New Member
Jan 16, 2018, 11:26 PM
What do you think about celebrating getting back together with your spouse?
My husband and I separated back in June. In that time we both lived very separate lives. Recently we have gotten back together and are seriously working on things. I'm wondering peoples option on weather or not we should celebrate getting back together?
Thank you!
Pets Expert
Jan 17, 2018, 12:20 AM
Celebrate how? Open a bottle of wine and have a toast? Sure, why not. It is a joyous occasion when two people try to make their marriage work. But I'd keep the celebration between just the two of you. No need to have a big party or a vow renewal or anything like that, especially since you're still in the "working things out" phase.
Good luck.
Jan 17, 2018, 09:12 AM
Of course you should celebrate getting back together. I think that is wonderful if you both want it, have talked it out and are comfortable with it. Why would you ask strangers this question when it is a personal option.
But don't celebrate with a bunch of people' just the two of you.
Uber Member
Jan 17, 2018, 01:35 PM
Celebrate together.. sure, why not... but to invite all your friends and maybe even expect presents (do NOT think that's where it was going however)... no, this isn't an engagement or a wedding.
Jan 17, 2018, 02:06 PM
Privately, why not, may as well create some good memories between you. Among your friends, the big gossip will be "How long will it last this time?". They may be thinking that anyway.
current pert
Jan 17, 2018, 02:13 PM
This may not be fair, but it really is the first thing that entered my mind - the couple in California who were starving their 13 children and many of them were shackled to their beds were fond of 'renewing their vows' on several occasions.
A celebration does not mean a thing about the future. Celebrate when this marriage has WORKED for 20 years. Heck, reduce it to 5 if you want. But think how embarrassing it will be if you break up AGAIN.
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