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    disturbed1206's Avatar
    disturbed1206 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 15, 2007, 04:03 PM
    My girlfriend was raped.
    Hey I am 16 and my girlfriend is 15. We have been dating for 6 months now. Well the reason why I joined this thing is to get a little advice about something really serious. Well yesterday night my girlfriend told me she was raped about 1-2 months ago. She told me exactly who did it and where he did. He did it in the lths in the hall during a class. Well I can't stop thinking about what she told me and I don't know what to do about it either and also this kid is always slamming her into walls all the time.She keeps telling me not to do anything about it and to forget about it. But it is not possible because I have been wanting to hurt this kid really bad. Can some one help me out here by giving me ideas on what to do because I honestly don't know anymore.:(
    swirlgirl's Avatar
    swirlgirl Posts: 74, Reputation: 14
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    Mar 15, 2007, 06:35 PM
    She needs to tell the authorities right now! Remember he will continue, do you want someone else's girlfriend to go thru the same thing? Even though it happened a month or two ago it does not matter. PLEASE PLEASE THIS NEEDS TO BE REPORTED! I will pray for you both.
    phoenix1664's Avatar
    phoenix1664 Posts: 226, Reputation: 19
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    Apr 5, 2007, 01:39 AM
    My girlfriend went through the same thing twice one by a famiy member and one by someone els he is dead now (not by me) I would agree withswirlgirl you need to go to the authorities with her or he won't stop, when she told me I wanted nothing more than to smash his face in with a smile on my face but that wouldn't have helped she needs to talk to someone and get it sorted or trust me on this it will haunt her later on in life my girlfriend still cries about it now and it was years ago go to the police or the head teacher or parents speak to someone but speak to them with her.
    I hope this gets sorted out for both your sakes good luck come back if you need any more help.
    yerevan's Avatar
    yerevan Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 8, 2007, 12:45 PM
    You seriously need to go to the police about this.
    I'm sure the principle/headmaster at the school should no about it too, no school I know of has room for a rapist.
    This guy deserves to be locke away. You need to do something before he does it to another girl- or to your girlfriend again.

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