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    Lulicious's Avatar
    Lulicious Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 15, 2006, 04:11 PM
    Kitchen Sink Sprayer blew off
    HELP - I have the sprayer hose in my hand, I read out the diverter thing, if I put my finger over where the sprayer goes water will come out of the spout. I sprayer coupling appears to be still attached under the sink. Can I get help with a quick fix? I can't get it off, any suggestions to how I can plug it off? Just temporarily...
    Thank you
    Lotta's Avatar
    Lotta Posts: 124, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2006, 05:18 PM
    Why did the spray come off?
    Is the hose for the sprayer broken?
    Is there still a plastic or metal piece on the hose where the sprayer used to be?

    If there is still a plastic or metal piece on the hose where the sprayer used to be thenyou can just buy a new spayer and then connect it to the hose. The sprayer usually has a ring that holds it onto the hose. If you unthread the bottem part of the sprayer, you still may have the connecter ring.
    Lulicious's Avatar
    Lulicious Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 15, 2006, 05:32 PM
    I don't why the sprayer blew off, the end of it is metal but does not have any threads on it so its not something I can just screw back in. The ring which I can barely feel is stuck to the "dohickey" up by the water connections under the faucet. The hose & faucet are fairly new. Should I just buy a new faucet tomorrow? Or is there a way I can block off this so we can use the sink?
    Lotta's Avatar
    Lotta Posts: 124, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2006, 06:02 PM
    What is the name of the faucet?
    Can you unthread the sprayer? It has a top half and a bottom half.
    PalmMP3's Avatar
    PalmMP3 Posts: 321, Reputation: 28
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    Feb 16, 2006, 12:25 AM
    Assuming you don't have any hose clamps or barb fittings, etc. handy, here's a quick, MacGyver-style fix: pull the hose out and fold over the last few inches, sort of like what you might do to temporarily stop the flow of a garden hose. You may need pliers to persuade the hose to agree with your little "exercise plan" for it. Fold it more times if necessary, until the water is stopped (or at least down to a trickle). Then take a roll of duct tape, and wrap the whole mess several times, to prevent it from unfolding itself. This should tide you over until you can buy a new hose and sprayer.

    Let me know how it goes.
    Note: if this post was helpful, please rate it by clicking "Comment on this Post" in the upper-right corner of this post. Thank you.
    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
    Eternal Plumber

    Feb 16, 2006, 05:19 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Lulicious
    I don't why the sprayer blew off, the end of it is metal but does not have any threads on it so its not something I can just screw back in. The ring which I can barely feel is stuck to the "dohickey" up by the water connections under the faucet. The hose & faucet are fairly new. Should I just buy a new faucet tomorrow? or is there a way I can block off this so we can use the sink?
    Moshie told you how to block off the old hose. Let me tell you what to do from there. You don't need to replace the faucet. What you need to do is purchase a replacement hose and spray head. Go in the cabinet and track the hose back
    To where it connects into the bottom of the faucet. Unscrew the old hose, wrap the 1/8" threads on the new one with teflon tape and install the new hose and spray head. This should put you back in business. Good luck, Tom

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