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    ct7779311's Avatar
    ct7779311 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 12, 2010, 10:19 AM
    My 3 yr old son will not talk.
    My 3 yr old son will not talk. I have caught him mouthing the words but will not say a word. We have had specialist test him for everything from hearing complications, syndromes to Autism. The results came back negative for ALL and perfect on his hearing. He currently goes to a Speech Therapist 2 times a week, and after over 6 months, I have not seen any results. Everybody is telling me to be patient, but he is now in a more structured day care to be around more talkative and productive kids and the first thing they asked was, “Is everything OK with him mentally?". It is very frustrating, my daughter that is now 13 was walking, talking, and potty trained by 18 months, and he is doing none of the previous mentioned. I know it is not fair to compare, but it does make you question you parenting skills as a Father...
    redhed35's Avatar
    redhed35 Posts: 4,221, Reputation: 1910
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    Jan 12, 2010, 10:35 AM

    Kids develop at their own rates and in their own time.

    For you at home,keep talking to him,read stories,and repeat stories,after a while ask him to say the word you have left out,or you say the wrong word on purpose... example,if his favourite character is bob you call him joe,and ask your son is that right,or you can't remember the name.

    Repetition repetition repetition... it will go in,he will make the connections,don't do all the work for him...

    Don't talk for him,give him lots of chances to respond...

    You could also try a simple exercise...

    A cow says moo... what does a cow say... repeat,a cow says moo what does the cow say... and call his name (your son) and wait for him to answer.

    Keep doing what your doing,you have gotten him tested,he is in speech therapy,keep doing the exercises with him.
    nadia2525's Avatar
    nadia2525 Posts: 2, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 2, 2010, 03:20 PM
    I very much agree with the above user. I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 year old. I have noticed my 1 year old has different sets of skills. I was going through the same frustrations as you are. Trust me it will all come together. Boys are different than girls. I did the same with my boy and I am still doing it everyday. Repetition of words over and over again. I tell him to bring mama the blanket. I showed him where the blankets are and he will get blanket for me with out saying blanket. I tell him say "blanket" and he will say blanket. With every new word I tell him "sammy say water, say bird is eating, say car is red". Then I ask him "sammy what is the color of the car" then I tell him once "say red". He does that.

    Honestly it is a constant day work... but it will slowly come together. Be patient. Just do simple simple words, around the house etc and go from there. When he will start school it will be much faster.

    I hope it helps.
    positiveparent's Avatar
    positiveparent Posts: 1,136, Reputation: 291

    Jul 11, 2010, 11:13 AM

    You need to try to relax he will start talking when he's ready I don't think you've anything to worry about, some children take longer than others and he's also possibily picking up on your anxiety.

    He will talk when he feels he's ready to he could be a little shy.

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