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    kreddick's Avatar
    kreddick Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 5, 2005, 07:57 PM
    Confused and Not Sure if Believe?!
    I am a happily married 39 year old mom of two--an 11 and 9 year old. We live outside of Nashville in a community called Goodlettsville, TN. It is rich in Civil War history. Recently, my husband dug a pond in our back yard and we found what would be described as a "Indian Spear Head". But it had a flat piece for a thumb print. I took it down the street to a local "historian" and he said it looked like a tool the indians used to "hyde" animals. I also know that not far from my house is a known "haunted" house--it was the headquarters for the Union soldiers during the Civil War. Let me remind you--I am a huge skeptic when it comes to ghosts. I am not sure if they exist and I always justify weird happenings. OK--here goes my "weird" life. When my daughter was born almost 10 years ago, she was a twin, but born single. I had lost the twin, a boy, at some time during my pregnancy. Two years ago Mother's Day, I lost a baby-with that being said... that fall I was walking down my hallway upstairs and when I passed by my son's room, I heard outloud a distinct "MOM". It did not scare me and I am not sure I believed what I heard. Last night, I was awakened from my sleep with a loud whisper of MOM. I sat up in my bed and answered what?! I heard MOM again right beside my bed and I said WHAT real loud. I thought my son was in my room right by my bed and there was no one there. I know I was not dreaming. Also, I am always finding loose coins, like pennies, nickles and dimes all over the floor in my house. I have heard this is a sign of loved ones passed on before. I also sometimes double look because I feel like someone is there. I would love to hear someones's opinion on all of this. Is this my imagination or is there more to this?
    Rose_05's Avatar
    Rose_05 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 5, 2005, 02:16 PM
    Hello Kreddick,
    It's nice to meet you, I wish that I could help you out but, unforunately I can't. I'm new here too and don't know that much yet about strange happenings either.
    I'm like you and I'm a skeptic too of Ghosts and all, but, I can tell you of what I believe in. I do believe in Spirits/Demons and of what is in the Bible about it. As far as Ghost Hauntings/Boo (halloween) spooky stuff No, I'm like you and I don't believe in that either.
    I know it sounds confusing to me too but that's what I believe ;)
    The other reason that I can't help you out much is that I'm going through a Similar experience myself with my house as you are with yours.
    One day while my daughter was sleeping, I was getting ready for work in my bathroom, blow drying my hair, and everything, putting on make up etc.
    Well, I just get my make up finished and I put down my curling iron, when all of a sudden I hear "MOMMY!" "MOMMY!" Now my Daughter Does cry for me like that at Times, but, I turn around and thought that I caught a glimpse of something running down our Hall Way, and we have an OLD OLD house, it use to be an old cafeteria to an old School here and we live right by it too.
    SO talk about Freak me out ;) I almost left for work early that day ;) but, didn't because I wanted my Daughter to get her amount of sleep that she needed.
    My Point is, it was NOT my daughter that I thought that I saw running off, and all that I think that I saw was a pair of white white legs yes I'll use the term "Ghostly White" legs... that's just all I saw because I had to turn around so suddenly, it scared me thinking that it was my Daughter needing me. But, it Was NOT her because she was asleep, Sound asleep. And not calling for me at all in her sleep when I went to check in on her.
    We are also from TN too. Pretty Cool I think that I'm not the only one from TN on here ;)
    Take Care,
    And I hope that your Situation/Problem gets taken care of.
    One thing I can recommend you doing though that I've learned from my friends is have you looked up the History of your house/land? At your local library?
    I'm going to try that on Sat. And see if my MIL will keep my daughter for me while I run an errand ;) she won't mind at all she loves my daughter. And my daughter loves her very well. So do I, we get along great.
    Anyhow, hope things get better.
    jduke44's Avatar
    jduke44 Posts: 407, Reputation: 44
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    Oct 6, 2005, 01:06 PM
    I am no expert on this matter but I would like to give an opinion. First of all, I am not sure what your beliefs are so it may or may not sound weird for me to say this. From what I know about "ghosts" is that there are no "good ghosts". I believe that ghosts are demons but I will still call them ghosts to make it a little softer. I am not trying to scare you just wanting to give info. Ghosts can take on a form of a loved one and reason for that is so you will accept them. There is a reason why they are hanging around and that wuld be for you to determine. I'm not so sure they just hang around just because, I believe there is a reason. I don't think it was your imagination in the beginning but it could start to be after awhile for you know what I mean. That is about all there is to it right now. I'll let someone else reply if they have any info.
    waitntogo's Avatar
    waitntogo Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 26, 2005, 12:29 AM
    I too have been bothered by a spirit
    I too was bothered in my early 20's by sounds of something calling my name while I was in bed or in another room, as well as something pounding on the end on my bed repeatedly when I was trying to go to sleep. I have never lost a child and have 4 children, so it was not that...I also had something take a hold of my shirt and yank me out of my bed in those days. I asked my closest friend at the time and she said it was demons/ evil spirits. In those days I was learning about how powerful God and the spiritual world really was, and was on my quest to find the TRUTH about God. Asking God which one is the True religion, True Church etc..also, my husband at that time (I found out later) he was into drugs (without my knowledge) I think that could be a factor in bringing demons home...I am wondering if they don't attach themselves to humans, because I have had dreams of demons sitting on a particular girls shoulders he was pulling on her eyebrows, and when I asked her about it (in real life), she confirmed she was on drugs. So I think there may be a connection there. Recently, I have been wondering if a person has a demon attached to them somehow and when the person dies the demon carries on with the persons looks, deeds, etc...after all that demon spent time with the man/woman and knows all about his/her life and times. I know that when I die I will be with God, asleep and waiting for the rest who will come afetr me to get there...and not roaming here...but I would like to hear about more experiences, so I can put this puzzle together.undefined
    jduke44's Avatar
    jduke44 Posts: 407, Reputation: 44
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    Oct 26, 2005, 12:12 PM
    Thanks waitntogo for reenforcing what I was trying to say. I haven't had any experiences but my brother has. He was at my uncle's house (15 years ago) and he noticed in his peripheral vision an ameba type object just floating there down the hallway. When he would look ot see what it was it would change shape and leave. The same thing happened to his girlfriend a week later. They discussed it with my uncle and he said he was dating a girl he thinks is in the occult. When he broke up with her they didn't see it then when he started to date her again it came back. It was weird but true. I hope you do find out what is going on. If you need help with this please post back with more info as things happen and maybe someone can help.
    cutiie's Avatar
    cutiie Posts: 19, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 9, 2006, 06:37 PM
    I do believe I myself have had a young girl and man talk to clear as day,you can read my post do I have spirits,that will explain it>
    cutiie's Avatar
    cutiie Posts: 19, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 9, 2006, 06:41 PM
    If you believe in god there is also a devil,with good comes evil,otherwise we would live in a perfect world.
    cutiie's Avatar
    cutiie Posts: 19, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 9, 2006, 06:43 PM
    All ghost are not bad ,there are good ones too!! 111
    SHAVED's Avatar
    SHAVED Posts: 275, Reputation: 41
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    Feb 9, 2006, 11:47 PM
    Ghosts? I don't believe in ghosts. There are devils but they are not ghosts. I was born in a house near a cemetry and I spent all my childhood playing around. I have been hearing about ghosts and I even tried to find such a thing at midnights. In my life of 25 years there I never saw a ghost or even smelled anything funny.

    What I feel is that you are still thinking of that boy whom you were not able to give birth. Your unconscious mind is playing here. The thoughts you are having about that boy is lying in your unconscious mind and that is why you are hearing such weird sounds. It is nothing to worry. You have to take out those thoughts from your mind. You should have a firm belief that you have only one daughter and her twin brother (would be) is no more in this world to call you Mom. He died during your pregnancy and has gone to God.
    cutiie's Avatar
    cutiie Posts: 19, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 10, 2006, 04:17 AM
    First of all cemeteries are not usually haunted,they did not die there they were laid to rest after passing,although I have been to one cemetery that is haunted.If you feel your child is trying to contact you,he may just trying to let you know he is OK!
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    Feb 10, 2006, 10:09 PM
    You are exactly right cutiie. There is no white without black. No hot without cold. I truly believe that there is no good without it's complete opposite polarity, evil. Everything we see, hear, smell or touch is just a degree of it's whole nature or polarity. GOD created everything you say? Then that includes the opposite of all the good. If you read Genesis, you will see that the watchers, or angels sent to observe man kind not only had sexual relations with humans, but taught them things God did not want them to know. That tells me that all of GOD's creations inheret the good as well as the evil. So what are we to do? Learn to be strong and overcome the evil. In the end, evil will fail. That is just another law of the universe. Also in Genesis, the children of the watchers and humans were cursed by GOD and bound on this earth to be evil spirits. They are not chained to the outer physical realm as we are, They are interdimensional beings that have the capability to travel the lower astrial realms as well as our sphere of existence. With that power, they may play some pretty heavy games with us. A case in point would be ailens and spirits we may see or hear. Have no doubt that there is a war going on, we are just mezmerized by all of the action going on around us. We are being bombarded every moment with stimuli that keeps us numb and dumb. That's the way the evil powers want us. They are infiltrating every walk of life. Look at the world today. We are rapidly becoming their slaves. We allow it.
    cutiie's Avatar
    cutiie Posts: 19, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 11, 2006, 03:48 AM
    You said it best!thank you!
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Feb 11, 2006, 07:17 AM
    Having trouble connecting the Indian find while digging the pond and the rest of the question, AM I missing something, a coonection you are making or asking.

    There are many spirits, I doubt if any are really ghosts but there are spirits and I have seen physical evidence of them on many times. Including actual objects being tossed across a room and certain smells that just appeared. So hearing something can happen, but it can also be our subconscience also.

    I don't know their contact but there was some paranofmal people in nashville that I talked to a few years ago. You may find them if you look up some web searches, they work day jobs and ghost hunt at night.

    So I guess are you just wanting a yes it is possible you heard something and it is some type of spirit, yes it is very possible. Do you want to hear that you merely dreamed it, yes that is possible also.

    I am not sure what you are looking for in or with an answer here.
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    Feb 11, 2006, 09:34 AM
    The truth Chuck, simply the truth. That's all any one is looking for. To bad our religious institutions have not always provided us with that. But then, it is up to each individual to find it for themselves. If you like to fellowship with others then that is good too. I just see so many churches turn into gossip fest fashion shows of which I will have no part. Therefore, I hold church in my heart whenever I feel the urge and where ever I am. You see it all the time, for instance: Send your money to Jes-US, P.O. Box 666 Tulsa, Oklahoma!! After all Chuck, Don't look over there or over here for God, the kingdom of heaven is in you. What better place to start looking? When dealing with spirits or ghosts or any other spiritual occurrence, you better be going by the book!
    GhostbusterLivi's Avatar
    GhostbusterLivi Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 27, 2008, 08:48 AM
    I'm only 13 years old, but I feel a strange connection with things like this. I believe that either your house is haunted, or maybe a deceased family member is following you. My advice would be to either call a priest and have a séance with the spirit possibly living in your house. If it turns out to be a demonic prescence, I would ask the priest for a blessing/cleansing. You can also hang crosses or pictures of Jesus around you house to make you feel better. For a meeting to contact with a spirit, you couls call Penn State. They are the team on the show, "Paranormal State". Maybe you couls even get on the show!
    ahooper's Avatar
    ahooper Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 7, 2008, 07:16 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kred
    I am a happily married 39 year old mom of two--an 11 and 9 year old. We live outside of Nashville in a community called Goodlettsville, TN. It is rich in Civil War history. Recently, my husband dug a pond in our back yard and we found what would be described as a "Indian Spear Head". But it had a flat piece for a thumb print. I took it down the street to a local "historian" and he said it looked like a tool the indians used to "hyde" animals. I also know that not far from my house is a known "haunted" house--it was the headquarters for the Union soldiers during the Civil War. Let me remind you--I am a huge skeptic when it comes to ghosts. I am not sure if they exist and I always justify weird happenings. OK--here goes my "weird" life. When my daughter was born almost 10 years ago, she was a twin, but born single. I had lost the twin, a boy, at some time during my pregnancy. Two years ago Mother's Day, I lost a baby-with that being said....that fall I was walking down my hallway upstairs and when I passed by my son's room, I heard outloud a distinct "MOM". It did not scare me and I am not sure I believed what I heard. Last night, I was awakened from my sleep with a loud whisper of MOM. I sat up in my bed and answered what?!? I heard MOM again right beside my bed and I said WHAT real loud. I thought my son was in my room right by my bed and there was no one there. I know I was not dreaming. Also, I am always finding loose coins, like pennies, nickles and dimes all over the floor in my house. I have heard this is a sign of loved ones passed on before. I also sometimes double look b/c I feel like someone is there. I would love to hear someones's opinion on all of this. Is this my imagination or is there more to this?
    You too huh? I'm looking through the library to find out if anyone died in my house. I've been dealing with this for 16 years in my house. I even capture it on pics... usually around my son 6 year old,Mason. He said it's Carl... Kelly my 15 year old is constantly closing curio cabinets that are held together with glass and magnets... It usually starts talking in a whispering kind of like in small broke down words,usually when I barley start falling into deep sleep mode... some days though it leaves me alone... some days I'm scared to go to the bathroom at night.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 7, 2008, 09:44 PM
    There is a spiritual dimension that many people are starting to 'see'. Some say it is ghosts of loved ones, others say it is demons. Some say that it is a parallel dimension from the past.
    I believe this exists whatever it is and more and more credible people are experiencing whatever it is.

    If a 'ghost' has not been threatening then most probably it is not going to try to be.

    Priest and séance are two different things and a séance WILL bring bad spirits.

    A person doesn't have to die in the house for the spirit to be there.

    I think they are asking if being on civil war and Indian ground would have an affect on the place being more prone to spirits.
    ahooper's Avatar
    ahooper Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 8, 2008, 03:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    having trouble connecting the Indian find while digging the pond and the rest of the question, AM I missing something, a coonection you are making or asking.

    There are many spirits, I doubt if any are really ghosts but there are spirits and I have seen physical evidence of them on many times. Including actual objects being tossed across a room and certain smells that just appeared. So hearing something can happen, but it can also be our subconscience also.

    I don't know thier contact but there was some paranofmal people in nashville that I talked to a few years ago. you may find them if you look up some web searches, they work day jobs and ghost hunt at night.

    So I guess are you just wanting a yes it is possible you heard something and it is some type of spirit, yes it is very possible. Do you want to hear that you merely dreamed it, yes that is possible also.

    I am not sure what you are looking for in or with an answer here.
    ahooper's Avatar
    ahooper Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 8, 2008, 03:48 PM
    Well,no one can convince me I don't hear these things. They are definitely not in my head. Not if other people are hearing it too. But your definitely right,spirits,not ghosts, I guess ghosts is just another word for spirits. And if it was bad,I guess it would have already done something bad. So, I'm happy it is a pleasant one. Thanks...
    linnealand's Avatar
    linnealand Posts: 1,088, Reputation: 216
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    Jul 17, 2008, 12:46 PM
    Kred, I am trying to understand what the american-indian tool has to do with the rest of the story. Also, there are such things as auditory hallucinations. And I would not say that finding change around your house means you have ghosts putting them there. It doesn't sound to me like you have anything to worry about.

    (I think the only thing that scares me are some of the answers given to you... )

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