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Looking for a late 80's/early 90's cartoon children's movie...
[ 11 Answers ]
I must have seen this movie a hundred times and I have no clue what it is. The characters were creatures of some sort - mice, hedgehogs, something. The little sister of one of the mice, we'll call them for clarity's sake, got really sick and all the mice took her to an old woman mouse in the woods...
Late 80's Early 90's Cartoon movie
[ 5 Answers ]
There was a movie I always used to watch when I was a child. I am 18 now but I watched the movie when I was around... 2 to 4. The movie was about a boy.. I believe his name was Mimo not to be mistaken for Nemo. But a boy named Mimo and.. All I can remember was His bed growing legs and walking...
Early 90's late 80's cartoon movie
[ 6 Answers ]
Hello I was wondering if anyone knew of a movie I have been looking for. It is about a girl who finds a dragon in a mineshaft/railroad cave? And he gives her a pocket watch or something... and later on they have a gathering in the clearing of a forest with all of the other dragons......
Late 70's early 80's kids cartoon movie
[ 2 Answers ]
This has been driving me crazy! I saw this movie when I was about 5 (23 now) and in it there were little orange insect-like-cartoons and they had humps and you needed a certain number of humps to get into this really cool exclusive hangout place so one character faked a hump and maybe got caught. ... View more questions Search