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    wieczorek's Avatar
    wieczorek Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 29, 2006, 12:06 AM
    Can the landlord slander the tenant for no reason
    I live in Thermopolis, Wyoming right now. Been here 8 months. Landlord was nice until my husband and I confronted her on all her lies. Does she have the right to slander us to other tentants and if not, what can we do about it. The owners of the property really don't care what she does because she is a brown nose. We are not. We would like to move but we are both on fixed incomes. And also, she tells us she will handle ALL problems here (we are also having probles with our up stairs neighbor, they are very very loud) My husband and myself have gone up their and told the manager. She told us to never call the police unless it is violence of some kind. Can she do this. Also,
    In the lease, it states that we can plant what ever we like because this is our home (that's what it says). My husband and two others planted a veg. garden before all this started. Can she dig it up because she is mad at us?
    Thank you for your time.
    CaptainForest's Avatar
    CaptainForest Posts: 3,645, Reputation: 393
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    May 29, 2006, 12:49 AM
    Sounds like she is trying to take advantage of you because she thinks you a) don't know better and/or b) can't afford to move.

    Slander. She has no right to spread lies about you. Your recourse? Sue. You might be able to find a lawyer who will work on a contingency (he charges you nothing, but takes 33% of the settlement). Before you go that route, you could perhaps give her one last warning…

    You are well with in your rights to call the cops whenever you want. She can NOT stop you. If the noise is loud, call the cops. There are noise bylaws that everyone must abide by. In most places, after 11pm at night, the noise you produce must go way down. Call the cops on them.

    The garden. That I do not know. To me it sounds like she should have to at least pay for the damaged crops.
    Stormy69's Avatar
    Stormy69 Posts: 290, Reputation: 98
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    May 29, 2006, 01:38 AM
    Hello fellow Wyomingite( is that a word?) LOL
    I would try and see if there are any other tenants that have issues with her as a manager and go directly to the owners. Make sure you document EVERYTHING she does and says that could be considered slanderous. The more evidence you can build up against her the better chance you stand with any complaints to the owner. Remember.. document! Document! Document! And call the cops any time you feel you need to. The owners will eventually get the drift that she is NOT doing her job as manager. Just make sure your reasons for calling the police are valid and not petty. Good luck
    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
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    May 29, 2006, 05:07 AM
    You really have some good answers.
    I would just like to "second" these answers.
    Call the Police; she can do nothing to stop you. Also, get the name and address, and phone number of the owner of the building. Either write or call him/her, and express your feelings about what's going on.
    Talk with your neighbors, writing down everything.
    Slander? It's really only "slander" if a Court says so. You might have to hire a lawyer, and sue her, if you want to go that far. It could get expensive.
    Anyone can sue anybody nowadays for anything; but winning is another case.

    For now, as far as her telling you to "only call the Police for violence", I would
    Call the Police today, file a complaint against the loud neighbor! She doesn't want you calling the Police, probably because she doesn't want any trouble with them! She could get in trouble with the building owner, which is what I personally, would want to happen! Also, tell the Police that you have already talked with the neighbor, and talked with the landlord, and she will do nothing. I would also tell them what she said about "calling only for Violence".
    I do wish you good luck.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 29, 2006, 06:35 AM
    On calling the police, yes many land lords will tell you not to call the police, they don't want the reputation of having the police come out to their rentals a lot. But of course call the police you have a right to call them regardless.

    On the "slander" if it is not true it is slander, if it is true it is not. And of course why not call and talk to the owner.
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    May 29, 2006, 02:23 PM

    You’ve gotten some great advice.

    However, I doubt you can sue, because you can’t afford a lawyer and you’ll never find one who will take the case on a contingency basis. I think what you want is to make these people adhere to the lease and the law, and leave you alone. The law and your lease requires them to do that. You need to insure that that’s what happens.

    This is what I’d do. Start writing letters - maybe lots of letters. First, go to your state gov website and find your state landlord tenant law. Read it. It’s not long. It’s understandable and it will answer all your questions. But most importantly, it will give you AMMUNITION. Given what you’ve said, I promise you, they are violating the law.

    Then, go into the word processing program you have, and I’ll bet they have some form letters, and you can probably find one to a landlord. Write him a letter. Quote the law. Tell him he is subject to penalties if the violations continue. Send copies to the owners, the managers, the city, and the state attorney general. Tell them in the letter, that if you witness criminal activity, you absolutely WILL call the police.

    All you can do, ultimately, is threaten to leave. If they make your life miserable, you’ll have to move.

    wieczorek's Avatar
    wieczorek Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 29, 2006, 05:37 PM
    Hi excon,
    Thank you for your answer. We are looking around to move and then I will use the ammunition. This town is a small town. Town of 3500. You are right, right now they will make our life miserable. We don't need that right now. Once we do move I will be writing letters so she (the landlord) will not do this to any one else. We have lived in this town only 8 months, it fells good to have people on our side, even if we don't know you or the other ones. I needed that shot in the arm.
    educatedhorse_2005's Avatar
    educatedhorse_2005 Posts: 500, Reputation: 78
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    May 29, 2006, 08:16 PM
    Have you thought about the newspaper.
    In little towns like that they will print most things if the story is good enough.
    It will help you spread the word on this lady and it also might help you find a new place to live.
    Just make sure you can prove everything you say or they might be able to get you for slander.

    Good luck
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    May 30, 2006, 10:29 AM
    All of the answers you have here are great. I would just like to add one thing about writing the letters. When you do, make sure you send them "Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested" so that you will have POSITIVE PROOF that the letters were received and by whom.

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