, and have no contact, whatsoever.
    mckenzie134's Avatar
    mckenzie134 Posts: 647, Reputation: 67
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    Jul 22, 2007, 10:06 PM
    BUSY BUSY BUSY!! You're to busy let her chase you down... Throw her aa message hear and there play it cool take it easy she will come around you must build the tension...

    No more contact for a few days now!! NONE she's not going anywhere your oo busy to contact her give her a couiple of ays to think about you and what your up too she may just realise you're a great guy and give you a message...

    Taking a chance is the best way, bnothing is gained by chasing but taking a chance can do wonders for agirls heart... DO nothing for the moment and wait a few days don't go ABSOLUTELY anywhere with her sister this is a big NO NO You want to end up her slave or her lover at the moment your going to be her friend and that is it!!
    alou's Avatar
    alou Posts: 14, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 23, 2007, 12:00 PM
    Guys never mind... I am going to make it clear to her nomatter what she going to tell me , if she wants to do something I am here , if she doesn't I'll quit there
    Sdjosh's Avatar
    Sdjosh Posts: 215, Reputation: 41
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    Jul 23, 2007, 01:25 PM
    And the excitement... attraction... and challenge goes out the door.

    Listen to Tal... take it slow. Enjoy dating. Damn... why does it have to be all or nothing. The chase is fun... the anticipation is exciting.
    nicespringgirl's Avatar
    nicespringgirl Posts: 1,237, Reputation: 187
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    Jul 23, 2007, 01:31 PM
    My advice is (like always)
    Study comes first, how could you be able to perform your serious school task when you have so much in mind!
    At your age, what is more important is school and problly making friends develop a good sense of social responsibility. Be a good person , better yourself!:)
    Sdjosh's Avatar
    Sdjosh Posts: 215, Reputation: 41
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    Jul 23, 2007, 01:37 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nicespringgirl
    My advice is (like always)
    Study comes first, how could you be able to perform your serious school task when you have so much in mind!!
    At your age, what is more important is school and problly making friends develop a good sense of social responsibility. Be a good person , better yourself!:)

    While I do agree to always further your education, but that doesn't mean he should miss out on being a teenager and dating. Enjoying life. It is possible to do both at the same time.

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