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Title of early 90's or late 80's movie title
[ 21 Answers ]
All I can remember is a boy being taken away from his mom in a clear barrel by NASA guys dressed in white suits. Something about doing experiments on him was needed or something. Please help me out if possible.
Trying to find the name of a show from the 90's
[ 12 Answers ]
It was very similar to the power rangers, but instead of the command center building they had a cave, and instead of zordon there was this glowing fungus bubble thing on a podium, I think they had something to do with the zodiac, possibly not, could be animals, I'm pretty sure I remember "taurus"...
Trying to find a 90's flick. Can't remember the title.
[ 1 Answers ]
This may be a bit vague (I just woke up after dreaming I was in it and I'm sure it's a flick from years ago) but any help would be greatly appreciated!! All I can remember is it's set on an island of some sorts and a group of people hijack a small plane to get there. I can't recall what their...
Early 90's sing-a-long movie.need title.
[ 5 Answers ]
I know this is really random but I remember sitting in daycare always watching this... it's pretty much a sing-a-long from the late 80's to early 90's maybe... let's see it's not animated... I remember one scene being in the middle of their town or whatever and the woman was sitting on a fountain... View more questions Search