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Type: Posts; User: C0bra_M3nace

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  1. If you have to ask someone other than your...

    If you have to ask someone other than your parents if it's okay then you know it's wrong. I don't think I need to repeat what was said here but you're 13 years old, you're a minor whether you like it...
  2. To answer the initial question. It is possible. ...

    To answer the initial question. It is possible.

    This is going to sound funny but, I know a girl who was 8 months pregnant and never knew it. Don't ask me how, even I still don't understand it....
  3. Answers

    Awesome. I don't mind looking them up for you...


    I don't mind looking them up for you either.
  4. Answers

    I think the song you're looking for is One Bad...

    I think the song you're looking for is One Bad Son by Scarecrows.

    It's not exactly how you put it, but it seems logical. Just try googling the lyrics you're writing. It would be much quicker than...
  5. Answers

    The song is Ho Hey by The Lumineers.

    The song is Ho Hey by The Lumineers.
  6. Answers

    You don't have to ask us, just ask him. There's...

    You don't have to ask us, just ask him. There's no shame in asking him how he feels about you, the worst thing he could say is that he doesn't like you that way but at least you'll know.
  7. Answers

    It's very possible that you're pregnant, however,...

    It's very possible that you're pregnant, however, it's too soon to know for sure.
  8. Answers

    12 days is a long time to be late. Ask you...

    12 days is a long time to be late.

    Ask you doctor for a blood test to see if you're pregnant. It will give you a more definite answer. It's not uncommon to have bad readings on take home tests as...
  9. A cut won't heal if you keep picking at it. So...

    A cut won't heal if you keep picking at it.

    So as long as this guy is chasing your around and so long as you keep letting him then you're never going to forget him. You should have gotten the...
  10. Honestly, my first guess would be that you're...

    Honestly, my first guess would be that you're pregnant. Since a take home test looks for a horomone in your urine that is developed during pregnancy it's pretty hard to get a false positive. I do,...
  11. Answers

    Keep us posted! Hope everything goes well.

    Keep us posted! Hope everything goes well.
  12. Answers

    Well of course there's a possibility you're...

    Well of course there's a possibility you're pregnant. Anytime sex is involved, protected or not, pregnancy is possible.

    However, 5 days late isn't late enough to be worrying about pregnancy. If...
  13. Answers

    They recommend that if you're testing early that...

    They recommend that if you're testing early that you use first morning urine. Depending on the sensitivity of the test you took, taking it that early could not have detected enough of the hCG...
  14. Answers

    If you loved him and wanted a future with him as...

    If you loved him and wanted a future with him as badly as you say you do. Then you wouldn't be here asking for advice.

    I can bet there would be a line up of guys that would love to make you happy...
  15. Question: Breakups

    by C0bra_M3nace

    Everyone's different. He may come running back...

    Everyone's different. He may come running back tomorrow, he may be back next month or he may never come back. Trust is just one of those things that's hard to earn back but again, everyone's...
  16. Answers

    This is a perfect example of why it's poison to...

    This is a perfect example of why it's poison to stay friends with your ex's. Block all contact with him and move on with your life.
  17. Question: Breakups

    by C0bra_M3nace

    Leave him alone and let him move on. You should...

    Leave him alone and let him move on. You should move on too. I doubt he's going to come around. That was proven when he took off right away. I think you learned a pretty valuable lesson about honesty...
  18. First of all, there is no such thing as a...

    First of all, there is no such thing as a "totally safe" method of birth control. If you plan on having sex with this man and you don't want to risk getting pregnant then don't have sex. There are...
  19. Answers

    I noticed a red flag when you said... ...

    I noticed a red flag when you said...


    Why is it that he doesn't take you seriously or that you can't talk to him about things that are troubling you? It doesn't sound like...
  20. Answers

    It's not uncommon to have a false negative on a...

    It's not uncommon to have a false negative on a pregnancy test. Something as simple as not urinating on it long enough or not enough can give innacurate readings. Try another one, if you get the same...
  21. Answers

    If he had semen on his fingers, and inserted them...

    If he had semen on his fingers, and inserted them into your vagina, you can get pregnant.

    Unfortunately, without taking a pregnancy test, it will be very difficult to come to a proper conclusion....
  22. Answers

    If you don't trust him. Then you shouldn't be...

    If you don't trust him. Then you shouldn't be marrying him.

    Plain and simple.
  23. Answers

    There's a few important questions you need to...

    There's a few important questions you need to answer to yourself before you do anything.

    Does he actually like you?
    -Has he told you he likes you personally? He might not even mean to be...
  24. Question: Worried

    by C0bra_M3nace

    Your odds of being pregnant are a lot slimmer...

    Your odds of being pregnant are a lot slimmer because you used protection but it's still a possibility. No form of protection is 100%.
  25. Answers

    Well this is tough. Are you asking how to get...

    Well this is tough. Are you asking how to get over not having her in your life or do you want to fix things?

    Now I don't know what issues the two of you have to label your relationship as...
  26. Answers

    A blood test can tell you if you're pregnant...

    A blood test can tell you if you're pregnant about 6 days after ovulation. If you're looking for quicker results.
  27. Answers

    At this point it's hard to say if you're pregnant...

    At this point it's hard to say if you're pregnant or not. Wait a few days and go see your doctor, or take a pregnancy test. Either should be able to give you an answer.
  28. Only time will tell at this point so wait a few...

    Only time will tell at this point so wait a few days and take another test. The fact that your period has come is a good sign, but your next period will be the one to look out for.
  29. Answers

    You may need to go visit your doctor on this one....

    You may need to go visit your doctor on this one. I would have suggested stress be delaying you this long, but that's if you were late about a week, 20 days is a long time to be delayed.
  30. Most of these symptoms are probably being found...

    Most of these symptoms are probably being found because you want to get pregnant. I know you're probably excited but at this point you're playing the waiting game.

    Try keeping track of your...
  31. Why not tell us how you sorted it out? If you...

    Why not tell us how you sorted it out? If you answered your own question here it may help someone else later on with the same issue.
  32. Answers

    Maybe you do love him too much. My guess is...

    Maybe you do love him too much.

    My guess is that he feels too comfortable where his life is and doesn't want to change anything, such as, being without you. If he really realized what he lost...
  33. I think you moved in a bit too fast. You should...

    I think you moved in a bit too fast. You should have given her the space she needed from the start.

    Give it time and give her some room to heal and if things go forward from there, great.
  34. Answers

    What makes you think she won't go do it again? I...

    What makes you think she won't go do it again? I wouldn't confront her or make a huge scene out of it, but I sure as hell wouldn't be her friend anymore. That's just my opinion though.
  35. Answers

    I think it's safe to say he has some form of...

    I think it's safe to say he has some form of interest in you if he's looking at you a lot. So the next step would be getting to know him.
  36. If you find out this other girl likes you, then...

    If you find out this other girl likes you, then you'll be leaving your current girlfriend for the wrong reasons.

    I don't get why you need to make sure you have another girl lined up before you...
  37. Answers

    You're both virgins and he's acting like this?...

    You're both virgins and he's acting like this? His pain is not from you it's from himself. This is pathetic, what more does he want?! and here I was thinking I was pathetic for being jealous of my...
  38. It's not terrible to break up with someone before...

    It's not terrible to break up with someone before chirstmas or their birthday. At least not as terrible as it would be staying with them through such time out of pity.

    The decision to break up...
  39. Answers

    Here's an answer from the boyfriends perspective...

    Here's an answer from the boyfriends perspective because I've been in this situation. Actually this situation is what brought me to this website in the first place with my very own question.

  40. Answers

    Stress can delay a period but so can many other...

    Stress can delay a period but so can many other things. 10 days is a long time for your period to be late, but it's not unlikely. You can either wait it out or test. If you want to know for certain,...
  41. Answers

    What are you doing to change things? Are you...

    What are you doing to change things? Are you looking for a better job? Is there any other relatives that you can stay with?

    There's plenty of things you can do to get back on your own two feet...
  42. Answers

    The only thing that can give you an answer at...

    The only thing that can give you an answer at this moment is a pregnancy test, whether it's a take home test or a visit to your doctor. You're far enough along for a pregnancy test to determine...
  43. A lot of people draw the line somewhere. When and...

    A lot of people draw the line somewhere. When and how depends on who they are and everyone's different. Maybe she's drawing the line, or thinking about drawing the line and needs time to think. It's...
  44. There's no set amount of time to give someone,...

    There's no set amount of time to give someone, everyone's different. For now, break all contact with her and focus on yourself and keeping your chin up. She'll contact you when she's ready to either...
  45. Question: Club mayhem.

    by C0bra_M3nace

    Is being in this "club" so important that you're...

    Is being in this "club" so important that you're willing to put up with this drama? Why not just leave and make another club. Invite all the people who aren't acting like children.

    By 50/50 share...
  46. You start moving on and accept the fact that you...

    You start moving on and accept the fact that you may not be together again.

    Breaks are seldom good for a relationship. They're usually a sign that things just aren't working out. Don't get me...
  47. Answers

    You don't have to let her go, just don't pressure...

    You don't have to let her go, just don't pressure a relationship on her. You can be just friends with her until a relationship is built or not.

    My main concern though is the fact that she's a...
  48. Answers

    He's willing to build a relationship with someone...

    He's willing to build a relationship with someone other than his wife, what makes you think he won't do it to you too? He has a wife, move on.
  49. What's done is done and you've done all you can,...

    What's done is done and you've done all you can, you appologized and showed sympthathy. The rest is up to him. Just give it time. If he forgives you, then communicate with him. Figure out exactly...
  50. My concern is, how 'unfriendly' were you to his...

    My concern is, how 'unfriendly' were you to his friend to make him want to sleep in the guest room. Give it time, you've done all you can do, the rest is up to him.
Results 1 to 50 of 500