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    rol's Avatar
    rol Posts: 804, Reputation: 162
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    Jan 4, 2007, 07:57 AM
    Yes , you seem quite intelligent anyhow from your other posts and advice you have offered so I'm sure you have a good head on your shoulders.

    And no mention of the past again or her past!!
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 4, 2007, 08:06 AM
    I think you approach this not going in head first, but go slow and have balance in your life, as we forget who we are, and only have one thing in mind, being in love. This pushes our partners away all the time. Spend time doing the things you enjoy without her, and have a full social life, and make sure you find out who you are so you don't lose yourself chasing ghosts and putting too much emphasis on the relationship, when its what you are about thats important. She should be part of a healthy busy life you have, and not your whole life. Change comes with time so go slow, there is no hurry. Take your time and get to know each other again and above all YOU SHOULD BE HAVING FUN.
    Copperhead6's Avatar
    Copperhead6 Posts: 132, Reputation: 51
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    Jan 5, 2007, 03:23 PM
    Online guy, it seems to me that you are dealing with a lot of unresolved issues. I agree with some of these posters that you may have used the no contact rule merely as a way that she would come back to you and left yourself numb to the pain of a breakup and now you believe that you guys should be back together. You have got to get over the fact that although you may change for the best, she just might not come back to notice it. You will want them to see it really badly but the more it pains you that they don't take the time to notice the more that you should realize that you did not change for yourself but yet to please her. All is not lost if she does not look at the new you. If other women are liking the new you then you will realize that it is her loss. Now the main reason for my post. Ex's do come back and you have got to absolutely not care if they come back or not. My old roommate had a girlfriend for 2 years, they got engaged, she gave the ring back a week later and decided to take a break. She started dating other guys, and he was heartbroken but he had a lot of pride and he dated around a little bit, stopped worrying about her so much, went from talking to her every day to only calling her maybe once a week or sometimes months without talking. All I know is just when he had given up hope after a near year debacle she came back to him, they worked it out and have been married for the last two years. So it can be done but you have to be strong. This is not the norm, but I know that success stories are rare on this website and I just wanted to give an example that it does happen. And to me, my friend that got his girl back would never stress it enough in his worst times to beat himself up about the situation and that may be the kind of self strength that in the end would draw a woman back to you.
    Geoffersonairplane's Avatar
    Geoffersonairplane Posts: 1,195, Reputation: 286
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    Jan 6, 2007, 08:31 AM
    That's an interesting story copperhead6 about that guy that got back with his ex after a year. I knew a friend years ago who met his wife when they were both young. They split up after 18 months or so the spent a year apart dating others, then they split up again after another year or so, got back together then I heard they got married.. A few months ago, I bumped into him in the city and he said he was married but guess what? Separated as well.. They were a strange couple though, they kept following a pattern of breaking up and getting back together. I believe that it can happen but I have not seen it happen often and there is no guarantee that it will work 2nd time around. For it to work, there needs to be serious changes from both sides. If there is not any change, it won't be long before another breakup happens. It is best to accept that it is over for good rather than hanging onto false hope that you will get back with an ex. In time, you may not even want to get back with the ex if you have truly moved on.
    wap's Avatar
    wap Posts: 177, Reputation: 54
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    Jan 6, 2007, 09:14 AM
    Good afternoon everyone,

    An interesting topic : )

    I sympathise with having text your ex, and having no reply. You set yourself up for another fall really. I took my ex's mobile no out of my phone in September. Maybe you should do that, hopefully you don't know it off by heart, I don't. It helps.

    I text my ex at the start of the break up too, got no response either, he would answer my emails (not all of them) but no texts. Best not to bother believe me. It is not worth it. I remember phoning my ex in September, I was heart broken after it, he sounded really weird on the phone, just like basically saying why are you calling me. It really set me back and I was upset for days.

    Please don't beat yourself up over texting, it happens, maybe it has taught you something, take it as a positive : )
    onlineguy's Avatar
    onlineguy Posts: 110, Reputation: 10
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    Jan 6, 2007, 01:42 PM
    Got her talking & lost her again
    For those who did not see my last post, I was on msn when my ex messengered me. I was polite and friendly, ended the conversation in a nice way.

    Following day she was on msn so I messengered her, thought the conversation was going fine, but she mentioned she was poorly and not sleeping. I as a joke said I could help her with sleeping, but it appears as though she took it the wrong way, ended the conversation saying watching telly.

    I have since left a msn message asking if she was feeling better, but she has not been on line. And today I sent a text asking if she was feeling better only to be ignored.

    She iniated contact on msn, so I thought we were back on speaking terms, but that does not appear to be the case. I am very confused, I don't know if we are speaking, if we are not, or what to say without driving her away ? She is not talking about how she is feeling, so I am 100% in the dark..

    I would like to see if we can get back on good terms with a view to seeing if we can get back together, but I have not mentioned this to her yet, as I feel this has to come part way from her.

    Any advice, suggestions of how to handle such a person, situation ?
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 6, 2007, 02:24 PM
    No Contact for 6 months even if she contacts you ignore it and do not contact her back! 6 months, OLG, haven't you had enough yet? Time for a good long break.
    BlazingCold's Avatar
    BlazingCold Posts: 130, Reputation: 31
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    Jan 6, 2007, 02:32 PM
    Tal, if he wants to get her back, how will ignoring her help him reach that?

    OLG, just leave her alone. No need to go begging to apologize. If she took offense to that, let her tell you that directly, then apologize if necessary.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 6, 2007, 03:11 PM
    Tal, if he wants to get her back, how will ignoring her help him reach that?
    No contact is not ignoring some one, it's a step back to regroup your head and re-evaluate yourself. If what your doing is not working you must consider other tactics, and the best one when it comes to relationships is to back off and have time for your dust to settle and get a more realistic view of yourself and the things you do. Do you really think doing what he is doing will get her back? The goal is not to get her back, but to reassess his own position. Without that realization, he can never see or overcome his own limitations.
    Geoffersonairplane's Avatar
    Geoffersonairplane Posts: 1,195, Reputation: 286
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    Jan 6, 2007, 04:08 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman
    No contact is not ignoring some one, its a step back to regroup your head and re-evaluate yourself. If what your doing is not working you must consider other tactics, and the best one when it comes to relationships is to back off and have time for your dust to settle and get a more realistic view of yourself and the things you do. Do you really think doing what he is doing will get her back? The goal is not to get her back, but to reassess his own position. Without that realization, he can never see or overcome his own limitations.
    Again agreed 100%..
    I agree that No Contact is not ignoring someone, it is simply a way as tal suggests to re-evaluate yourself and work on yourself. IT IS ALSO BY NO MEANS TO BE USED AS A TACTIC TO GET THE EX BACK
    rol's Avatar
    rol Posts: 804, Reputation: 162
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    Jan 7, 2007, 05:30 AM
    <<thought the conversation was going fine, but she mentioned she was poorly and not sleeping. I as a joke said I could help her with sleeping, but it appears as though she took it the wrong way, ended the conversation saying watching telly. >>

    Big mistake, when a girl tells you she is poorly and not sleeping you do not tell her you can help her with sleeping! You say oh I'm sorry about that , if you need anything please let me know... that would have been a much better response which I am sure she would have appreciated more than a sexually inclined one!!

    Maybe its time you do some reading on how to communicate with a woman, as I suggested before 'men are from mars on a date' would be a great place for you to start while you are on your 2 month no contact!
    confused25's Avatar
    confused25 Posts: 319, Reputation: 98
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    Jan 7, 2007, 01:22 PM
    Well if I were you I would send her one last message apologizing for what you said (if you have not yet done so). After that don't do anything, just wait for her response. Don't e-mail her, call her, IM her, etc. until she contacts you first. Once she does contact you wait a few days before contacting her again, and when you do just say a simple "Hi, just wanted to see how you were doing," and then wait for her to get a hold of you.

    I've read your other posts and your biggest problem is that you think there is a tried and true technique to getting an ex-girlfriend back. Unfortunately there isn't and for any technique to work she needs to be willing. Listen, if she doesn't want to get back together then there is absolutely nothing you can do. Try as you might, but you cannot change a persons mind, and trying to do so will more then likely only push her further away.

    You seem to be strongly adament against no contact, but you forget that love flourishes when your not always with the person. Why? Because you miss the person and that is when you realize that you're the happiest when your with that individual. Ask yourself this, "Do two people really love eachother when they never have a chance to miss eachother?" It's kind of like when you leave behind family, friends, or pets for a long period of time--whether it is for a business trip, school, etc.--you learn how important something is. For example, after I left for college I was excited that I was leaving home. I was getting tired of my parents and siblings. But after a year or so, with a few visits every now and then, I realized that I feel really good around my family and now when I go home I look forward to it.

    Now, with regards to your situation, will no contact bring her back? Will she realize she misses you? Maybe not, she might realize she is happier without you. But hey dude, that's life, what can you do? Just leave her alone and stop trying to win her back. You've already tried that and you failed, deal with it. Take a different approach, take a step back, relax, and quit worrying about how to get her back. She will more then likely contact you again and when she does, take a few days before responding and when you do keep it light and simple. If she doesn't contact you, then don't do anything. Leave it be. After 6 months give it another shot and see what happens.

    Remember, there are times and things you can never change (this includes your ex-girlfriends feelings for you), so don't get so carried away.
    onlineguy's Avatar
    onlineguy Posts: 110, Reputation: 10
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    Jan 7, 2007, 02:09 PM
    Had enough. Deleted her number and blocked her from MSN
    Hi Guys, for those following my posts. I split up with a girl who ended things, I did the needy ex boyfriend bit (oops).

    She messengered me the other day and we were back on speaking terms after a month and a half, then she ended the conversation over a joking comment. Then I sent a text asking if she was feeling better, because she had the flu. And this was ignored.

    Where do women get off with treating people this way ! They all say they want someone to care about them, but when you do they ignore you?

    So why should I bother, I am the one getting hurt, so I have deleted her details and blocked her on MSN.

    I don't know if it's the right thing, but its ripping me apart to care so much for someone and knowing its meaninless to her. Shear ignorance and rudeness not to reply.

    What's your thoughts guys? Especially the women out there?
    reference's Avatar
    reference Posts: 15, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 7, 2007, 02:24 PM
    Hi there,

    I am guilty of the needy thing also and I regret it. It is not attractive! You are right about deleting her number and MSN. I would say to you to hang in there and do not contact her. She may realise what a kind thing you were doing and just been a caring guy. Again do not contact her please for your own sake.
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Jan 7, 2007, 02:24 PM
    Hi OLG,

    Sorry, you still are being ripped apart by this girl. Yes, I agree it is rude to ignore someone's messages, very rude. And if deleting her contact info, helps you... delete away, and then move on. It's time OLG, don't you think? Shame, there isn't a delete button in our hearts and minds to delete someone who is hurting us.

    But to continuously have your messages and feelings disregarded just is not right. Do yourself a favor, and do not look back. Ask yourself, how can someone treat you that way, and do you actually want someone in your life who is able to ignore you, your messages and your feelings.

    Good for you and all that time, and energy, and deep care you gave to her, about time you give it to yourself.

    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Jan 7, 2007, 03:04 PM
    OLG, I too am sorry she is still hurting you. I too believe it is very rude to ignore messages, extremely. However, I think you did the right thing in ridding yourself of her info.

    I am a firm believer in NC since I am such a soft heart and will listen to any apology and truly believe it. NC is meant to heal a heart and soul. I think it is time you continue on the healing path with her behind you. Time to heal your heart OLG.

    Go out and make anew with a new year and a new you!;)
    Geoffersonairplane's Avatar
    Geoffersonairplane Posts: 1,195, Reputation: 286
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    Jan 7, 2007, 04:27 PM
    Agree with both responses above OLG, could not rate you both, sorry had to spread the rep.

    Well Onlineguy, this is the final straw for you it seems and you are now really realising how much contact can hurt you. This is why NC is for the best, however I appreciate you were just being the caring guy. You need to pull away and I agree 100% with what you have done by deleting her number and deleting her from MSN. This situation is just dragging your pain out and really must stop.

    It is a new year and you must do what is best for you OLG.
    chuff's Avatar
    chuff Posts: 3,397, Reputation: 1235
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    Jan 7, 2007, 05:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by onlineguy
    Hi Guys, for those following my posts. I split up with a girl who ended things, I did the needy ex boyfriend bit (oops).

    She messengered me the other day and we were back on speaking terms after a month and a half, then she ended the conversation over a joking comment. Then I sent a text asking if she was feeling better, because she had the flu. And this was ignored.
    I just want to say that you should make that decision, not her. If you are still emotionally attached to her you can tell her that you will speak to her when you choose to.

    Quote Originally Posted by onlineguy
    Where do women get off with treating people this way ! They all say they want someone to care about them, but when you do they ignore you ??

    So why should I bother, I am the one getting hurt, so I have deleted her details and blocked her on MSN.

    I dont know if its the right thing, but its ripping me apart to care so much for someone and knowing its meaninless to her. Shear ignorance and rudeness not to reply.

    Whats your thoughts guys? Especially the women out there?
    Well I’m a recovering nice guy so I can’t speak for the women but you sound exactly like I used to talk. I just kept trying and trying and getting used and used. On top of that you sound like me, emotional. It’s very hard for us emotional guys because we are doing exactly what women ask and in a sense being emotional you’d think we’d almost be understood more.

    The “problem” with the emotional guy is he can become so emotional that he starts acting like their girlfriends. Being emotional we also try to make them happy and unfortunately we do it at our own expense. In our mind we think, “well even though I don’t want to do this, she’ll see my sacrifice and what I’m doing for her, and she’ll appreciate me even more.

    Unfortunately, that is the exact opposite of what is going on inside there head. They are thinking when we cave or always give them what we want that we are weak and can not really support them emotionally. They are thinking that we act just like their friends (which ironically, we think is a good thing but it’s not) and not like a man. Remember women want a secure, confident man, not a needy, dependent person that acts like their girlfriends.
    rol's Avatar
    rol Posts: 804, Reputation: 162
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    Jan 8, 2007, 01:25 AM
    Exactly I agree with above, send one more proper apology. Something like " I'm sorry for what I said , about your ex plus the last time when we talked on msn. I am so mean and inconsiderate and it is no wonder I have messed everything up between us.
    If you would like to talk to me again I would be happy, but I understand if you do not. I will leave it up to you now.
    Take care,
    rol's Avatar
    rol Posts: 804, Reputation: 162
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    Jan 8, 2007, 01:51 AM
    Wait now! U forgot to mention what you told her when she said she was sick!! I replied to your other post .

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