Feb 17, 2016, 10:11 PM
Gallbladder surgery
I returned from the doctor today. It appears I have many large gall stones.
The doctor said they had two choices, (not one recommendation)
Choose 1.
They do surgery and remove the entire gallbladder. Cost 8000 RMB
Choose 2
They open the gallbladder up, clean it out, and sew it back up. So you keep the gallbladder. Cost 15,000 RMB
I can find out lots about gallbladder being taken out which appears to be common in the US. It appears just taking out the stones and leaving the gallbladder, is more an Asian thing.
I would like to hear about any of your stories, good things or bad things about getting your gall bladder taken out
Feb 17, 2016, 10:42 PM
Have it taken out. You don't really need it to live a full and productive life.
current pert
Feb 18, 2016, 03:24 AM
Had mine out 10 years ago - in at 9 am, surgery around 11, out as soon as I was coherent, early afternoon. Took 1 narcotic that night and none in the days following. Only felt sore muscles when getting out of bed for a few days.
3 tiny incisions with melting stitches.
Not a single after effect ever.
Adult Sexuality Expert
Feb 18, 2016, 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
I returned from the doctor today. It appears I have many large gall stones.
The doctor said they had two choices, (not one recommendation)
Choose 1.
They do surgery and remove the entire gallbladder. Cost 8000 RMB
Choose 2
They open the gallbladder up, clean it out, and sew it back up. So you keep the gallbladder. Cost 15,000 RMB
I can find out lots about gallbladder being taken out which appears to be common in the US. It appears just taking out the stones and leaving the gallbladder, is more an Asian thing.
I would like to hear about any of your stories, good things or bad things about getting your gall bladder taken out
I would take it out. IF you develop gallstones once, you'll do it again. There are some digestive issues afterwards, but once you know how your body will react, they're easy to manage. Solve the problem for good.
current pert
Feb 18, 2016, 09:10 AM
I didn't have any issues, digestive or otherwise.
Ultra Member
Feb 18, 2016, 09:43 AM
My dad had his out in 2003 and had no issues. He was in overnight I believe.
Feb 18, 2016, 09:44 AM
I know MANY people who have had theirs removed without any issues.
Adult Sexuality Expert
Feb 18, 2016, 09:48 AM
When my wife eats certain things that were okay before the surgery she gets an unhappy bum now.
Uber Member
Feb 18, 2016, 11:11 AM
That's the Fats... you have issues with digesting fats with a malfunctioning or removed Gaul bladder. Wife has one that's marginal now... and as long as she avoids eating very much much of certain foods.. she does fine.
Mother had hers out and has the same issues... I wouldn't say life goes on exactly like before... but after minor adjustments to your diet... it pretty much does. (Minor if you didn't eat a high fat diet before)
Feb 18, 2016, 08:18 PM
Thanks guys, (and gals) that is about the same as my Facebook friends are telling me.
No one day hospital here, (sadly) will be in at least 3 days up to 7 days, but they keep people in the hospital here much longer, where in America we go back for a check up in so many days, here, they often keep you in hospital to that point. But that is just how it is here.
I am waiting till next week, and see how much my insurance will pay, and hope it is better than when I had my eye surgery last year. Will keep you updated.
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